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Nelson Cooke

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Everything posted by Nelson Cooke

  1. You know what kind of art does it for me? Drawings of stuff you can "disarm" an opponent with.
  2. From me sketchbook (Blackbeard or Calico Jack, I forget which):
  3. Pretty easy to make 'em animated with Flash (and probably a bunch of other softwares you can get pretty inexpensive (or for free if you pirate them)): I have one but can't find it; here's another example: From: Gus Openshaw's Whale-Killing Journal
  4. I was wondering this: what percentage of pirates actually flew pirate flags? I know about how the sight of the flag of the hourglass or red flag, etc., sent chills from sailors's toes to the uppermost hair on their cowlick, but if my intent were criminal and the target possibly armed, I'd fly a false flag.
  5. In my extensive piratic reading (granted often drunk) I haven't ever come across any instances of pirates raiding a whaling ship, yet the two must have crossed watery paths all the time, and a hold full of sperm beat the piss, so to speak, out of cloth and breadfruit our ancestors were known to abscond with. So what's the deal? Has history omitted this because whale blubbery is less sexy than gold and jewels? Did the pyrats not want to mess with the hardened whaling bastards? What?
  6. That is terrific, Enigma. Here, have a rum on me (don't let the fact that it's just a drawing of one mitigate the sentiment none): P.S. If five pirates get killed this year, are the seas going to boil? My damn webpage
  7. Does anyone got a website for this festival? I want to hit it; now can't find the details. Thanqs. Pirates of Pensacola
  8. Captain Morgan, thanks. This beer's for you... ...and I'm guessing the check got to you and cleared. Pirates Of Pensacola.com
  9. You bloaks are PAYING for hotel rooms? I need one too. Maybe we can pirate the Ramada. If that doesn't work, as a fallback, how much of a disadvantage trafficwise and crap like that, would it be to stay at a place three or four miles out? Pirates Of Pensacola
  10. Hetha, congrats on finishing your yarn. If you tell prospective agents you've got a sword, they should be responsive. If it's got innards on it, be sure to mention that. An agent who could use some steel in him : Pirates of Pensacola
  11. Cinn, thanks, IOUG(rog*). Vampires to pirate isn't that abrupt when you think about it. I've been thinking knowing some vamp trix might help my pirating. Where can I get my mitts on one of your books? *A good grog shoppe Pirates of Pensacola
  12. Thanks, Capt. Morgan. I'd say I'd name a kid after yeh, but I already named the main character of the book Morgan (though why is a long story as I'll guess you'll see). Morgan and his pop Isaac: PiratesOfPensacola.com
  13. So if you were, hypothetically, going to hawk pirate novels there (I want to have a good time of course, but I'm there on the publisher's dime), how would you do it. Sailing around with a boatful of books is one idea I'm tooling around with, but don't have the lay of the port? Salesman (pictured below) sitting in a tent telling ARGH jokes just isn't my schtick. PiratesOfPensacola.com
  14. The fine recent book Shadow Divers by Kurson, about wreck divers who found a U-Boat off the coast of New Jersey and spent nearly a decades worth of dives trying to identify it, makes the definitive statement on how tricky identifying a wreck can be. It makes brain surgery seem like something you can figure out with a couple hours on Google. PiratesOfPensacola.com
  15. Very Merry Seamstress: IOU liquor. Where is your blarg? I like blargs. My Blarg
  16. Lorien: Aye, St. Marty's, the publisher, did send Bilgemunky a copy. I know him and he is a fine monkey. My harpooner, Flarq, scrimshawed him and his girlfriend Keira Knightley: PiratesofPensacola.com
  17. Red Bess: Thanks kindly. Baded on your picture, I can't say I blame the booke for jumping off the shelf at you. Here's to the two of yeh: PiratesOfPensacola.com
  18. Fancy: Aye, Pirates of Pensacola is my first book. Took me a writing class, held a cutlass to the throat of the right publisher, and whaddya know? PiratesofPensacola.com
  19. Roberts: I appreciate the counsel, and, accordingly, added this to my packing list for LA: I'd love to hear about your literarial experience sometime (piratesofpensacola@lycos.com) if you aren't too spent from writing. Pirates of Pensacola.com
  20. As most decent historical experts know, Pensacola has a rich pirate history. Those bad boys were known, like their namesakes in my new novel, as the Pirates of Pensacola. Recently, on a scuba dive to a sunken schooner in the Gulf of Mexico off the Florida Panhandle, I noticed an old case that said T-SHIRTZ on it. Since many of you have been yammering for shirts, I risked my life to get them. Now, thanks to Dealer Dan's Illegal Munitions Store, these genuine antique cotton shirts, worn by the Pirates of Pensacola when they went a’plundering together, can be yours for just $9.99. Just click the link. FYI, the proceeds are going to go to Border Collie Rescue where my dog Sea Rover was from—before he fell off a boat, that is. Here’s a picture of the shirt:
  21. Thanks to all of you, shipmates. In particular, Gentleman of Fortune, thank you for your well-thought-out thinking for me (and Diego Santana de la Vega for seconding it). I was given the option of wearing a Calico Jack get up, felt wacky about it, and didn't know why. So if Hampton works (ie there's still even sleeping bag space), I'm there. And I'll probably bring a crate of books and try to pitch them, though I'm thinking a cannon pointed at folks might do so more eloquently. If you're there, IOU a (real, non-digital) rum. The Pirates of Pensacola site
  22. I just wrote a pirate book that was published yesteday and my publishing company wants to send me to a pirate festival or two in the next month or so to hawk it and make money for the bastards (I already got an advance and drank it). Having spent the last three years cooped up typing about pirating rather than doing it, I've never been to one. If you had to choose one, and it was getting paid for by The Man, which is the one to go to, d'ye think, Hampton or Lee Island? I'd appreciate yer thoughts, sober or otherwise.
  23. Tempest and Lady Snow, you both seem like highly intelligent and discriminating readers. If you do end up ponying for the thing, I'd be glad to sign it for you with a complimentary book plate (fancy-assed publishing house term for sticker):
  24. Thanks also Rancy, Red Wake, Iron Bess and King's P. There is some negotiating a'going on in Hollywood. Lucky for me, my agents and attorneys there make us pyrats seem like Mom Theresa. He may not look like much, but he'll have you in court before you can even draw your sword:
  25. Captain Badger, thanks. The book's available I think at Amazon.co.uk and on sale, but it's also on its way there by ship, so, you know....
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