Roger the Red
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Everything posted by Roger the Red
Ahoy, Mistress Paisley- good to see Ya Postin' again... RtR
Ya Does Excellent Work, Sir. RtR
Mates, the more Ye Learn, the More Ye Learn there is to Learn-if Ye Takes My Meanin'. RtR
In days of Old when Nights Was Cold and Warmth did Pirates Desire They Used Tinderbox or Sparks From Flintlocks To Start Themselves a Fire RtR
Shuffle-board- -Retirement Home... RtR
Feeling strangely contented at the Moment-Just ate Dinner-Good Mac and Cheese, Dear, Thanks-Got a Law and Order on the Box whilst I'm Cruisin' the Pyracy Pub-readin' all Yer Posts-Things Seem Ok right now... RtR
They Are kinda Stoopid, Mary- Well, two out o' the Three-One's wearin' what looks like a Diaper, the Second Brandishin' a Blade with Her Frock Coat open and Nuthin' underneath-But the Third is Quite Nice, A Pistol in each Hand, Respectfully Garbed-Not that I Doesn't Like the Pyratica "Girly" Art and Such,Ya Knows... RtR
The Figures in the First Post of this Thread are by Conte Collectibles-and They Are Top Quality Pre- painted 56mm Metal Figures. At 2 to 2-1/2 inches tall, they are Twice the Size of Wargaming Figures.For Their Size, the Foundry Figures Are wonderfully Detailed. Osprey Books are excellent Guides for Modellers and Re-enactors-The Elite Series Features 3 Pirate-related Volumes: Elizabethan Sea Dogs-Pirates(17th C.) and Pirates and Privateers(18th C.) I got Several of the Conte sets off Ebay a While Back-It CAN be done... RtR
aye and i supose you had nothin to do wit dat at tall did ye Ya Know, Mary-I been Married So Long that Whenever a Woman Accuses Me o' Somethin' I Automatically Pleads Guilty...So, Aye, Mistress- I Be Zombie Mary's Father-and 'tis Proud of Me Undead Daughter I am. RtR
Ahoy,Red- Singapore also at one time had a Reputation as a Port of Exotic and Somewhat Sophisticated Sexual Debauchery-at Least From the Viewpoint of Occidental visitors in the Days of Old. I believe it is in this Spirit Captain Sparrow makes His Throwaway Remark- but, Then I Believe in Lots of Dumb things-True Love, Possibility of Peace on Earth-Crap Like That, Y'Know- Yer Olde Crewmate(And Pain in the Keester) RtR
First She Was Chaste And then She was Chased And Soon Was Her Chastity Laid to Waste RtR
Then there was that Whole" Turning into a Pirate Zombie' thing-I Mean, Really... RtR
Ye Means Ye Used to Be CHASTE, Methinks Merry- But then You was Out of the Running... RtR
bends to whisper in Merry's Ear " If Ye Chase Them, They'll Run-But if YOU run..." RtR
I calls Me Piratin' Clothes "Henry"-They don't seem to Mind... RtR
And Ye Are a Loverly Woman, Merry- Like a Wine Mellowed to Maturity-Ye Have Charecter and Wisdom, M'Lady, to Compliment Your Physical Beauty-Old Enough To Know a few things, But Still Young at Heart- RtR
Ahoy, Bess-It's Been ever so Long-Hours Even- Since I've Shared M'Lady's Sweet Company-Ye Were in wonderful Voice Today, Madam. RtR
I heard it Was "Vinnie"... But,seriously Folks... RtR
Ahoy, Hornsby- And Now, does I Have to Share this Sight with Ya, Too- Sure and I kid Ya, Lad- Well Met Ye Are, indeed. Have Ye Been up to Initiation Rites Yet? C'mon up and I'll Buy Ye a Virtual Drinke-Some Apple Cyber, maybe. Lotsa Yer Old Friends from Paradise, Lotsa Fyne Women- Aye, WOMEN, Horn-Dog- I Knew that'd get Yer Attention... See Ye 'round the Pub- RtR
Thankee,Thankee- Most Kind... and Comin' from Such a Prolific Poet as Yerself-I'd Doff Me Hat to Ya, PPhil- But the Glare from Me Bald Spot Might Blind Ye RtR
Aye,sure Children- I'm Blessed With a Pair There's Me Son With His Wild Flowing Hair And Me Daughter, Well She's Tryin' to turn Japanese Now Ye Knows Why I drink Rum and Swear RtR
Ta-Ta-Ta, Ms. LaFey...Let us Not Jump to Conclusions- I said there is a Good Possibilty MS. Rose MIGHT not Go, as Per Her own Words- Which Means She MIGHT, Depending...Either Way, this Does not Preclude Captain Michael's attending- He Said Nothing either Way. Nor, Even if Our Esteemed Ms. Rose did not go this Year-Would 2004 Necessarily be Her Last PIP- You Know I Loves Ya, Lil-But Yer Readin' too Much Into Me Words. Til Next, Yer Particular Friend- :ph34r:RtR
Blackhearted Pearl, et al- Ahoy- I takes it upon Meself to amend what Me Particular Friend Ms. Lillie Wrote in Good Faith- Ms. Rose May Quite Possibley not Attend PIP 05- and I have this from Jamaica Herself- it Follows that She most Probably would not act as Liason for any PRPs planning to Go- That Was an Arraingment between Jamaica Rose and Julie McEnroe- who is No Longer Co-ordinating this Event. So the Arraignments for Paradise 05 may be Quite different-all will be Revealed... RtR
Just as a Side Note- I'm Pleased and Impressed with All of You's and the Direction You're taking it in-It's Your Story Now-Run,Mary,Run! RtR
Thank-You, Mary- that Was Lovely- Unfortunately, I 've Had too Much time to Think, So.... AN ALTERNATIVE EPILOUGE: They stood and Watched as the Pirate Vanished before Their Eyes- For a Long Moment, No-one Moved- Standing as if in Tableau-Then.. "What the Hell was that?" the One called Tito asked, Shaking his Head in Disbelief. "Man, I Knew We Were Drunk But..." Added the Rouge Mermaid "Was that for Real?" Merrydeath Queried And Suddenly They were All Talking At Once- Questioning, Trying to Explain away the Phenomena- All Rattling On in an Excited Din- All Except Mary Bonney, Who Stared Out to Sea long after the Others had Stopped. Slowly She Lowered Her Eyes to the Sand at Her Feet-Then Slowly Bent to The Sand to Lift the Mariners Ancient Sword- It felt like a Living thing in Her Hand as She Rose once More and Held It before the Fire's Light. It was then that She felt the Hand on Her Elbow and Heard Tito's Voice "C'mon Mary- Forget about Him -It would never have Worked.." He Joked Without a concious Thought- acting on Pure Instinct, She Wheeled about-Out of His grip , and As She Turned She Swung the Cutlass in a Wide Arc- For all it's Rust and Corrosion, the Blade was Still remarkabley Sharp-and It Sliced through Tito's Pinky Finger taking off the Tip at the The First Joint.. "What the ..." He Shouted in Surprised Pain- and They All Rushed Forward crying "Mary..Why..." They Stopped in Their Tracks When They saw Her Eyes- Catlike, Glowing the Color of Gold...And then She Spoke, in a Voice like Gail Winds ripping the Sails of Square Rigger "Aye- " She Hissed " And that Be Bloody Mary Bonney for Now on, Mates". (With Apologies To Capt. Tito and All- Especially Ms. Mary) RtR