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lady snow

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Everything posted by lady snow

  1. bathroom humor? - down the hall
  2. not being much of a rum drinker (only virtually) i love home-made mead of all varieties.
  3. i used to collect snakes for pets
  4. from what i could see in the gallery, i did like the garb, when it couyld be viewed and the persons. ideas for more garb always welcome....
  5. ^ lives in the same state as my baby bro (who, by the way, is 38)
  6. then here's a few more to tide us over til the next raid, arrrrgh!
  7. ye think that ye be fierce? nay, says i, ye just be a cuddly pussycat!
  8. what happened to the pelican? that ship is gorgeous! i was on the piers when the tallships came into ny harbor on july 4th of 1976. it was a like a ringside seat with no oone to spoil the view. when i was about 9 a portugese ship was docked at the brooklyn piers and my grandparents took me to tour it. i think the neatest thing to me (then at least) were all the hammocks the sailors slept in. it was the first time i had ever been on a ship.
  9. i may not be blind, just don't ask me to read anything smaller than about 12 or 14 point when i don't have my glasses on
  10. a stretch mini coop? that's different! ray - whatever merc wants- it's hers! have a great time friend!
  11. i can see it inmy head (almost a self-portrait?) but have to get it down on paper and then figure out how to get it on the boards.
  12. we be the best kind!
  13. ^ likes a little salad with his ranch dressing
  14. spending time with my good friend, would i like? aye!
  15. band you say? myself would like to listen to empty hats about now (faire fix, you see)
  16. having past 50 now, and still haven't learned all i want to learn, i did discover the last time i was in college (10 years ago) that it was really easy to speak out and get my point across. but is was strnge being older than some of my professors! here's to my next ddegree!
  17. mariners 3 - yankees 7
  18. i kinda like the saucy wench!
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