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Stynky Tudor

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Everything posted by Stynky Tudor

  1. 2023 Beaufort Pirate Invasion, NC
  2. 2023 Beaufort Pirate Invasion, NC
  3. 2023 Beaufort Pirate Invasion, NC
  4. 2023 Beaufort Pirate Invasion, NC
  5. until

    I bet the weather is a lot cooler too.
  6. I brought my jacket (sleeved waistcoat) and a (light) farby pirate coat. At Fort Conde, I took out the jacket to do repairs, intending to sew on lost buttons. I ended up leaving it out on a blanket with the first few attachment stitches and a mismatched button, the needle and thread still attached. But I never wore it. At Fort Gaines, I had it hanging off my tent ridge beam or laying in my tent - it was way too hot to bother with. For Beaufort, I didn't even bring the jacket with me, though I did wear my farby coat Saturday evening, after the majority of Ophelia had blown through.
  7. SCORE!!! Just rescued this from Lisa's donation pile. Medium to heavy weight, I figure it'll make good slops and waistcoats. The light weight lining is linen too, looks good enough for shirts.
  8. Well some of us (me) are still in recovery mode - I'll head back to Utah in another week or so to drop off Mercury Camp stuffs, probably won't get back to Oregon mid/late October. I'd like to bring my (adult 30 year old) daughters and their partners to our next event. I need to move them out of their ren garb and into proper pirate garb. That's 4 sets of waistcoats and slops at the minimum. Plus when I was on Bald Head Island, I got a couple firm hat commissions and a couple unconfirmed. So it's looking like I'm going to be busy over winter and on into spring...
  9. until

    It might be a bit of a ways inland from the sea for pirates, but this event and site looks marvelous!
  10. I saw that you had a Stitch plushy sitting upright in the back of the your car - thought it was hilarious.
  11. Halfpint, I miss you too! I still need to recover financially from my 2023 Pirate Event Tour, plus I still need to gather everybody's sizes - I sent you a PM.
  12. I guess a board is useful, at least for walking all over! Or smacking people upside the head.
  13. Everybody, let's give a big round of applause to madPete! Has been demoted from being a useful deck hand on the Pub to one of our company board members. He was instrumental in organizing and making the event at Fort Gaines happen. Thank you again for all your hard work.
  14. After talking with Braze further, it turns out he named his blunderbuss, Precious - My Precious.
  15. Hey Halfpint, I hope you wont stop making shirts now that the 2023 Massacre Island Fort Gaines event is over. The shirt you made and was donated to the auction was awesome! I'm in need of another 4 shirts, various sizes for some (adult) kids that are looking to come out and play pirates with us (hopefully) next year. Thank you again for your wonderful work!
  16. Sutler John, it was so good to be yelling at you over Tartan Jack's phone! We're so sorry to hear about what you're going through. Please know we're all routing for you. Fair winds my friend.
  17. La station de Michal Bagley, interprète français du Mercury Crew.
  18. Tutor Smith's secondary station.
  19. Noice, Captain Jim's Station at Fort Conde.
  20. From a different 9 year, "Are you a Pirate Maid?" This was actually asked of me at the 2023 Beaufort Pirate Invasion a couple weeks later, but still part of my whirl wind 2023 Pirate Event Tour.
  21. Considering I spent most of the day there, I'd say I think we did or I did anyway.
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