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lady snow

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Everything posted by lady snow

  1. i be admiral furrycheeks and i see that i have at least one relative here1
  2. i did swee george carlin do this and i'm not sure what channel i saw it on, but it wasn't comedycentral. i love the way the minds of george carlin and robin williams work!
  3. william - maybesilkie would like a little cheese wuth that whine
  4. it's also against the new medieval majesty in williamsport, pa and the celtic fling (one weekend only) at the parf rounds
  5. love it! but i'm not sure my pastor when i was iin grammar school would, though!
  6. would the pixies and faeries let sleeping gnomes be?
  7. 1st full day of spring and the temps got all the way up to freezing! it was 14 when i went to work this moprning! brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i think we used up our supply of warm weather in january! :angry:
  8. that was one we too many!
  9. where no man has gone before
  10. i once had a kitten that i rescued from starvation that would follow me around like a puppy.
  11. hmmmmmmmm...................................... :angry: the last time i was having really weird dreams was when i was prescribed vicodin for pain because of my broken back last year. i also vowed never to touch that stuff again. there has to be something they can give me for severe pain that isn't going to mess up my dreams ans sleep! :angry:
  12. obsession? no, just happen to LOVE carousels!
  13. thanks all! after working 12 hour shifts in a pressroom- getting done at 2:30 in the afternoon is a breeze! now if a permanent residence were in the ofing in the very near future, things would really be looking up. if only it were summer, i could just camp! and my kids love that too! (thoguh they be at school at the moment (private residential type). the food looks great! as for me, i love capers and i us them in my specialty, pork piccata!
  14. only if you want it to be :angry:
  15. i see matt's been piulfering bottle from our mates here -- i be thinking he need to be taking a dunk off the dock!
  16. thank ye so much, silkie. would ye be kind enough to join us here? ray - wharever silkie's havin'............
  17. i got over the knee black and white striped socks with hearts on top that i wear with my 'mad morgan kidd' garb for pyracy weekend at the pa ren faire
  18. wouldst thou be mine knight in shining honor rising to the occasions that be?
  19. thread the needle and sew up the garb
  20. in the afternoon
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