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callenish gunner

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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. substances were used in the hair and beards as far back as the Babylonians at least and probably before them ...so a lot of periods used oils and wax and pomades, ETC. for their hair and beards for both men and women .....well only some of the women used them on their beards I'm sure
  2. Any and all would be welcome for dinner just give a quick PM ahead of time to give me time to lay in provisions ....all I have to ask is that ye leave your curs & mousers in the land sloop as m' landlord gets rather testy about strange critters at the house.... Any excuse for a house party!!!!
  3. the latest from Captain Midnight: Jul 24, 2009 8:20 AM Subject: Update On My Son Body: Just a quick update to let everyone know that my son came home from the hospital last night! Everything is looking good, he'll need to do a lot of work with physical therapy to regain the use of his left hand, but he's going to be alright. Thank you all so much for your prayers and kind wishes while he was hurt. We almost lost him, but he's home now, and everything is ok. Now it's time to plan that fishing trip...LOL! Thank God things have worked out!!!
  4. I certainly agree with you Cascabel and Mickey. The Indian made guns are basic blackpowder weapons to fill the niche of the largest proportion of reenactors and other enthusiasts. Yes iI would love to be able to make and market the guns I build from scratch but so few are willing to buy them that I do offer the more reasonable guns to allow those who want to particpate in the hobby to join without excluding them. Are they as perfect as we'd all like? HELL NO!!! Can they be tweeked to perform better? In most cases, yes. Most of the folks I end up dealing with want effective noisemakers. I try to offer the best I can for the marketplace.
  5. Thank you all .....I wish Salty had just left this alone. I have never been one to celebrate birthdays ....it never worked for me ...like today, spent it at the Cardiologists in Pittsburgh (7am with a two hour drive each way) I do celebrate everyday I'm alive and breathing though ....I have experienced the alternative and it sucks ....So I thank God for every day and live like it will be my last ...soon enough I'll be right!!!
  6. The one I posted is a very traditional Scottish Meat Pie, there isn't any gravy per se. Often it would be served with either a hunter sauce or HP sauce (or other steak sauce) Hunter Sauce: Ingredients; 1/2 cup apple butter 1/2 cup tomato paste (small can) 1 cup of port wine 2 TBS butter (unsalted) 1 tsp ginger 1/2 tsp ground cloves 1 TBS Worcestershire sauce 1/2 lb. thinly sliced mushrooms (optional) Directions; Melt the butter in a sauce pan, add mushrooms and sautee if you choose or, just add the tomato and apple butter, Worcestershire and stir until well blended add spices and finally stir in the port until smooth.
  7. This has always been a camp favourite: MEAT PIE Crust; * 3 3/4 cups all-purpose flour * 1/2 teaspoon salt * 1-1/2 cup lard or shortening, chilled * 9 tablespoons ice water Filling: 3 lbs. ground meat 3 lbs. grated potatoes 3 lbs. finely chopped onions 1 Tbs red pepper flakes 6 cloves of crushed garlic salt and pepper to taste DIRECTIONS 1. Whisk the flour and salt together in a large size bowl. With a pastry blender or two forks, cut in the cold lard/shortening until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Drizzle 2 to 3 tablespoons ice water over flour. Toss mixture with a fork to moisten, adding more water a few drops at a time until the dough comes together. 2. Gently gather dough particles together into a ball. Wrap in plastic wrap, and chill for at least 30 minutes before rolling. 3. Divide the dough into nearly 2/3 to 1/3 Roll out dough, Take the larger piece first and put in a large ( I use a 14" cast iron dutch oven) dutch oven. Fill with meat filling then cover with the smaller circle of dough, pierce with a knife several places and bake (surrounded and covered with coals) until the crust is a deep golden brown. Sevres 12 hungry mates
  8. Nicely done Edward!!! I wish I had a shop to make one of those.
  9. Nicely done Edward!!! I wish I had a shop to make one of those.
  10. Divine perfection Rum & Cake .....and the grand mistress of the art ....Welcome aboard lass!!!!
  11. It is an impressive structure, William! I used to live an hour north of it in Pennsylvania and would go there perhaps once a year....The idea of camping on the island is exciting!!! I/we may be joining up with the Mercury crew for a few of these events.
  12. I still have several of these pistols for sale
  13. Welcome aboard lad ....
  14. Mary, I got several emails that were supposed t have been sent to Iron Jon ....
  15. From 1977 until 1998 I have to admit I was a closet reenactor. My girlfriend and then soon to be wife hated the idea of historical events or having my guns and swords in the house. And those "smelly old clothes" were sent to the basement. Getting away for events or planning sessions soon became a bone of serious contention. My friends from the units were told to not come into "her home". She didn't want her children exposed to anyone who was so mad as to portray history. She was from the Philadelphia area and saw these events as inconveniences to her everyday life; since she had just spent the several years before we met and began dating living around and having to observe local groups preparing for the bicentennial. With encampments frequently at sites within walking distance of her family home. When I told her I knew many of the sites in her home town and surrounding communities she said she "hoped I wasn't one of those crazies." Of course I said "no"(with my fingers crossed behind my back) I was a member of the First Pennsylvania Rifles Regiment/First Continental Regiment and as a founding member of the Gen. (Mad) Anthony Wayne's Artillary regiment company assigned to Fort MacIntosh, in Beaver, PA. I owned at least a dozen muskets and rifles at least eight of which were originals and about 8-9 hangers and sabres. The companies had gotten together and bought wool and linen as close as we could find at the time to period fabrics to have sewing meetings to pattern and sew our uniforms as best we could (I'll admit I used and old treadle Singer machine for most of the invisible seams). I had met a lass who was the interpretor coordinator at Valley Forge National Park and she had given me a lot of help with our patterns. I also had the pleasure to meet and do a lot of discussion with "The G. Gedney Godwin" and George Neuman, Sumner Carlin, Jurgen Steinmetz and so many others who had been instrumental in the presentations of the Bicentennial. But at that point, If I wanted the relationship with the lass i was romantically involved with to continue I had to hide my relationship with my hobby. So being valourous, I chose discression. I stored my weapons at a friend's house or at the house I owned in the mountains and did all my kit and mailorder items were either sent to my office or to my friend's house. I lived that double life for almost 20 years. I Finally got a divorce from that woman(not a moment too soon!!!). When a few years back I met Salty and mentioned that I was into reenacting and was doing a lot of Pyrate Events. She told me she had "flintlock & blade envy". She wanted to join me in going to events... she was torn between going as a lady or as a man.... finally found the right woman!!! ....and we now have produced a son who hopefully will follow our leads and keep the spirit of history alive.
  16. We can hardly wait to see her progress lad ....and this time we'll bring wee Hamish aboard to have a gander!!!
  17. we have tried to make three of the recipes they all came out great ....over the last year and a half we have sampled at least a dozen of them and i have yet to find one that wasn't delicious
  18. If it will help, you always know we will add ours to the flow. Here's hoping that the lass & her Mum have faire winds and following seas through this hard time!!!
  19. Would LOVE t' see you "DROWN" again ....There has been no posts or comments on the board so that is why I'm asking ...Nobody has "asked" us this time around so even we're not sure what the plans are. It was quite a lot of fun last year with the battles and the hanging and the floggin' of Dutch ...and the midnight cruise
  20. Haven't heard much in the way of plans for this year's raid. Is anyone planing to make the trek to Beaufort, NC?? We had a great time there last August and we want to make the trip again this year.
  21. It looks like a signal cannon that would use a small charge and safety fuse(since the touch hole is raised and protruding) ...If your thinking of actually firing it I would start with a good cleaning and safety check hopefully with somebody who has some experience, then small charges like for a pistol, no more than 50 grains of black powder and about a foot and a half of fuse so you have time to get 40-50 feet away. If it is sound build up the charges slowly until perhaps 100 grains or so. Good luck with her!!!
  22. I used to be fairly well addicted to Callard & Bowser Butterscotch candies ....found out they were owned by Wriggley's and have stopped production
  23. Aye they are lovely!!! HUZZAH!!!
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