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callenish gunner

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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. that will teach you to stay away too long LOL welcome back lad!!!
  2. Don't do it MA d Dogge you have too much to live for!!! You'd be missed by someone I'm sure....well, maybe
  3. Go for it Silkie!!! Maybe matched up with another Pyrate will enable you to attend more events!!!! HAHAHA
  4. The ability to archive messages has disappeared; so short of deleting messages to make room once your message box is full you're going to be screwed
  5. now there's sight for sore eyes .....how have you been lass?
  6. Fantastic pics as usual lass!!!
  7. the latest from Capt. Midnight about his son Brandin: Jul 12, 2009 8:53 PM Subject: Update On My Son My heart is quite a bit lighter today! My son Brandin has made great improvements! He is still in the ICU, but he has gotten much stronger and has eaten a little bit of solid food today! He had some pizza for lunch, and some fish for dinner. The arm and leg that he was not able to move at all he can move a little bit today. He showed me how he could wiggle his toes and he had slight movement in his left hand. He will need extensive physical therapy, but he has feeling and some movement, so that is a great sign. I just can't say thank you enough to all of you who have prayed and sent kind words. It has definitely been working! My wife and I had a paramedic tell us that only 1 in 100 people survive the type of injuries he sustained just from the bullets, but on top of that, he survived the car wreck trying to get away from his attacker, so he is most definitely a true miracle. We have had SO many kind people show us so much love! I have had people come here and cut my grass, family and friends have brought food, and dear friends have come from long distances to visit and check on us. My heart has never been so overwhelmed with love and gratitude. Thank you all SO much! I probably don't have to tell anyone this, but it is a TERRIBLE, desperate feeling to see your child wounded so badly in a hospital bed and to know that you are only a hair's breadth from losing him forever, but I feel that my wife and I have been blessed with another chance with our son. He will live, and we will cherish every moment we have with him! Keep your prayers coming he is still not out of the woods -Callenish
  8. missed it again DAMN!!! but at least the clockwork in m'chest got careened while it was going on ...bloody recalled parts!!!
  9. Looks as if the Fairge Iolaire will have at least one more ....Hannah pyrate name yet to be discovered
  10. Anything that keeps the event going and growing is a positive thing as far as we're concerned... The flavour of the encampment has improved since we came down there the first year the event took place inside the fort ....let's hope it will continue to grow and we can convince the park that the reenactors can be a benefit to the park and to the fort as a whole. Thanks Spike
  11. The latest: Captain Midnight Date: Jul 10, 2009 11:35 PM Subject: New Update On My Son Body: I just wanted to take a moment and let everyone know that my son had surgery again today, he suffered a mini stroke the other day due to one of the plastic valves installed in his aorta collapsing. The surgery today was a small procedure to put a stint in that collapsed valve, which will hopefully reverse the paralysis in his left arm and hand. He also has double pneumonia, and the doctor cleaned all of the infection out of his lungs while he was operating this afternoon. He increased the strength of the antibiotics Brandin has been taking, which will hopefully get rid of the infection. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support, our prayers are working, as Brandin is getting stronger, even if slowly, every day. Hopefully soon he can move out of the ICU unit into a real room. Kindest regards, Captain Midnight -Callenish
  12. yes if available for 200
  13. Nice sideplate ......shame you're not casting and engraving those or other period small buckles (like shoe buckles)
  14. yippee-skippy
  15. Got this from Jerry the Land Pirate; Cranberry Liquor 6 cups of chopped fresh or frozen cranberries 6 cups cane sugar 6 cups of vodka 6 weeks in storage strain and pour Tart tangy and goes down smooth on a summer's eve
  16. Four confirmed Washington Daily news Regardless of the numbers still tragic!!!
  17. Latest from Capt. Midnight: Thank you all so much dear friends for your comments and prayers. I won't stay on here long, as I am completely exhausted and ready for bed, but I would just ask for your continued prayers for my son. There have been no changes today, he is still in extreme pain and did not get to move from the ICU unit to a room. His mother and I had hoped that he would be able to, but he is just not well or strong enough to leave ICU yet. The doctors told my wife and I not to expect him to be able to leave ICU before the end of this week.
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