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lady snow

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Everything posted by lady snow

  1. i just got onmyspace recently, but i have to find it again to get the link. soon, i promise
  2. oaths swore before testimony meant nothing as the perpetrator lied about his whereabouts
  3. caught unawares by the rogue, she tried to rearrange her garments frantically
  4. i quit smoking on a bet 28-1/2 years ago. won the bet and never missed it
  5. 'i'm a natural blue'
  6. i do love that show
  7. hi gang i got this at snopes.com (a site i can get lost for hours in) In Context The origins of April Fools Day are not clear but it is known that the tradition of practical joking and mischief-making dates back to Ancient Roman times. It would appear that the festival is closely related to the coming of Spring. Ancient Romans and Celts celebrated a festival of practical joking at about the time of the Vernal Equinox, as do millions of India's Hindus. The French also mark 1 April but instead of April Fools they call it Poisson d'Avril (April Fish). enjoy
  8. you always bring a smile to my face, m_j
  9. actually i really do like the ales brewed by the micro-brewery, swashbuckler's at the parf shire! and i like the mt. hopewines too
  10. the hum of the cpu
  11. ***i think i saw you on the other steed*** ^ isn't afraid to have fun
  12. i tried your link and got a message that you should see. put in just upto the .com and not the reast and you'll see what i mean. sometime about not uploading right and ftp. i really hope it's fixed soon cause i'm really curious as to the content.
  13. i would so love to go to vegas. last time i was there i got married. but i doubt if i'll have the finances at that time and it's in the middleof my faire season here in pa. darn it anyway. i'll get to meet you guys one of these days. i guess i'll just have to be content with pyrate phil here at home!
  14. my first payday since the first weekend in november. it's not all that muc, but it's better than the alternative!
  15. losers, schmoozers, why can't we all just get along?
  16. ^ may just run into me in fantasy someday
  17. me? incurable flirt, but harmless
  18. mmmmmmmmm chocolate covered pyrates, my favorite delicacy!
  19. losers really have no place in the pub
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