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Posts posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. Shrimp!

    No, sorry, not ye, Arthur, I was referrin' to the special today. :lol:

    (sorry, mate, couldn't resist)

    I'll have a plate full, William. And a drink o'his choice for the good man from Kent.

  2. Packed and ready to roll. Have a busy weekend of storytelling in the NC mountains, one being a festival for 2nd and 3rd graders, the other a professional retreat.

    Have to arise at 5AM Friday and be on the road by 6AM. :lol:

    But am very excited and ready.

  3. Illegals.. go home, find a proper way to get in and be patient. If you can't get in I think that's telling you something there. Don't ruin it for those who are here legally!

    Exactly, Lady B!

    My housemate (and former lover) is a Canadian, who came to this country to study and work over ten years ago. He did everything legally, first obtaining his student visa, then getting his Green Card, then just last week finally obtained his U.S. Citizenship. All during that time, he paid into the U.S. Social Security system, paid for his own health care, obeyed the laws, and did the entire process legally. He is so thrilled to now be a citizen of America!

    So, I fully concur that those wishing to receive the benefits of our country and all she offers do so legally, follow the rules, go the legal route by obtaining a work or student visa, Green Card, and then finally citizenship.

  4. I don't feel like myself at all. Too sedate and introverted. Even a bit of rum and some Flogging Molly doesn't sound that good.

    Oh my god! Mad Jack has been abducted by aliens and replaced by a pod person! :o

    (Ciaran runs to the Confessional Closet to perform an exorcism on Jack!)


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