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Everything posted by Silent

  1. Is the loneliest number
  2. I don't know about where you are, but this heat it killing me, some fresh fruit would be nice.
  3. I fergot me list, hmmm -England -Australia -The Caribbean (doesnt matter, im not picky) -Hawaii -Japan -China (to see the Shaolin Temple)
  4. Wouldnt ya' be afread yer stuff being lost?
  5. now thats just I call a meal
  6. Just had some really hard brakeable jerky, yet it did leave a good after taste in me mouth, then some breadstick things with cheese, the kind that come in the packs... Now it's time fer some swedish fish candy
  7. *walks to the door yawning and streching* "I be takin off, thanks fer the drinks, jokes, dances, and good times. I'll be back when the time is right" *Grabs a bit of bread and some OJ and walks out the door, stops just outside, looking up at the bright sky, takes a breath of the refreshing morning air as the sun beats down on his face* "Looks like it's going to be a fine day, a fine day indead" *Starts to walk again*
  8. Haha, I've always wanted to go off the shore of Queensland and go snorkeling over the great barrier riff. Funny, never really thought about it, I can snorkel, but I can't swim, also my zodiac sign is aquarius ...oh yea right, riff.
  9. Oh well, dose'nt hurt to try
  10. Ever try coffee with hot-coco mix, taste really good.
  11. I ordered this catalog a while back I love it. Great website, great place to buy stuff with that ocean-sea feel to it. www.EverythingNautical.com They have Pirate stuff to! "Perfect for patio or deck" "Add tropical fun to your deck or dock party" "Let us personalize a flag just for you" "Set sail with your favorite ship decor" "Decorative gifts of wood and brass"
  12. You can learn alot about a person from what they eat, atleast I've heard that somewhere . Well, whats the last thing you put in your pie-whole? Or what yea'be eating right now? For me, toast, it's 5:33am so I had toast.
  13. My Father use to tell me story's about when him and a friend would go to the pet store, and this is when it had a monkey, anyway they would give it gum and cigarettes.
  14. "Ahy, with many more years fer eating'in drink'in" *lifts mug and pounds on table "Three cheers fer William"**sits back down* "Now I can only stay fer dinner then I'm off, wont be the last time yer'all see me, you can count on that"
  15. "Ah, thanks fer the kind hospitality, I don't see why I haven't shown up sooner." *Sits back enjoying his meal as he watches the dancing* "Now, would yea like me ta pay fer me visit today William?"
  16. *knocks on door* "This be me first time here, I hear it's a hell'of a place!" "Wont be staying, just wondering if I could stop by fer a bite and a mug of rum, then I be on my way?"
  17. "The Magic Of The Wizard`s Dream" (http://www.mightyrhapsody.com/)
  18. Parisian nightlife
  19. So I'll be living in Ga soon, about 2 hours away from the ocean *jumps fer joy* but if I would want to go to the PiPF I would still have to fly. This is what im wondering, how do you take swords and guns on the plane? Also when you get there or any gathering/festavel what are the rules about having such things on your person in public? As being a first timer and havent been to any gatherings I'd greatly love to know, since I don't already. Thanks for any help giving, here be one on me.
  20. Cans ("stay away from the cans, he hates cans"from The Jerk)
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