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Rogue Mermaid

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Everything posted by Rogue Mermaid

  1. Shall we set up meet-up times and places for this weekend? Somewhere with beer?
  2. Since it's a nautical based event the site cordinator can have future events posted in Nor'easter's Event's section for free and we post press releases for free too. Let me know the next time something comes up and I'll get you (or her/him) the info. Nothing like some free publicity. You can hang me from the mast by my toes if I miss the next event!!!! It sounds like you guys had fun despite the heat. I'm heading to the PA Renn Fair this weekend so hopefully the weather stays pleasantly summer hot like today instead of oppressive like Saturday!
  3. Sore because I had a broken tooth fixed this morning...but very happy because two of my best friends got engaged this weekend. And mourning the passing of my 26th year of life as of tomorrow....which naturally means PARTY!!!!!
  4. I'm so sorry that I missed the pirate invasion John. Saturday the bride and the rest of us were all exhausted so we called it an early night. Sunday my family had an early birthday party for me so I was with them all day. I feel really guilty about missing it. Did you guys have a good turn out?
  5. I'm busy this weekend so I can't make it. BUT I will be there next Saturday!!!!
  6. I have a bridal shower I have to do during the day on Saturday, but I noticed that your last e-mail mentioned something about a tavern at night? Peg-leg Pete's? However one of the earlier posts said that the site closes at 5. Will the tavern be open after 5? My friend ,the bride, loves pirates, maybe I could bring her out at night.
  7. Thanks for the reminder crimson. I really want to go to that!!!
  8. Physical or Emotional? I hope you're ok. I'm hungry. I would gladly trade my desk witch for a tuna fish sandwich.
  9. What a bummer! I'm going Saturday but I was looking forward to meeting you Phil!
  10. WOW! I wish I had looked at this thread sooner. I am really excited to try the duct tape trick!! I just ordered a leather bodice from Ravenswood Leather and it's suposed to be in before August 15th. I'll let you guys know if I like it!
  11. Fantastic! What do you do at the faire Kat?
  12. Cotton Mather was an overzealous loon.
  13. I'll be there with at least two friends of mine. About a week before the invasion we should set up a time and place to meet up.
  14. Oh I don't blame Tracy Ulman for the movie stinking. She's great. I love Selma Blair too. If you saw the movie you don't need to me to explain how Dirty Shame could make you think less of her acting.
  15. One thing leads to another
  16. SPOON! Oh wait, that's not me.
  17. Huzzah Misson. Somehow I feel better knowing that someone else lost an hour and a half of their life on that stinker.
  18. Where are you working?!?!
  19. Here's a hint: The movie was shot on Harford Road in Baltimore
  20. Ok, I rented a WEIRD movie monday night. I think this is a hard one so I'll use an obvious qoute from the movie in case anyone saw it. "Lets Go Sex'n!!!"
  21. Sorry for the delay...... You're the one who makes me happy honey You're the sun who makes me shine When you're around I'm always laughing I want to make you mine
  22. Evolution?
  23. Cool! Thanks for the info John!
  24. Hey, you've got the pirate invasion at the PA faire to look forward to Phil... Everyone gets in these dark depressions, and it's not easy to pull through them. The hardest thing to do during these times is to remember that there are so many good things in life and you have family and friends that love you and want to see you happy. You can say that's a sappy statement (and it is) but you can't denigh that it's true.
  25. Damn Phil... I'll buy you some socks if it would just make you smile
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