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Tempest Fitzgerald

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Everything posted by Tempest Fitzgerald

  1. I can say on good authority, that belly dancers still flourish here in Tx. Though just because the title is belly dance, I truly wish some would not show so much of theirs. I am sure it has much to do with the heat here. Such adornments are much more tollorable in order to withstand the temps.
  2. The Beatles~ Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
  3. LOL!!!! (Uncle Teddy) Big stick
  4. Slowly things around the cottage were regaining normal cadance, those who had crowded yard and bush had dispersed in sepperate directions on errands of whim or duty. Sabastian had watched after the small departing party until rounding of bend robbed view. The day's overatures had left him drained, but he could not help but allow a slight show of smile to lit on drawn expression remembering Sterling's act of gallant. Casting a glance to upper story window, he saw that younger sibling still lingered; leaning outward to catch glimpse what could not be seen. As Aurore began to withdraw from outer exposure, they had met eyes briefly in silent understanding. Movement to peripheral left caught Sabastian's attention and he pivoted a degree to Delaney's approach. "Bucephalus is standin' ready an' I used the plain tack as you asked." "Merci...I will be leaving within the next half hour. I am not aware at this point if Andre' will return this night or not. If so, be so kind as to keep the events of this day under wrap and make sure all are knowledged of my wishes." "Aye." " I believe that I will be away overnight and will leave instructions with Christophe in my absence. If I am needed before my departure, I shall be inside." Sabastian started towards the house, but paused step as Delaney called after, "Miss Shea was a fine gerl an' there not be a bully here 'bouts one, tha' don' feel loss an' anger a' wha' happened..." Beggar Prince turned slightly to view the Irishman who shifted footing as though uncomfortable in his posturing. Sabastian made as if to speak, but the words died in his throat; leaving him the ability to do nothing more than nod concurement...
  5. Aurore watched his to and fro, daint ears waiting for any falicy in sincerities. As Sterling finished confessions, she worked to steady the whirl of revealations to dull roar. Unsure of what should be said, she kept her peace for a small space of time allowing for all to settle. Leaving the chair's comfort, she eased closer to him. "Christophe? I...non. I am unaware of what you speak of...He is like family and I have never entertained otherwise..." Aurore moved hesitantly forward, " I am sorry that I have caused you such turmoil...It was never my intention." A saddness swam in expressive sights. " I...you will forgive me, these uncharted waters you refer to are even more forgien to me..." Reaching forward, right palm was placed on his chest, "I wish for your return..."
  6. **so much for the deadly sins...** aspiration
  7. "Comment? Ombre?" She shook her head slightly in reflection to bemusement. " I do not understand your usage of shadow..." Aurore searched Sterling's expression in want of clarification to what eluded her thought process.
  8. The tone of his words struck something in deep recesses of her soul, and when Aurore turned, his vissage was further proof to what was said. Sterling made half of the hallway's legnth when she called after him softly, "Non...I....That was not my meaning. I thought that you...wished to take your leave post hast. I..." She hurried from thresh hold to cut the distance between and caught his arm insistantly. " I...am not a trinket." she said shakily.
  9. Aurore wanted to resist, her brother's haunting words ringing so heavily in her inner ear. But, Sterling's expression worked hard at dismissing such statements. She moved away to gaze out the window, focusing on the Irishman's feeble attempt to lure carriage beasts unwilling to comply. "There is no need to worry yourself with my wellbeing, monsuier. Yours have come to escort you back and I have no desire to detain you further." Verbose was a halting whisper, "It is only right that you should be amonst those of proper bearing."
  10. She backed away from secured entrance, bumping into a small table causing objects percariously perched to shift and hit the flooring below. She paced, eyes darting to the door and away with his callings. Inwardly Aurore fought with herself, finally moving to the door and unlatching it.
  11. Aurore made quick work navigating the lower hall, rounding the banister the stairway was cleared to steps at a time in quick succession. She shot fleet of glance towards too familiar left hand chamber, faultering sure footing. Suffocation sensation rolled over her and the instinct for flight shook small frame, as she continued to passageway's end past siblings' accommodations to longed for safe haven. Aurore's breath came in ragged gasps as she leaned against burnished portal panel. It was then the sound of rear entrance disturbance echoed upwards to where she stood. Aurore froze stock still, one hand on ornate knob as mind raced. Carefully the door was opened, slowly to the betraying squeal of protesting hinge...
  12. Aurore had not expected what transpired with freedom's grant. Perhaps it was her age and inexperience, but there seemed to be a strange difference in regard to Sterling. She had expected concern and was not even granted acknowledgment by the man she had lain with not but a smattering of hours ago. Confusion over powered concise thinking and she stopped mid way the green's roll to watch Sterling's indifference. An unwelcome thought reared forward to already addled mental process, a ghostly echo of wordings purveyed by Sabastian in upstairs room, 'trinket to be cast aside...' The sensation of fire lit her sinuses for the second time that day and unlike earlier, Aurore made no effort to restrain liquid diamonds to save face. Instinct took over and flight won over fight as she retreated a number of steps, unable to draw her center from where Sterling hung tack over paddock post. "I am a fool...," she whispered to the air and turned quickly to gain the shelter of stone walls through gape of double doors.
  13. Christophe held position, the cold focus of his glare unwavering as opposing firepower was disengaged and dropped. Aurore stepped away from Reiley casting fleet glance in his directon after gaining the door's company. It was only then that Christophe relaxed his hold and threat upon Lily, retreating two paces then joined russet crowned waif. The door was opened, showing a collection of men gathered in hallway beyond. One of the faithful near at hand made movement towards chamber opening, but was paused by Aurore's upraised hand. A hint of confussion fleeted his face, but he stayed intent as was wished. No word was uttered as Christophe and Aurore joined the menagerie, the human waters parted to allow their traveres to corridor end. Back entrance was cleared once again to the scene on green beyond. Though a multitude of comments whirled Christophe's mind, he refused their voicing. He desired so much to draw her near, to give form to the worry suffered and inner fears that had whispered to his conscience while ordeal had run its course...to his relief that she was safe. Instead he belayed such, contenting himself that it had drawn to end. Twined sights of slate hue regarded her nearness, the contrast of russet tress water fall caressing azure flow of silks. And as Aurore began moving across green surface, Christophe's breath was paused its coursings by rhapsody in blue.
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