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Cap'n Pete Straw

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Everything posted by Cap'n Pete Straw

  1. Bahama Breeze definitely has non-seafood available -- but it's a more limited menu. Still must check out the "Pirate's Cove" place (also need to play the board game by the same name which my son received)... but it's hard to check out bars with the kids in tow... Although I have actually not yet ascertained if this is an age-restricted bar or a family tavern... (or a strip club ....) Keep watching this space for the up-coming drunken review!). Have now played "Pirates of the Spanish Main" twice with my son. Wiped the floor with him. Fun game. Yes, addictive. Went out last night and bought more decks (and two for my younger daughter, who wants to join in the fun). Several places are now sold out and awaiting the next series.
  2. At last! Something the kids can enjoy that not be "Ahhrr-Rated!"
  3. Crab Shack -- excellent idea! (I still need to scope out the Piper's place) That puts me in the mind of a restaurant called "Bahama Breeze" which has a Carribbean/Jamaican feel, and a seafood-heavy menu. Their paella is to die for. There is a bar/pub/I-don't-know-what on Route 20 called "Pirate's Cove" (iffen I recollect correct). It looks interestin' from the outside (Jolly Roger an' all), but is per'aps a dive within. I will take it upon meself te recconnoiter and see if it be sea-worthy. Watch this space fer a drunken review. As fer the card game, me son an' I acquired several packs o' the cards fer Christmas. We have't played it yet, but plan to do so in the next couple days. Ye may be facin' a challenge, if I prove to be any good at it. Ye ask what else shall we pirates do? Well, per'aps we should drink. I checked the local King's edicts, and I fear te tell ye that there be severe penalties in these here ports fer commitin' the usual pirate hijinks (the local constabulary frown most seriously upon plunder). But I be up fer a night o' comradery an' spirits.
  4. Iffen ye want te take some of the "newness" off yer leather, ye might try a bit o' sandpaper - especially te the edges. Depending on the leather, the grit will dull the finish, and per'aps allow some of the raw leather te peek out from beneath the black. Pay attention te the areas that would see most "use." In addition te that, ye need te wear it. A lot. Per'aps ye kin wear it playin' sports, or under a coat when yer commutin' te work -- that sort of thing. The more ye wear it, the more it will look.... um... worn. I caution ye against usin' sea water. 'Tis the ultimate enemy of leather, and will dry out yer leather faster than almost anything else, making it dry, brittle and, ultimately, useless.
  5. Royaliste: I am refering to your February 10, 2004 post -- the sixth item in this forum - quoted above. You were simply illustrating a caplock, but made no claims to owning one.
  6. My pirate sea chest (which lays next to my Civil War gear) has to date contained several fancy non-firing flintlock replicas -- just props, just for (costume) show, but it's an impressive looking collection of pirate props! Alas, while I have an impressive collection of black powder Civil War era guns, I have had no FIRING firearms from an earlier time. The only (grey area) exception to date was a caplock similar to the one posted above by the Royaliste (sixth post in this very forum)... Well, that was until today! Hah! My wife, who typically spends WAY too much on me on holidays, got me a Pedersoli Queene Anne (flintlock) Pistol fer Christmas. SCORE! *(does the happy dance)* So -- sorry, Mr. Hand, while I'm not in the market to be selling ye any firearms, I sure am happy te be reportin' on a new acquisition!
  7. Brittany is our fluffy tabby (she's a scaredy-cat), but the sick one is Alex. He is a jet black shorthair. A really beautiful and very loving cat. Alex will be on subcutaneous fluids the rest of his life, and all he seems to be doing right now is sitting in the warmest bathroom, sulking. He is super-low on energy. He starts a daily regimine of meds on Tuesday. We are forcing him food at the present time, and we are waiting for him to regain his appetite. Poor kitty. Both cats are about 80 in human years.
  8. Which screw barrel gun? If it be caplocks yer after, check out Dixie Gunworks' web site and check out the following items... Pedersoli Screw Barrel pistol (for $115) The same gun is available as a kit for $100 ...and I suspect you're looking for the flintlock screw barrel pistol, which now runs for $167. They also have a couple of original antiques for sale... but they are rather pricey.
  9. The guy holding it, according to the auction site, is the guy who found it. Let's take up a collection! We just need a little over 196,000 pirates to chip in a dollar apiece, and we can afford it!
  10. All we got here was cold -- bitter cold. The missus and I had to cancel our planned trip to Boston this weekend, for our beloved kitty (suffering from chronic renal failure) took a turn for the worse, and we've spent the past two days (including today -- Christmas Eve) in veterinary clinics. Poor kitty. :'( But perhaps our biggest Christmas present was that the kitty took a turn for the better -- we were ready to say goodbye if it came to that, but the treatment seemed to work, and things are not as bad as we feared.
  11. Ahhrr, that be me hand I be stickin' up yer... Uh, pardon me... stickin' into the air. The Cap'n used te work at the Bristol Faire (about eight million years ago... when it was just startin' out, and before it was appended with "Bristol"). I haven't been there in a couple of summers, but have been dyin' te go back. Me kids have been pesterin' me to do the Faire thing, as well as take them all along to a Civil War Reenactment. Must make things happen.
  12. Mate, I hate te sound like a neophyte, but where is the Pennsic thing happenin'? If it's a few towns over from me, then I'll be there with bells on. But I doubt it.
  13. Forget April! Come on up now! Tomorrow is officially the first day of winter, so if you all hurry up here, ye might make it before the bad weather sets in! Let's see... last night it was four! Yes -- the temperature was FOUR! You could actually count the temperature on one hand (unless ye have a hook). Hey, before you start complainin', just remember: that's 258.16 degrees Kelvin! Bring your bathing suits! Hurry on up, before it gets cold!
  14. The Chicagoland area (at least in every single gaming and hobby model store I have been in) is glutted with packs o' "Pirates of the Spanish Main." My son is getting a stocking full o' them fer Santa-Day. Ye can see the "Pirates of the Crimson Coast" preview here: http://www.wizkidsgames.com/pirates/pirate...e.asp?cid=39303
  15. Fer what it be worth.... From: http://www.killermovies.com/p/piratesofthe...icles/3409.html Pirates Of The Caribbean 2 Working Title Revealed? [Friday, December 12th, 2003] Cinescape have received word from a scooper who claims to know the working title for Pirates of the Caribbean 2. "I can't give you my name. I can tell you this, I just saw some composite artwork for PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: TREASURES OF THE LOST ABYSS I'm not sure if that's just the working title or not." "The Lost 'ABYSS' is in references to the first pirate ship that sailed in the caribbean," explains the spy. "Sorry, that's all I know at this time. I have no information about the script. Disney had a rep here with the artwork. Very hush hush!"
  16. That's nae ordinary rabbit -- it's a killer! That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent ye ever set eyes on! Follow only if ye be men of valour, for the entrance to this cave is guarded by a creature so foul, so cruel, that no man yet has fought with it... and lived! Bones of full fifty men lie strewn about its lair! So, brave pirates, if ye do doubt yer courage or your strength, come no further, for death awaits you all with nasty, big, pointy teeth!
  17. Very funny, very creative... Got the wheels turning... Hmmm... brain engaging... Ideas formulating...
  18. Purchased the game for my 13-year-old pirate-obsessed son for Christmas. I'll post an review when I find out what he thinks about it. ... or better yet, I'll have him register (I already know his Pirate name) and write it himself.
  19. Well, lass, here be the question... are ye askin the price of the top empty, or with yer fine self in it? If it be filled, I would say.... what were the price we established earlier? Oh, yeah -- $1.50 a pound. Double occupancy room in Key West: Ninety-eight dollers per night. Custom-made velvet pirate jacket: One hundred twenty-five dollars. Guinness from the tap: Four dollars and fifty cents. Getting to see Merrydeath in her jingly top: Priceless.
  20. Well, I must be tippin' me hat te ye fer showin' me what yer puppies be lookin' like after gettin' 'em out of a bodice. (Which came first, Wendy O. Williams or Duct Tape?) But with that, lass, I better be crawlin' off te bed, fer I fear it now be me steppin' me toe over the respectable Boundary Line. It be so late, and Cappy had such a crappy day...
  21. Merrydeath, Ol' Cappy Pete is once ag'in corn-fused by yer emoticon prowess. I kinna tell iffen this be yer bare butt after leanin' against a railin' (or with spanky marks!), or it be yer breasts with electrical tape coverin' up them thar naughty bits.
  22. Rubbin' ye, or stoppin' me?
  23. Er, thanks fer the flatterin' o'er calky-lation, there, mate. I think there be a joke about losin' part o' me anatomy that ends in the punchline "Piece of Eight," but it's too late in the eve'nin' te be figgerin' it out.
  24. Nae, I think it were another typo -- It shoulda been "I hike up my skirt and lower my bodice and start RUBBING." Ahrr, I not know what I be sayin'. Stop me before I type again.
  25. Uh, lassie, I be beggin' yer pardon, but were ye implyin' that ye be $1.50 a pound? *(does some quick mental calky-lations, then rummages in pockets, counting out doubloons)*
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