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Toe Cutter

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Everything posted by Toe Cutter

  1. Thans mate! me wife already says I spend too much time on-line, she's gonna love this!
  2. I have been building a Spanish fleet, they have the best ship in the game... the El Acorazado! It is a five mast ship and it takes two hits on the same turn to eliminate one of her masts. Throw a captain and a musketeer and you have 6 shots that can move and fire in the same turn...HELL YEAH!!!
  3. Try lookin on e-bay, me brother just bought all the pirate ships an crew he didn't have there, includin 2 pirate 5-mast ships.
  4. Arr, I started playin tha game 2 weeks ago, now I be hooked! I has 30 ships in me fleet. They be in abundance here in Georgia.
  5. Arr, mine would be Salty dog, by Flogging Molly, off their Swagger album. Damn good listening!
  6. Aye, that would be a nice one....
  7. I would set it in my back yard and build a MASSIVE fish pond around it. But then I'm landlocked andwould have no better use for it. would make a nice pool house.
  8. They be 3" by 2", and yes I have large hands. :angry:
  9. Heres some better pics... They have a screw that goes in the back to attach them to whatever.... They will look good inside the hearse.
  10. I can't wait to see Flogging Molly live again.
  11. Thats pretty much how I feel about it, and I listened to it for 3 days straight in my car and still it's just missing something.
  12. I bought some of these at Hot Topic the other day, they are really cool. I think I will use them to decorate my hearse. http://www.hottopic.com/store/product.asp?...M=559631&RN=186
  13. Yeah I liked the movie too. It was one of those "so stupid it's funny" kind movies.
  14. I do enjoy New Orleans , have a drink er two fer me.
  15. We went to the Louisiana Ren fest a few years ago, it was still pretty small at the time, but cool. Not cool temp wise though it was almost to hot and humid to wear me garb, almost.
  16. To entertain your question though, Ninjas relied on stelth and surprise to accomplish their goals, in a stand up fight with battle hardened pirates I would probably put my money on the pirates.
  17. Look mate, Ninjas aren't real.......they're just puppets, not flesh and blood like we are.
  18. ARRR, if tha ANTI-GUN people gets their ways even our flint locks wont be safe. And paintball will end up like it is in most other countries where you have to keep your paintgun at the field and can NEVER take it home. I don't want to get all political here but one of the candidates running for President has voted ANTI-2nd amendment EVERY chance he has had since he has been in office. ARRR, they can has me guns when they pry em from me cold dead fingers!
  19. Interesting, reading through various posts in the diferent forums I have noticed that different people call their pirate gear by different terms: Garb-1. clothing. 2. a particular way of dressing. Kit-1. a set of articles used for a particular purpose<survival kit>. 2. a set of parts to be assembled Costume-1. clothes typical of one country or period. 2. a set of clothes appropriate for a particular season or occasion. 3. clothes worn by one playing a part or dressing up in disguise. Gear-term no. 3 - equipment. All according to websters. I always refer to mine as Garb or Gear, though really it should be garb and gear(my clothes and swords and such). I wonder if it means anything? The same people tend to use the same terms. Maybe I just have too much spare time to think of this kind of stuff? :)
  20. Not sure when we'll be down there again, but would like to see the Battle reenactment, and the ship. :)
  21. I been workin on mine for, gosh atleast 15 years. Don't think it'll ever be done. But it don't help that I want ta be able to go Middle ages, Renaissance, or Pirate just as quick. So allotin money towards each is hard. But I do make me own chain-mail so that helps. Who know ,by tha time I'm old an die I may have my gear complete.
  22. When I be at a fair I use this.... I also has pouches an other attachment I can choose from.
  23. Just got done watchin the movie, and I liked it, alot. I Think it would be a rush to be in a battle like the one at the end o the movie, but then I'm just a little crazy.
  24. This web-site http://www.tallshiprose.org/
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