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Rogue Mermaid

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Posts posted by Rogue Mermaid

  1. Oh I love the stories. My buddies and I would get so into our every-other-Sunday game that we would continue the story aspect onto e-mail at work on Monday. I've saved all those e-mails and it's just insane how very little work we got done on Monday in the office!

    However, there is nothing that will annoy non-players at a party more than a group of gamers telling stories about their adventures and conquests. I have to use a little restraint!

    Has anyone seen the movie Darkon? I was pretty surprised to find out the whole thing took place in Baltimore.

  2. My experiences of rpg-ing mostly involved planning adventures for whiny prima-donna characters, sitting around a large table eating Cheetos, drinking sodas, rolling dice and imaging interesting stories. (Not that that's not fun, too.)

    Personally I prefer beer and pizza rolls when I'm playing my whiny prima-donna characters. :ph34r:

    I'm giving 4ed the cold shoulder for now. I've just put too much into 3.5 to start up with a whole new system. My friend that usually DMs for us has bought WAAAAAY too many 3.5 books and it would be a waste of money for him if we changed up.

    Besides, I just taught my 13 year-old cousin to play 3.5 a few months ago. He loves the game, but it will really confuse him if I switch systems on him now.

    Don't get me wrong, I know myself well. In a few months I'll pick it up, or someone will suggest we give it a try, and I'll love it. Then I'll be buying the new books... That's why I have some books from each of the editions in my collection.

  3. My uncle on my father's side married a woman also named Kelly. They divorced, and I'm not close to my uncle so I didn't know what became of her...

    Until a package I ordered online never showed and the seller and mail carrier swore it was delivered. I was very frustrated until I recieved an e-mail from a woman who said she had received my package and didn't know why (she'd found my e-mail on the reciept), she was also very confused as to why the name on the package was her's. Once we communicated more I found out it was delivered to my uncle's ex-wife who happened to work in the office building next to mine!

  4. :lol: No, no, I just meant that I had no book to work in! Gosh, hope you didn't think that was a snide post aimed at you! You've kept me updated, so I had no complaints at all.

    Nope, I just feel bad that I said I'd have it out a week ago!

    Besides, it's your books so you still wouldn't have a book to work in :rolleyes:

  5. Currently I have no book.

    That's because I suck Ransom.

    Honestly, I finally sent it out yesterday. I'm so sorry I took so long, but it's safe and I even have a usps tracking # if you want it.

    It drives me crazy when the post office asks me if I want insurance when I mail the sketchbooks. Sure if this was some item I could buy at Walmart insurance makes since and it covers the postal service's butt if they lose it. However, these sketchbooks aren't replacable. I always want to say, "No insurance please, just don't lose this book".

    I don't mean to mock the postal service. My dad is actually a mailman so I like to say that I can "go postal" because it's in my genes. :rolleyes:

  6. I think my coworker found out that his other coworkers, myself included, are annoyed that he sleeps at his desk all afternoon (snoring loudly) while the rest of us work. He hasn't talked to anyone since last week. When he does talk he's moody and hateful. It's pretty funny that he is being so silly about this since he is twice the age of everyone else in this department!!!!

    Sure, I planned some nasty ways to wake him up, everything from ping pong guns to posting photos of him asleep with his head back and mouth wide open online. I didn't actually get around to doing anything of these things yet though.

    So what do you do with a 60 year old who is acting like a 3 year old?

  7. It's probley Pew's new book, not his original one, that is making the rounds right now. I didn't get the impression that if Pew & I's orginal books were returned that we were supposed to put them back in circulation. Besides, I'd be willing to be that he doesn't have his old book back yet, because I don't have mine.

    I was just saying that if Jenny has mailed Pew his orginal book back then it has the artwork that I did for him this round of the sketchbook game in it. I don't mind doing another set of sketches in his replacement book if his orginal book is still lost. However, if the orginal book was returned then Pew has a set of my sketches already and I can be removed from the list of people who need to still work in it. Then he'll get his new replacement book back a month earlier than Patrick forcasted.

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