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Everything posted by Silent

  1. Actually, you can go into any comic shop and have them order it for you. All you need to tell them is the name of the book, that it is in June Previews and that the order # is JUN05 2763 and that you want them to order it. Retailers are used to the trend of customers pre-ordering now that Diamond is so collector-friendly. And if he gives you a hard time, whip out your cutlass and gut him in front of his customers. Thats great thinks
  2. Hey thanks for everything, this is what ive been waiting for for a long time.
  3. Im a first time flint lock buyer and i don't know what to look for really and I want to know whats out there, everything I see is for display and dont fire, do you know of any website where I can find firing flint locks? Thanks for the help mate
  4. (NOTE: News is a bit old, if you find more updated news please share it.) Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3 News From Fred Topel, Two sequels at the same time with Johnny Depp, Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom Jerry Bruckheimer revealed plans for not one, but two sequels to Pirates of the Caribbean. “We made a deal with Gore [Verbinski] to do 2 and 3. We made a deal with [Ted] Elliot and [Terry] Rossio who rewrote the first film. They did an outline for 2 and 3. They’re writing number 2 right now and we’re negotiating with all the actors.” Bruckheimer plans to shoot the two Pirates sequels simultaneously (“That’s the plan. It could change, but that’s the plan.”) and have the story continue between the two sequels. “It will be continuing, but you’ll definitely have an end at the end of two. The story will pick up again in three.” Though they are negotiating, Bruckheimer is confident that the lead actors will return. “Johnny [Depp]’s really excited about doing it. You can ask Keira [Knightley]. I think she’s excited about doing it and we’d love to have Orlando [bloom] back. He’s told Gore he wants to do it. So it comes down to if you can financially afford them because they’ve all become bigger stars than they were when we first started three years ago.” And Geoffrey Rush? “That’s going to be a secret. I’m not going tell you, but we have plans.” Bruckheimer also hinted that the adventure could expand beyond the Caribbean. “It’ll still be the Caribbean and we might go to Thailand, to the far east.” For her part, Knightley had not heard the plans to do two sequels at once. “Really?” she asked. “There you go. That will be exciting. I hadn’t heard any total confirmation. You’ve got more information than I have.” Still, Knightley confirmed interest. “I think we all had such a fantastic time in the first one and I think everybody’s desperate to do the second. And I know that the writers are writing away on it so it will be fabulous.” (DIFFERENT SITE NOTES) Release Date: July 7th, 2006 (wide) Release Date Note: (3/23/05) Disney is aiming for July 7th, 2006, which is just two days shy of being the third anniversary of the release of the first movie. Title Note: (3/24/04) There's a very strong likelihood that the final title will include a subtitle similar to the first movie's 'The Curse of the Black Pearl.' Cinescape reported a rumor recently that the subtitle might be 'Treasures of the Lost Abyss' (with "The Abyss" possibly being the name of the very first pirate ship in the Caribbean), but that's not confirmed yet. (3/23/05) The subtitle will be 'Dead Man's Chest.' MPAA Rating Note: (3/23/04) Nothing's official until the MPAA sees the final cut, but it is extremely likely that Disney will aiming for a PG-13 rating similar to the one granted to the first film. Distributor: Walt Disney Pictures Production Company: Jerry Bruckheimer Films (King Arthur, National Treasure) Visual Effects Company: Industrial Light & Magic (Iron Man, Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events) Cast: Johnny Depp (Captain Jack Sparrow), Orlando Bloom (Will Turner), Keira Knightley (Elizabeth Swann); other cast not announced yet. Cast Notes: (3/24/04) Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley were all quickly signed on for this sequel after the success of the first movie, but there's no word yet about what other supporting actors might return. There are likely to be new cast members as well. The British tabloids have been running stories about Keith Richards, who inspired Johnny Depp's performance, as coming aboard to play a pirate, but that should be considered strictly just a rumor until someone like Jerry Bruckheimer confirms it. Director: Gore Verbinski (The Ring, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, Mouse Hunt, The Mexican) Screenwriter: Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio (cowriters of Shrek, Aladdin, The Mask of Zorro, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; they've also got National Treasure coming soon) Based Upon: (3/24/04) This is, of course, the sequel to the surprise blockbuster hit of summer, 2003, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, which grossed $305 million theatrically in the U.S. for a worldwide theatrical gross of over $600 million. That movie was loosely inspired by the long-running Disney theme park ride (though not really directly "based upon" it). This is actually one of *two* planned sequels, with the third movie possibly being filmed back-to-back with this one at the same time in 2005 (although the three stars are not yet signed on for that possible third movie). Premise: (3/24/04) The exact details of this film aren't yet known, but it's likely to depict the continuing adventure of Captain Jack Sparrow (Depp), and the young couple (Bloom, Knightley) who discovered they have piracy in their blood and hearts in the first movie. Filming: (3/24/04) Production is scheduled to start in the Caribbean in January, 2005. There is a strong possibility that this movie may actually filmed back-to-back with 'Pirates of the Caribbean 3.' What's it about? The second installment will follow Captain Jack Sparrow as he tries to resolve a blood debt to the legendary Davey Jones, ruler of the ocean depths and captain of the ghostly Flying Dutchman. If Jack can not figure a crafty way out of this one, he will be cursed to an afterlife of eternal servitude and damnation. And as if that were not enough, Captain Jack's problems throw a huge wrench into the wedding plans of the blissful Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann, who quickly find themselves thrust into Jack's misadventures. If anyone finds out anymore info or pictures ect ect go ahead and post them here.
  5. I would have to say you are right, the second one is a lot better looking
  6. Were can I be picking this up at
  7. Bad luck with the ladies
  8. where would that be? Im willing to travle about 200 or 300 miles out of my way, as long as there is a hotel
  9. Blindness (On the news it says its making people go blind)
  10. where ever is closer to me, ill be in Rentz GA in about a month living there
  11. I love this website, great stuff!!! http://caboots.zoovy.com/category/mp/
  12. Jimmy Buffett - A Pirate Looks At Forty Tears for Beers - Drunken Sailor
  13. No, I know it's rotting away, just keep as much as they can together would be great. Ok, so I remember the whole battle that Edward had, but I don't remember reading about how the ship went down, can someone tell me that part.
  14. Hugh......? but thats how they figure that sorta stuff out....... or did I totaly missunderstand that....? Well what I mean is just chop it up and disrespect it with out a care. I hope they keep the ship whole if it can be, I know it's been under for so long, but that wouldn't be good if it just feel apart. Understand what Im saying?
  15. Thanks for the info, sometimes I feel really lucky to have such fine pirates as yourselfs to be around
  16. Where can I find some shanties to listen to?
  17. Thats the coolest thing I've heard in a long long long time, BlackBeard is one of my favorites. I just hope they don't chop it up for science.
  18. Slipt pea soup (i think i spelled that right?)
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