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Posts posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. Asukaru, conjunctivitis (pink eye) is VERY easy to get, although you are correct that oftentimes it is children who have it. I worked many years ago at NC's school for the blind and got it 3 times. Someone in public or a co-worker could have had it, rubbed her/his eye, touched something that you then touched. It's easy to get and thankfully easy to clear up with Rx ointment. Feel better!

  2. "Ciaran, they be comin' out o'the cave!" John McGuinty said as he and the older lookout both watched through their glasses. "And there be two women, not jes the one."

    Nodding his head, Ciaran said, "Aye, indeed ye be right, lad. I reckon they be the only two who survived the shipwreck or what'er disaster occurred here."

    As the party slowly made their way from the cave back toward the longboat, the rain slowed, then stopped. The sky continued brightening a bit and a hint of sunlight broke through the clouds, casting a rainbow o'er the little island La Blaquilla.

    "Arr!," said John. "Me ole granny would've said, 'that be where the little people hid their gold', thar at the end o'that rainbow."

    Thinkin' of the Lady Ilex and her mysterious wealth, Ciaran chuckled to himself and looked down to see if the Captain were lookin' at the rainbow.

  3. He was an old Gordon Setter I've had for along time. I think 14 years. Just lay down and went away it seems.

    Sounds as if he went quietly and peacefully -- something to be thankful for. Keep his memory alive, Capt. Bo, as ye celebrate his life and yer years together. Take good care of yerself, too, mate.

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