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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. Very heavy stuff she is dealing with. I shall keep her in my prayers, Lady Snow.
  2. shootout at the OK Corral
  3. Arr, I be needin' a drink. William, a double shot of the strongest whisky ye have, Sir. (places crowns on counter)
  4. (Even from above, the Lookout could clearly see the stunned looks upon each of the returning party's faces, as the news of the deaths was told. Save for the sound of their feet upon the deck and the lapping of the waves, the ship seemed as quiet as if abandoned.)
  5. Great China Wall
  6. Feeling GREAT! Just returned from seeing the specialist and he says that I have healed fine from the recent hernia surgery and everything 'down there' is well. So, drinks all around. Me treat.
  7. (Ciaran waved down to the Captain and watched with anticipation as the boat drew nearer. Under normal circumstances, the return of these crew members would be a reason for celebration, but as Ciaran glanced down at the two wrapped bodies awaiting burial, he sighed heavily.)
  8. Please join me, Lady Snow. I trust ye are well tonight. The cookies and tea are great. Makes me feel all civilized.
  9. (Ciaran stares at the no-bake cookies fer the longest time, then hesitantly picks one up) Hmmm, looks like somethin' I could fire from me cannon. Oh, sorry Captain Red Wake! (Ciaran quickly pops the cookie in his mouth)
  10. Rummy -- I LOVE yer new signature banner. Very cool.
  11. French Vanilla yogurt
  12. Christine, if'n yer head starts spinnin' around, best take that jacket off!
  13. Arr, I love pot stickers and almond cookies. Maybe jes some hot tea to wash it down with.
  14. It must be their first one 'cause it's jes called 'Great Big Sea'. From 1993, although reissued in 2004. I love their more modern version of 'Drunken Sailor'!
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