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La Merfaucon

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Everything posted by La Merfaucon

  1. Salut, Monsieur Wake. The hour is early so a strong cup of cafe' noir et un eclair, s'il vous plait? You are walking more comfortable after disposing of those old boots, non? Very nice new ones, bravo! And the same size this time.
  2. Merci beaucoup, Mademoiselle Christine! There is room at my table if you care to join. One can never be surrounded by too many friends or have too much good wine. /Takes a bite of just arrived meal and closes eyes relishing the flavor/ Formidable, Monsieur Wake!! Another bottle of Pernod, s'il vous plait. Merci!
  3. Bonjour, Mademoiselle Merrydeath! Would you care to keep me company? Monsieur Wake, the choice in Pernod is excellent! If the quiche is as good, my compliments to the cook.
  4. Pardon, Monsieur Wake. I am newly arrived and famished from my journey. An order of Quiche Loraine sounds wonderful. May I also have a glass of Pernod, s'il vous plait? Merci!
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