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Grinning Gunner

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About Grinning Gunner

  • Birthday 11/25/1960

Profile Information

  • Location
    SE Mass
  • Interests
    Pyrates, History, Airbrushing, art, Kayaking (wee bit o'Pyrate scow) Ex- Minuteman re enactor and safety officer. Ex Coast Guardsman (Gunners Mate of course!)<br>Looking for a New England based crew.
  1. Just read an article in Spring 2007 Pirates Magazine by Dave Nichols "Why Bikers Love Pirates" and at the end of the article there is a highlight on Dave there is the quote " He comes by his piratical nature easily since he is a Distant relation to Edward Teach "AKA Blackbeard". Is this new info? Has his real name and family line been found? If so can someone please post this or where it can be found it would be facinating.
  2. Wow....talk about ye mugging and pillaging! Incredible.
  3. Where might I steal....er um procure this said Pirate Mag?
  4. I could be wrong but it sure looked to me to be a "baling hook" in the film clip they show of the mate sliding down the sail not a knife. If so they were way off with their test as usual And there was a whole list of factors not taken into account on the splinter test (age of the wood, size of the cannon, distance and what of metal fasteners and cargo) The Sailors of the Civil War clearly discribe damage from splinters. I was totally put of by the Mythbusters as usual. Thanks for letting me vent Brethren
  5. Beggin Ye Pardon, Scupper...But When? Thank Ye in advance, Grin
  6. Only if you have wrists like a blacksmith on steroids or an East German weightlifter. The recoil from a blunderbuss is not something you hold in one hand, especially your off hand. Hawkyns Aye Capt Hawkins a fine an noble point... I have had the occassion to fire a blunderbuss back in me Revolution Reenactment days...twas truly acursed wench to handle but alas it did shred a 4' x4' sheet of 1/2" plywood a true hand cannon .
  7. JUst whip out ye trusty cutlass an run at the bloke he turn aft to and put on sail ....arrrgghhh as far as big bro goes nothing like a blunderbuss for negotiating terms....
  8. I truly prefer the sword/pistol combination. If ye sword gets hung up just fire an make ye hole bigger, Better yet the blunderbuss in one hand and cutlass in the other... unless ye have been issued a hook for ye past troubles. arrrr
  9. I Fine site ...a few more wenches an lasses an mermaids still be needed one small thing ...how do ye get ye breeches so clean afer some many months below decks? Keep ye site up I be saving it in me favorite list Well done Lad
  10. a good book about early Drs and Pharmacist (1600'S) " Batavia's Graveyard" Its a Dutch East Indiaman taken over by a Phamacist (true story ) and gives alot of background into him and his trade.
  11. there seems to be enough of ye to start ye own crew only ya be need'n a male cap'n ........just kidd'n lasses . I can't wait to be a prisioner on ye ship. ARRRRRR
  12. Have ye tried Navy Arms in New Jersey? Used to have quite a handsome armory of pillageware
  13. I assume by the sound of it that this was in and around St.Thomas?
  14. Thanks for ye info darlin I my just be able to drop anchor and search around
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