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callenish gunner

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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. ^gun shot that took out my left shoulder and the 5 surgeries and months in a body cast and the months of physio that went with it ...and the number of years that the grafts took to stop pinching the nerves ... <happy to greet each day regardless of how i feel ...i've seen the alternatives V if you could have any new part to your kit what would it be
  2. that and 6-7 hours of working the boats and you'll be ready for mid-day meal ...that's the sort of meals i grew up on as a lad and working the fishing boats in scotland aye chole let's hope this passes quickly for ye' i think tonight calls for meat pies.... been too long
  3. a hearty meal for a hard day's labour
  4. lets see a good and proper breakfast... well start with coffee strong and black a rasher of argyle bacon 4or 5 eggs scrambled some smoked kippers and a scone with rough cut marmalade and sweet butter
  5. i recomend a penchant toward humour and a sense of violence m'self
  6. welcome t' ye lad come and rest yer weary peg ....so ye be twins with that other lasseter eh ....cepting yer the one that's got wood and only one eye for roving ..... ray pour me a flaggon of barbados black rum on this sailors purse ....i'll sit and drynke with ye anytime lad ;
  7. now have the mobile creditcard account set up so i'll be able to take care of your armoury needs via plastic ...wooo-hoooo!!!
  8. just got the mobile creditcard account activated!!! so i'll be able to meet your weapons needs with the utmost haste i trust
  9. i'll also have lots of blades as well .....hangers and cutlasses and epee de soldats and highland grenadiers hangers(the baskethilt claymore with a cutlass blade) mortuary swords ....as many different styles that i can find that are as period correct as possible ....also period knives
  10. I'll be bringing as many as me little trailer will haul and i can afford to percure so don't be shy and if you want you can go to paypal and have your paypal account go mobile with you and i can accept your charges either that or CASH (which i give discounts for) or checks wiith proper ID
  11. don't forget basic toiletries and eating kit(mug, bowl, knife fork & spoon ...i also recomend your own cloth bag to hang them up in after washing up!) camera & phone(discreetly) weapons, meds as needed also some sunscreen creditcards or cash tucked safely away. bedroll (cotton sheets & wool blanket or 2and a foam pad covered with a bit of canvas to disguise it would be ok too )
  12. looks quite nice lass ....hope to see moreof it and of you with your new garb
  13. if i wasn't at least a semblence of a gentleman i'd give you a tumble lass
  14. a right handsome lass cheeky m'girl the outfit looks great ....i do agree that a bit of stains and a small tatter or 2 would give it a more period look ....but if i met a fair woman such as y'self on my travels in port i'd give ye more than second look!!! & as i recall last year at hampton i did
  15. good ....they're baaaaaaaaaaack!! great shots
  16. right now everything i have is battle ready ....my website will be up in the begining of june if i can work the bugs out ....the pistols start @ $280 +s/h$10 continental US ...blunderbusses start @ $475 + $15 s/h ... the cutlasses start @ $55 + if you see something you'd like let me know either by pm or email and we'll work out the details ....
  17. PAYPAL has a new service that allows payments to be made via your cell phone BUT it has to be set up on your phone in advance !!! it's free to do and it allows you to send payments directly to the merchant even without a direct point of purchase device to complete the transaction great for fair/fest vendors!!! would definately help the small festival merchants to make their money providing you with the pyrate booty you want!!!
  18. I'll be vending there so if you are in search of weaponry bring cash or checkbooks i can't do plastic at this point unless you can make PAYPAL arrangements
  19. i will be there vending flintlocks and blades ...i can do cash or check transactions but for right now i can't do plastic unless i can figure out how i can get customers to pay via PAYPAL ....so if you're looking to purchase a pistol or blunderbuss or cutlass at a good price bring your checkbooks!!! i have since found that you can add Paypal mobile to your Paypal account so i can have you phone in your payment to Paypal and do the transaction right then and there BUT you have to set the mobile feature up in advance with Paypal!!!SET IT UP IN ADVANCE !!!
  20. up and down all night .....and you claimed you were home alone and sick
  21. just let me know what and how much you want i'll make sure it's there for you
  22. as of right now i'll have plenty of blackpowder/goex with me; at least 5# of ffg 5# of fffg and 2# of ffffg and about 500 cartridges to be made and measured in advance so that no one has to load hot from a horn or worse a tin ..i do recomend bringing a priming measure to prime your pans
  23. a head wound from a large caliber blackpowder weapon makes a large entry wound like stated the size of the projectile at least ...then another side effect is the resulting bone fragments also become projectiles within the head so there will be considerable damage and blood loss until the heart stops beating which can continue for several seconds in a wound to the brain ....a very messy scenario ...one i hope few if any of you ever get to witness
  24. it shall be there sir.... spoke to a friend who crews on her she'll be heading down the week before richmond and the week after for norfolk
  25. nice work!!! ..shame you are so far away we can always use more talented tailors in our midsts!!!
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