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Cap'n Pete Straw

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Everything posted by Cap'n Pete Straw

  1. I use a very fine steel wool with WD-40. Wipe it off very well, then apply a good gun oil (available at any hunting goods store -- a Must-Have). Easiest way to apply the oil: add a few drops to a piece of cotton cloth or paper towel, and rub your sword liberally (if you know what I mean). Periodically oiling your blades (and all your weaponry) is a vital maintenance task. The aforementioned silicone cloth also works well. Atmospheric moisture is more than enough to slowly rust your blades.
  2. Very nice. I actually said those very words out loud as I looked at the photo. Very nice, indeed.
  3. The Captain Jack one was entertaining for a minute or two... My daughter caught me watching it, but I had tired of it already, so I forwarded it to her e-mail. I have a feeling I will be listening to it again all afternoon. The Guns & Roses was much better edited, but I cannot listen to G&R at 8:45 AM.
  4. Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme.
  5. Fine navigation, mate! I found it! Thank you very much. I re-cued my current pirate tape (the first half of which sadly has the full Hallmark Blackbeard show) and am taping it now as I watch it. The Comcast show is sponsored by Charmin Bathroom Tissue. As the program started, my daughter made a very funny joke during the first pre-programmed Charmin commerdial... in a very pirate-y voice, she declared: "Ahhrrr! This toilet tissue be tearin' up me bum!"
  6. Well, Mimi, I think we should be the judge of the results. Be so kind as to post a picture of yer waxed beaver pelt. Er, please.
  7. Actually, a version of this theatrical scenario was played out in the Port Washington (WI) Pirate Festival, which is the subject of another RAIDS thread. Pirates burst from the crowd to fight armed militia in order to free the captured pirates, and a pirate ship sailed into the harbor, cannons blazing, turning the tide of the battle. However, the logistics were not the best (poor acoustics; noisy crowd drowning out the actors; the local church bell started chiming at noon during a major speech -- odd how no one saw that coming). But is was a great playlet, and I saw tremendous potential for an expanded version for next year's festival.
  8. Actually, when I was younger, I took out all the eggs from the built-in refrigerator door tray, and drew frightened faces on all the eggs. I placed them back into the door so that they were staring at you with their pleading eyes when you opened the door. My sister could not bring herself to eat any of the eggs... she felt sorry for them. My parents thought my artwork was so fine, they could not bring themselves to breaking and eating the eggs. If I recall correctly, I was the one who had to finish the dozen eggs.
  9. "Don't Stop 'Till You Get Enough"
  10. What are you eating under there?
  11. Lady Barbossa wrote: LadyB, wherever have ye seen that type of pistol before?
  12. HAH! Tech Savvy! I found the image still archived in Google, snap-shotted it onto my computer desktop, and uploaded it into Photobucket, from where I was able to access it again! I rule! Now if I can just resurrect that little Maltese cross I was uning in my signature...
  13. I picked up a few of the flyers from the local Hallmark store, but not sure if it's even worth the Photobucket.com space to enable me in posting one here...
  14. Digital Comcast is currently showing a 15-minute "behind the scenes" special (titled "True Pirates") about the upcoming History Channel "Real Pirates of the Caribbean" show (the subject of this topic thread). I watched (and taped) it this morning; looks pretty good. (Trying to find it and you have Comcast OnDemand? First: "News & World", then "History Channel", then "American History" -- scroll to "True Pirates.") Assuming that Comcast OnDemand menus are the same from one geographical zone to another. I looked all over the listings for the A&E "Real Pirates" thing, but could not find it. Are you talking about the History Channel one I cited here? Assuming you found a different show, could you please list a brief menu so I (and others) can find it? It was not under the A&E offerings... but maybe there is another sub-menu I could not locate. Thanks.
  15. Posted this in another thread, but it really belongs here... I taught a local bartender how to make Grogtinis. Since then, she has served them to patrons seeking "something refreshing" and has received quite favorable reviews. Now she refuses to charge me for the drink whenever I come in (although she placed a limit on 2 free drinks per visit) as fair exchange for the recipe. Guess where I do all my drinking?
  16. I only entered that contest because you showed me that Dread Pirate was the first prize. I saw swag I wanted -- and I got it. There were some in the audience that seemed to think I was a bit underhanded in my manipulation of teh judges and audience in getting the prize, but, hey: pirate. Argh! I totally forgot about this game. I pillaged the coins from two sets I purchased to help fill up my showy treasure chest, but I keep the spinners (really dreidels) with my pirate gear so I can play anytime. As you said -- you just need a handful of coins. You can even play for PotSM cards! Off this topic... I taught a local bartender how to make Grogtinis. She has served them to patrons seeking "somthing refreshing" and has received quite favorable reviews. She refuses to charge me for the drink whenever I come in (although she placed a limit on 2 free drinks) as fair exchange for the recipe. Guess where I do all my drinking?
  17. "...Because you can't pee soup."
  18. "Drink Me." "Eat Me."
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