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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. ^ owns a Pyracy.com stein.
  2. Did I swear and curse?
  3. Here I am and what do I have?
  4. Okay, so I'll go first, since I be the token queer pirate here in the Pub. Arr. First of all, I think that it be difficult fer us to transport our 21st century morals, attitudes and thoughts on the subject of buggery to 16th, 17th, and 18th century society. Sexual secrecy was certainly much more the case then than now. Today gay men and women, as well as bisexuals, or people who simply enjoy sex with their own gender are much more visible, especially in all forms of media. I do believe that buggery existed on pirate and naval ships. However, I do not believe that 'every man broke down at some point' and engaged in male to male sex. In fact, I would guess the number who did to remain low, but yet higher than the norm because of the long times at sea. I think one area of today that we can compare is the prison population, which has a much higher degree of same sex activity than the general population. Common sense should prevail here that if guys are locked up or kept together for very long periods of time, the temptation (for those who could be tempted) to engage in such activity would be greater. If one believes that people are simply not 100% straight or 100% gay, but are somewhere at different points on a scale of attraction, then it becomes much easier to believe that, yes, some people could engage in sexual activity with the same sex under certain circumstances, while others would not. I do NOT believe that the fear of punishment or the Law would have deterred many men. How much did sodomy laws, even in this country, deter such sexual activity? In the height of desire or passion, people will follow nature more often than not. One other thought about piracy and sodomy that comes to mind as I type is that, of course, pirates were not the sweet little Johnny Depp characters from the movies, but were more often scoundrels, criminals, misfits. I think if ye take an element of men who were from such a mix, combine that with periods of drinking and carousing, and throw in not having sex for long periods of time, living in tight quarters and possessing a 'devil be damned' attitude, ye might get a man who is a little more willing to engage in mischievous behaviour. One resource that folks might like to read is the book, "Sodomy and the Pirate Tradition" by B. R. Burg. NYU Press. It's a bit of a scholarly read, but quite interesting. Cheers, mates.
  5. visually impaired
  6. Ahoy and Welcome to ye, Captain Bo. Ye've sailed into the best port any pirate could desire. We have many things to do and see here in the Pub, so don't be shy...check out the numerous rooms and corridors. Madeira! Gramercy. I'll have a glass. Cheers! Captain Ciaran from North Carolina
  7. We don't have Albertson's in North Carolina. I'll try the Kroger and Harris-Teeter. If they are a hit our west, surely they will work their way eastward. What cereal would you compare it to taste-wise, Christine? (I'm imagining something like Capt. Crunch!)
  8. I've not even seen POC cereal, so must check it out next time I be at the grocery store. I be eatin' homemade cream o'broccoli soup and French bread.
  9. Captain Booty seems to have abandoned us to our own devices, so Christine, give us two new words, luv.
  10. The largest reconstructed fortress in North America is under seige again. Fortress Louisbourg, located along the eastern shore of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, is the scene of an archeological scramble, as a recent storm washed away shoreline to reveal a long portion of the fort's original wall of 1735. Louisbourg was France's great sentinel against the British in Cape Breton. Here be a link to the news report by the CBC: Fortress Louisbourg I have visited Louisbourg twice in recent years and find it absolutely spellbinding, truly one of the greatest reconstructed fortresses in the world.
  11. Rummy, ye were missed whilst away. Very sorry to hear that ye are feelin' so awful. I would bet that the stress from havin' to keep vigil at the hospital (as well as jes bein' around hospital germs) has contributed to yer cold. Try to rest. I hope ye feel better soon and that everything works out fer the best fer the family member in the hospital.
  12. Jelly from aloe helps skin that's rough as sand.
  13. Slow to awaken this mornin'.
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