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Everything posted by Mission

  1. Oh, that's a good one, but I had to Google it to figure out what it was, so I'll keep mum. (Haven't seen that since I was in junior college.) Much as I hate to have two quotes running, I can't resist... "I realized then that good guys never win. I want to be bad. I want to be the killer!" "Ice cream!" "Where?" "Make mine vanilla!" "Chocolate for me!"
  2. Is your son named Junior? (While this has nothing to do with your son, this is the Buford P. Justice quote from that movie that jumps into mind...) "Soon as I get home, the first thing I'm gonna do is punch your momma in the mouth."
  3. Both easy! 1. Little Shop of Horrors (I was just quoting that infamous "Feed me, Seymour!" line this morning as a matter of course. 2. Animal House "They took the bar. The whole f-ing bar!" (as said by my avatar) Here's a pretty easy one. I'm only giving you one side of the dialogue or it would be wayyyyy too easy: "_____'_ _ ___ _____ __ ___ _____, ____!" "Oh, that's just my pet snake Reggie." "_ ____ ______, ____! _ ____ '__!" "C'mon, show a little backbone, will ya?"
  4. Thate's the one. Your turn to come up with a quote.
  5. No. It's a pretty old Disney movie. I'm not sure Kiefer was born when it came out.
  6. Nup. But it's sorta kinda maybe along those lines. I guess. Huge hint: It's a Disney flick.
  7. Perhaps the parameters of the study should examine the differences in results between extrovert and introvert drivers. (You are clearly an extrovert Christine). And of course we'll need a control group that is neither extrovert nor introvert because it's tradition.
  8. Ooh! Ooh! I got one Mr. Kotter! (Rummy3, feel free to pull rank on me if I'm outta' line here.) "What are you talking about man, there's no such word!" "Oh yes. It is a perfectly good word. Actually do you know what there's no such thing as? It turns out, with do respect, when all is said and done, that there's no such thing as you!"
  9. Has anyone else noticed that the people in the drive throughs (or "thrus" as the simplifiers would have it) look at your eyes after the transaction is complete? I've been watching and, while it's purely anecdotal, I'd say it happens about 60-70% of the time - enough to be statistically significant if properly measured. I wonder why? I think they're just trying to make human contact in a job that could be performed by an automaton. Or they're wondering if you will notice them at all. I should write a thesis on it.
  10. So I enrolled in this Creative Writing class at the local community college with the notion that it would marshal my writing efforts and help me to improve my style a bit. Come to find out that 5/6 of the class was going to be devoted to writing and interpreting poetry. Our first session was a discussion of this poem called The Death of Marilyn Monroe, which, upon further examination, turned out to be most likely fictional. Plus (I'm showing my true troglodyte origins here) it didn't rhyme and wasn't lyrical. Needless to say I dropped the class like a slippery green slime-covered rock. I hate to quit anything, but modern poetry has to be one of the most feckless forms of writing I can think of. Especially when it isn't lyrical and doesn't rhyme.
  11. Life is sort of contradiction. Or at least an interesting balancing act. (Did you know if the composition of air changed slightly it would become a deadly poisin to us? Yet another useless fact we can all worry over.) Besides, I've had wings in Miami. Works for me!
  12. I want to do a blue thing for Haunted House like Rogue Mermaid did. (Not for me, for one of the workers. It would look bloody horrible on me. ) Rogue Mermaid? Could you please tell me what you used to make your skin (not your face) that blue/purple? Pretty please?
  13. Geez, I remember that now! I'm going to have to go back and watch Patton again as punishment. (It's not much of a punishment, actually. )
  14. In my case, I vote for fool. Jonathan's costumes are very cool. I particularly like the first one. _____ "Jefe, would you say I have a plethora of pinatas?" "Yes, El Guapo. You have a plethora." "Jefe, what is a plethora?" "Why, El Guapo?" "Because you told me I have a plethora."
  15. Mine is, uh, Aloysius. I was created a Skeleton King room for a haunted house. It had a skeleton in moldering robes sitting on an electrified throne and six skulls on angled posts lining the walls. The worker electrified the chair and jumped out from behind the patrons. I liked the idea so much I put it into the book I'm writing on haunted houses. _____________ "Danger's my middle name..."
  16. Isn't that a requirement for posting on this site? (This emoticon needs a howling emoticon to go with it. Doesn't it look like a dog panting to you?)
  17. Wow is that cool! Did you use body make-up or is that some kind of body stocking? That coloring would be perfect for a Haunted House room I'm planning... Speaking of which: Mute (my insane mute mailman line worker): My poetry haunt (poetry is only remotely interesting to me when it's stupid...and boy was this stupid )
  18. Nicole's is from Muppet Treasure Island. Once again, I have no idea what Diego's quote is from. I really know nothing at all about Polanski's personal life except he's married to the demon chick that starred in The Ninth Gate. Maybe she was 13 when she married him. She's sure a heckuva lot younger than Roman. (If he can keep up with someone that much younger than he, I say more power to him. )
  19. I like your Avatar, Captain Sage. Very chic.
  20. Yes, that's it! By all means see it if you have 2-1/2 hours available to waste completely. It built suspense and built it and built it and built it and paid off with abolutely, positively nothing! (Steven Spielburg would have ended it differently. Come to think of it, Steven Spielburg would probably never have chosen to make a movie on this topic in the first place. I wonder if Polanski is a Satanist?) We need another quote.
  21. I would have to hate you guys to pick a quote from the spanish version of a movie. It's not any of that lot. Boy, talk about the mother of all hints: it was directed by Polanski. ______________ Ok. ¡Pero los perros PUEDEN mirar para arriba!
  22. Didn't Ted and Terry say where the names come from in their VO on the DVD? It seems to me that they explained the whole animal thing (Sparrow, Swan and some other animal name they were going to use for Will before they decided there were too many animal references.) I seriously doubt they went looking for gravestones in Cape Cod...this is most likely a coincidence. Skulls were a common feature on gravestones around that time. As the site itself says, (Mumford and Emmes being people who carved gravestones.)
  23. Nope. The quote is quite indicative of the movie, though. Well, I love Shaun of the Dead, but I don't going around quoting it...very often. _________________ "Sneaky monkey!"
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