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Roger the Red

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Everything posted by Roger the Red

  1. Thankee,Bess- Assumin this is the same Link We couldn't Access back at PRP site- as Far as I'm Concerned- the More POTC to ride the Jollier-I mean, if Ye REALLY thinks About it, even the Original Portrays What would be a pretty Terrifying Event if You was A Townsperson-PC version or No- Good thing We're Pirates- uh, Privateers, I Means- and Don't Hafta Sift the Ashes of Our Town.Sure, but that was only the Reality of the Situation- What's it got to Do wit' Anyt'ing? Yer Servant, Madam-Roger the Red
  2. John- though We Ain't Never Met, I will Honor thy Wish and Never Use "Au-" well, You Know- Again. There is A flipside to That Coin, Sir- But I'm Assumin' Yer an Intelligent Fella, and I doesn't Wish to get into any P*ssin' Contests. Fair Winds and Followin' Seas, Roger the Red
  3. Aye, Gold Teeth are an Asset- But only if Ye've Got a Pair o' Pliers-
  4. Ahoy, Mates- Out Here we Doesn't Call 'em "Stitch Counters"- We Terms 'em "Authenticity Nazis" with all the endearment that Term Implies-Bottom Line- We all Does the Best We can at the Given Time-We Learns and Grows as We goes, Pays What We can Afford (right...) and Like that. And the Term is Re-en-ACT-ing- it's a Performance Mate, Ye Ain't Back in the Bleedin' Golden Age! I Prefers a Good Performer, Properly Garbed or No- to a Boring Museum Quality Replica- and in Parting, do Ye Know what the Real and Actual Pirates of the Golden Age wore in the West Indies? Oft times, Nary a Stitch. Yers, Roger "the Red" Cochoran of the Port Royal Privateers.
  5. Ahoy, Merrydeath, Paisley and Welcome Hugh, and Well Met,Sir- Ladies, Ye Are Both Loverly - Young enough, But Old Enough to Know Better and to Care- Aye, We All Loves to Flirt and Play, But I agrees wit Merrydeath regardin' Cradle Robbers- They Be Scum. And Hugh Could Tell Ya One about Me- Though it Wasn't but an Observation, Still I felt Like a Right Sh*te when He Told Me the Female in Question was Younger than Me Daughter- I Can't Plead Innocence, Like Paisley- Drunkeness, Perhaps? Anyway, Ms. P- I knows Yer 33 and I'm Sure Yer a Right Fyne Mum as Well- And Aye Loverly Merry-Got an 18 Yr Old Son Also- Ol' Rog will be Hittin' the Big 5-0 this April- an I finally figgered Out what I wants ta be when I grows up- A PYRATE! Fair winds to Ye- Roger the Red
  6. This Be in reference to Longarm's posting of Oct. 18th of Last Year- Firstly, Well Met, Sir-I believe We Had the Pleasure at PIP in Key West, if I'm not Very Much Mistaken- which I Oft Times am- But Anyway, I believe the Song Ye Seek May Be "Sir Andrew Barton" which According to "The Book of Pirate Songs" by Stuart M. Frank, is Possibley the Earliest Surviving Pirate Ballad in the English Language and a Direct Ancestor of the Better Known, More Oft Performed "Henry Martin"The Tune Associated with this Song is a Scottish Jig , "The Fair Flower of Northumberland" and it is a Child's Ballad, #167 to be Specific. I cannot Type Out all 66 Stanzas for You, But I will go the First Four: When Flora, with Her fragrant flowers, Bedeckt the earth so trim and gay, And Neptune, with his dainty Showers, Came to present the month of May King Henry Would a-hunting ride; Over the river of Thames past he, Upon a mountain-top also Did walk,some pleasure for to see. Where forty Merchants he espy'd, With fifty sail, come towards him, Who then no sooner were arriv'd, But on their Knees did thus complain. "An't please Your Grace, we cannot sail To France no voyage ,to be sure, But Sir Andrew Barton makes us Quail, And robs us of our merchant-ware." Did Your Grandfathers Song Go anything Like That? All the Best to You Always- Brant Johnson, AKA Roger the Red of the Port Royal Privateers
  7. Ahoy, Bess-Roger the Red Again-Escaped The Disney Torture Chamber I Did and I was Wonderin' if You'd Told Anybody Here What They was Build- Oi! Not You Lot Again! (Sounds of a Scuffle as Roger is Choked and Beaten Unconcious, then Dragged off by the D.S.P. Who tie Him to a chair and Make Him Ride "Its a Small World" for Twelve Hours Straight To Be Continued- Himself
  8. Ahoy Patrick and Damn,Sir-There ain't No Place I doesn't run up on Ye these Days. But, No Matter-Yer always well Met, Sir. Now, maybe Me Brudder Olaf was a Bit on the Soggy Side that Day, But Not Ol' Red- 'cept for that Good Key West Sweat We All had Goin'-Sweatin' out the Alcohol-Which is what Said Picture is Actually About- Replacing the Essential Rum that One Loses to Perspiration in Them Tropical Climes, Don't Ye Know-and Sharin' a taste wit' Me Siblin' there- asI recall He Opined that"It ain't Quite Elixir, But T'will Serve for Now" And if Every Word Ain't True, Then I'm a Liar. Yr's For A Gold Chain or a Wooden Leg, Roger the Red of the PRP
  9. Aye, Merrydeath- She is A Baby Face- But as the Father of a 16 Yr Old Daughter, I agrees with Ye Regardin' the Quote. And I Would Hope the Loverly and Intelligent, Albeit Baby-Faced, Ms. Paisley Might find Someone with a Little Substance than Kid Rock to Quote. Speakin' o which Ye be Quite Youthful Lookin' Yerself, Merry-Was Ye a Childe Bride Then? Sure, and 'tis none of Me Bidness, I knows...Well, the Golden State is Dryin' Out after a Week of the Devils Own Rain- Oh, Sh*te- I'm Talkin' 'Bout the Weather-I've Become Me Own Grandfather (Sigh) Til Next Time-Play Nice, Children
  10. Ahoy, Iron Bess-Tis Roger the Red of the PRP- Hope Yer Picture's Improvin'- Don't Know What Ye've Shared Here, So I Best Not Write about...Huh-Wha...GET OFF ME YA LOUTS ( Sounds of a Struggle as RtR is Dragged off for Torture by the Disney Secret Police) -Himself
  11. Oi! What's All This Then?! Me an' Olaf ain't got No Relationship-We're Brothers-Long Lost to Each other Through a Series of Strange and Fateful Events (which I ain't quite fabricated Yet) and Reunited in Paradise December Last. And What's all this about some "Elixir",Hmmm? Are Ye Messin' with Potions and the Like, Me Brother? Remember what Happened Last Time? Well, do Ya?- Cause I ain't got no Clue, that's fer Sure. I sent that there Picture o' Me checkin' Ya for Ear Mites to Mistress Merrydeath-if the Wench don't Share, will send to Ya Later. Mom sends Her Love-at least, I think She was Your Mom too- There were so Many. Well, I ain't Got Sh*te else to offer at the Moment, so Fair Winds for Now-Yer Brother, Roger the Red
  12. To All Me Jolly POTC's- Ahoy! Ms. Paisley-Perhaps it's Ye Better Sit on My Lap, Lass- less Ye Fancies Rollin' about in a Wheel Chair the Rest o' Yer Life- On Second thought-Maybe Not- the Wife don't like Me Consortin' wit Underage Women ( 32 Me Arse!) To Me Long lost Brudder-Aye, Ye Rapscallion! How be Ye, Me Fyne Young Sir- There's a Picture Circulatin' on Our Sites o' Ye an Me- Looks Like I were Cleaning Your Ear with Me Tounge- I Knew I wuz Drunk, But Blimey! Told Ms. Merrydeath I'd Forward any Pics from Paradise Featuring You Lot as They Surface. Hope to See Ye all on the Key Again Next November, if not before- Fair Winds and a Followin' Sea ta Ye All , Roger the Red
  13. Ahoy, Mistress Paisley- Thankee so Much , Lass for Sharin' Yer Pics from Key West- I wish We was All still There- Are Ye Sure Yer not 19? Yr's, Roger "the Red" Cochoran
  14. To all Me Mates From Paradise- Ahoy! 'Tis Roger the Red of The Port Royal Privateers Here- Where can an Ol' Sailorman get a Drink ?
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