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Cap'n Pete Straw

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Everything posted by Cap'n Pete Straw

  1. Guinness.
  2. For the record, Nacho Libre was a very, very funny movie. Like Napoleon Dynamite, it has an almost endless number of great quotable lines in it (my personal favorite might be: "I have had diarrea since Easters." And I am still laughing over the sight gag when Esqueleto finds Nacho in the wilderness). I am not a big Jack Black fan, but I think this movie was the perfect vehicle for him. If you do not find Jack Black to be absolutely annoying, and you want a really good chuckle, you might want to check out this movie. There are actually some good levels of messages buried in this movie. I was disappointed not going to see PotC II, but the multi-hour wait to get in to see it opening night was simply not worth it. And there were only two people dressed up as pirates in the multi-hundred person line. Where is the love? But... I took my youngest two kids to see the 1:30 pm show of PotC II this afternoon. And we dressed up for the show (for the record, this is the first time my daughter ever dressed up as a pirate). Seeing the early show saved me a pocketful of money. No line. No crowd. Great seats (there was NO ONE sitting in front of us, or even near us). Man, this is how I like to watch a movie. Big screen and no one jabbering behind me. And no cell phones going off during the show. My opinion? Great movie. Yes, it is a transision for PotC III, but I was already completely happy with the production less than ten minutes into the movie. Loved every minute of it. My kids loved it, too. And my daughter refuses to take off the pirate gear. Only problem: my lovely bride had to work today and is disappointed we went without her. She asked me who she is supposed to go see the movie with. Silly, silly girl. I told her I will jump at the chance to see the movie a second time. And now she does not have to talk me out of wearing my pirate clothes, 'cuz I got it out of my system already... ...I don't think she will notice the replica Davy Jones' chest key hanging atound my neck...
  3. My kids loved it. It kept them entertained and out from underfoot this morning (first time I played the tape) while I got some stuff ready. But it only held their attention for an hour. After that, it was Nintendo DS and Xbox. I, too, cringed at the Mardi Gras beads in the treasure chest. I was annoyed that I forgot to tape the Pirate Tech episode of Modern Marvels (which immediately preceded "True" Pirates), but I believe it was replayed after the show (along with an Atlantis "documentary"), so I still get to see it.
  4. My tape is all cued up... It'll be the ONLY pirate event for me this weekend. Ironic, considering PotC opens today.
  5. Elsewhere in the other aforementioned threads Bilgemunkey has a link to some photos he took of the ship being constructed.
  6. Don't Bogart that joint...
  7. I have been trying to get a copy off ebay for ages. Still trying.
  8. Yes -- I could see the cups through the packaging. Doggy poo, eh? I cannot argue you there. Sure would like those dice... I can always play Pirate Yatzee (Sorry: Yahhrrrtzee) with them. You could always use the Aztec "gold" checkers for chips. Now, how to convince the Missus that I need to purchase this at Target, instead of shopping for my daughter's birthday (4th of July baby)? And, no, may daughter does NOT want the game. I already tried that ploy. Oh.. still on subject, I played "Dread Pirate" two nights ago with my two younger kids. Awesome game. Lots of fun. The problem is that it is set up for FOUR players, so we had to be creative for just the three of us.
  9. I have read this book. It is a very entertaining and silly diversion. I recommend it highly, but not for "serious" readers.
  10. Only 335 days to go... already have a few dozen articles prepared.
  11. I just opened a new pack and got the pirate ship Sea Monkey. Among its crew will be Skyme the Monkey. Still looking for the Monkey's Paw. Working on a theme here.
  12. You might want to look around this site a little more... there are already perhaps a dozen different discussion threads of people talking about PotSM in general, not to mention the Davy Jones edition. But while on this topic ... I just now opened a new pack, and I got the pirate ship Sea Monkey! Great! This is one that I was looking for!
  13. What will I be doing for the Premiere of PotC II ? Going to see Nacho Libre. I have a Civil War reenactment that weekend, and will be setting up camp on Friday the 7th. My daughter's boyfriend is driving across state (6 hours) to join us later that day for the event, so Friday night will involve dinner and a movie for the whole family. I am unavailable for any pyratical celebratory event in full garb, and cannot begin to entertain the idea of fighting off opening night crowds for a family movie event. Plus I was outvoted on the movie choice... at least we are not going to see Cars. On July 7, there will be no Jack Sparrow for me... it will be Jack Black instead.
  14. ** CAUTION: POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT ** It is my understanding that there is a game of Liar's Dice played in PotC II (which is how it is learned that Davy Jones wears around his neck the key to the chest containing his still-beating heart)... ** POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT NOW ENDED ** ... and the Liar's Dice cups in the aformentioned multi-game pack are modeled after the one used in the movie. Now I am going to purchase the game.
  15. I picked up a free copy of a book which appeared to be about pirates... and it was! It was a really good read, but is perhaps not the hardcore GAoP thing you may be looking for... Wake of the Perdido Star by Gene Hackman (yes, that Gene Hackman) & Daniel Lenihan. Circumstance, hardship and the burning need for revenge drive a man to piracy on the high seas. Worth reading. There is a copy (HB) selling on eBay right now autographed by both authors. But the paperback was free in the second-hand kiosk at my train station.
  16. I presume you have also received the personal e-mail: The Port Washington pyratical folk are gathering for a PotC showing Friday night (along with costume contest) in Saukville, WI. Advance (discount) tickets are being sold at the Portico Shop. Again... cannot join any of you. I have my own (Civil War) family plans Friday through Sunday. Maybe for PotC III....
  17. Cap'n Bob: About the WizKids game... The packages are designed to provide a player, with ONE pack in hand, with enough stuff to play another player who is also equipped with one pack. That means per person: two ships, an island in addition to your home island (at minimum, the punched-out card from your ship is designed to serve as your home base island), and some extra fiddly bits... along with an inhalation-hazard-sized die. The Creative Team designed the game to be playable out of the package on your first try -- and the game is ingenious in this aspect. Personally, I like the varety of ships offered. But, perhaps the greatest thing about the game is the expandability of the rules. After playing a couple of games, you immediately start thinking of house-rule variations. As mentioned in another thread on this game, I have made little model sea monsters with their own movement and attack rules. I have grabbed a few of the small "hill" terrain pieces from my Warhammer board and now use them almost exclusively as elaborate islands for the game. The rules allow you to mix-and-match different allegiance ships for your personal fleet, but having an all-British fleet against an all-French fleet against an all-Pirate fleet (etc.) looks absolutely great on the table. And this makes it clear who you are fighting against. The frustration comes when you really start collecting the game and try to tailor-pick your ships and specialized crew... you can never seem to get that S+S+S ship you want, or the (no-cost) linked crew members you need. That brings you back to the Pub, where you can trade with other collectors...
  18. I also saw those yesterday at the local Target. Purchased a bicycle for myself... need to stop making XXL pirate clothing. Regarding the Chess/Checkers set, I would like to purchase one, keep the chess pieces, and spray-paint the checkers (PotC Aztec gold coins!!) with gold paint and toss 'em into my treasure chest. Also saw that (for the first time) at Target yesterday. Still want the Monopoly game... although it is cursed. If I try to play it with my kids, I know I will feel the eternal anguish of the living undead... an eternity of never-ending torment...
  19. Listening to various things exploding on Maximum Exposure on the telly. Also my daughter gasping and "Oh My Gosh"-ing for each viode clip.
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