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Lady Alyx

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Posts posted by Lady Alyx

  1. ...Also found this in wiki under Barbeque....

    There is ample evidence that both the word and cooking technique migrated out of the Caribbean and into other cultures and languages, with the word moving from Caribbean dialects into Spanish, then French and English. The Oxford English Dictionary cites the word as having been introduced into the English language by British buccaneer William Dampier
  2. I am glad that this topic has opened some doors into the discussion of waht is offered at faires.

    I am also interested in what Blackbead said about this...

    "Buccaneers" comes from a style of roasting/smoking meat that 'somewhat' preserved it over a "boucan" or "barbacoa." This is also supposed to be the origin of the term "barbecue."

    I have been doing a lot of in-oven barbeque and I have to tell you it is so simple and comes out marvelous. Would like to know more about the origins of 'barbacoa'. Could you tell me if there is something on the web about this subject?

  3. Can you get a Pink Ribbons with Skull and Crossbones printed on them, and then just shape them in the the formal ribbon fashion as Ribbon Pins? With the logo on the ends Save the Treasure Chests - Save the Boobies?

    Picture%20041.jpg from Ribbons and Bows oh My website

  4. Sorry folks, did not make it out to this event on the 24 due to the unsettled weather conditions. We did not want to take chances on rain or anything else the atmosphere was doing this past weekend. I hope for those of you it was good, it was nice over here at the beach it turned out but I don't know how it was inland.

  5. I looked up the leather garters on Jas's webby and the first thing came to mind is Thrift Shops...perhaps you can find two of the same belts that you can cut down and re-stamp out the holes?


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