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Everything posted by Rummy3

  1. Your Birthdate: June 18 I totally enjoyed playing this - and since I share the same birthday with my husband - it makes the results doubly perfect! Thanks, Christine, for sharing! You are a cohesive force - able to bring many people together for a common cause. You tend to excel in work situations, but you also facilitate a lot of social gatherings too. Beyond being a good leader, you are good at inspiring others. You also keep your powerful emotions in check - you know when to emote and when to repress. Your strength: Emotional maturity beyond your years Your weakness: Wearing yourself down with too many responsibilities Your power color: Crimson red Your power symbol: Snowflake Your power month: September What Does Your Birth Date Mean? http://www.blogthings.com/whatdoesyourbirt...thdatemeanquiz/
  2. Bonnie Red Weasel! You are such a sweet wench~ Good to see yer back with us although you're always here in spirit, 'tis good to see your post again! Here's to ya!
  3. Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. ~ Aristotle
  4. Just finished a left over piece of birthday cake~ Did I iver mention I just love cake?
  5. LOL - Did I iever mention that I had a thing for ketchup?
  6. leftovers - grilled veggies with portobello mushrooms, asparagus, and parmesean cheese with balsamic glaze~
  7. Please accept my most humble gratitude for the veggies! I am indeed feasting on them this very eve - and in your honor, William Redwake, Asparagas and all!
  8. Good Friend - might ye have the fortitude to prepare me a bit of your grilled vegetables?
  9. Moody Blues - Knights in White Satin (just getting in the mood for their local concert here next month! ) Aarghhhh~ :)
  10. Living Happily Ever After~
  11. Bald heads forgetful of their sins ~ Yeates
  12. Tell me, now, does the sound of a "tick - tock" have a particular impact on ye?
  13. I can't say that I feel I have ESP - but similar to others, I feel a DeJaVu type of recollection to many, many events and ciscumstances. I know that these events are clearly familiar to me.
  14. Cap'n Pete Straw! Your photos absolutely make me breathless. I am so looking forward to the day that I get to visit that island. By the looks of your photos, it is jam-packed with tons to see! :) Thanks so much for sharing! Here's to you and Malta!
  15. My girlfriend that works for Homeland Security wants this to be her new Voice Mail message: Press 1 for English Press 2 for Deportation
  16. OdorlessEye! Those cannons look absolutely great! Your pirate-patio has just developed so beautifully! Thanks for sharing your pictures!
  17. I love tests - so here's my score...(sounds very normal to me!) Extroverted (E) 64.1% Introverted (I) 35.9% Sensing (S) 51.43% Intuitive (N) 48.57% Feeling (F) 61.54% Thinking (T) 38.46% Perceiving (P) 65.79% Judging (J) 34.21% Your type is: ESFP ESFP - "Entertainer". Radiates attractive warmth and optimism. Smooth, witty, charming, clever. Fun to be with. Very generous. 8.5% of the total population.
  18. That's quite an amazing pic, Pyrate Phil. Always wondered what I would find if i peeked into yer shower!
  19. God is my co-pirate (I read that one somewhere)
  20. I never heard it called a banner before, Patrick Hand! Oh! Freudian slip - I mean to say, Patrick Hand - you look so dashing in your new signature line! Here's to you!
  21. lol - Diego, of course!
  22. It was a holiday weekend, and I actually met John at Blockbuster one night that my former beau had stood me up. It was fate and we just naturally hit it off. We went to a little beach bar together and spent hours talking about our heritage, Ireland, each other, and found so very many similarities that we had to see each other again. I was stood up by the old beau again the following 2 days (and nights) so John invited and I accepted. We were destined to be together. He was into Highland games and wears a kilt of his family tartan, I introduced him to faire and the pirating has just evolved. We're getting married this weekend at the Renaissance Pleasure Faire faire, in fact, and we will be wearing pirate garb! Huzzah to the high seas together~
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