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Marona the Marauder

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Everything posted by Marona the Marauder

  1. ::rofl:: by a LOT i mean i might sacrifce grocery money. I have NO foodums in me house
  2. I have a LOT more money than I thought. Depending on how much my bodice is going to run me I might be able to get it tomorrow. I'm sure we can also get them online if need be
  3. HAHAHAHAHA!!! We can make our mates share the duty! they can handg out together, all tory ever does is play PS2 games. ::pouts:: I'm practically a widow
  4. then straight is how ye will gets it!! Hmm, I'm thinking I'll be joinin' this crew, tis very much impressed I am
  5. hehehe, yes ye spelled me name correctly. and ye bet i'll be thar!! hehe, well, considering tis yer sister that be takin' me. :)
  6. yeah, the only problem being I have no transportation, so I can't go alone unless i take a cab or somethin. mebbe I'll just wait till next season :)
  7. 'm seriously considering gettin a season pass. Do ye mates think it's worth it?
  8. Have I mentioned that I'm entirely TOO excited for this season??? ::dances around pul like a small child:: AND I was able to make my boss relent and let me have my weekends off even tho I'm going back to school!!! I'll be pulling 10 hour days, but whats new?? I can def. do the camping thing for pyrate invasion weekend, and I'm seriously considering getting a season pass. ::throws hat in the air:: Barkeep!!! more rum!! I feel like celebrating!
  9. Marona grins at the antics of her newfound bretheren before getting up and dusting herself off. "welp, I'm fer th' pub. Theres an openin' day tomorrow that I'm needin' t' ready meself fer. ::giggles:: try not t' put too many of the lads outta commission, siren, we might be needin' 'em later!" ::waves goodby as she walks down the beach::
  10. Apparently the bokers would all get rip-roarin' drunk (naturally) and decide to hold swordfights in the parking lot. The reason we can't have weapons has to do with the specific insurance company for the fair.
  11. Did someone mention DOTC?? hehe, the 'wench put me in charge of th' jell-o shooters I hope ye like it rough!!! ::grins wickedly::
  12. Now dry, Marona pulls herself off the sand she had been sitting on and pus on some clothes. " Hey guys, any food left? I haven't had anythin' t' eat since yesterday ,and now me stomach is trying t' wrap its self around m' backbone."
  13. aww! here will ::hands will her full bottle:: never leave the pub without it!
  14. ::Marona grins and tweaks williams mustache:: "why, because yer Irresistible m' lad!" ::::quickly diving under water, marona grabs williams foot and pulls him under, then breaks the surface of the sea and laughs uncontrollably while swimming out further into the ocean::
  15. Marona strips down to her chemise, streaches her 5'8" frame with fingertips to the sky and jumps in after Siren. With the powerful strokes of one Island-born cuts through the water as they change to a steely blue in the oncomming storm. ::smiles sweetly:: "oh, william!"
  16. Ah, I'll be in school out there, as soon as I finish up with my schooling here (stupid federal financial aid not wanting to give me money because they think I make too much, too much being a steady job in general. heh). I might be able to visit NM tho! at least I won't be totaly alone
  17. ::wipes a tear and smiles:: Thank ye, siren. Bah what good is it t' sit n' moan! Life is short and should be enjoyed, so's I'm fer a swim, as long as the sharks don't think I'm TOO tasty Whos with me?!? Siren?? Christine?? William looks like he could use a good dunking ::grins wickedly::
  18. ::sits next to Siren:: Aye, tis greatful to ye I am lass. I bit too much grog an' memoies fer me taste lastnight. I lost m'ship a few years back, and I'm sorely missing her an' me crew. ::sighs:: 'specially m' man. 'e wos a goodun', that man. ::sighs::
  19. ::Marona makes her way, bleary-eyed, down a length of deserted beach, only to come upon several people taking their leave in a small lagoon. "Be there room fer one more? I'm feelin a wee bit delicate right now, and m' close to jumping in and stayin' down iffin ye catch m' drift.
  20. Hey guys!! Oh, soooooo excited for this saturday!! I need a PP too!!! Maybe I'll be able to think of a good Bawdy Bunch song :)
  21. 'ello!! Yes, yes, I live in Maryland, but I'm originally from Colorado, and will be moving out there in about a year. I'm just hoping theres as big a turnout there as here. Anyone from the Rockie state?
  22. Heres another question. I will probably be moving out to colorado in about a year or so. What would that do to my membership on this crew, if anything?
  23. Well, lets see here...there be openin' day, an' pyrate invasion to be sure. Scottish an' closin day are a must as well. whos comin' with me?!?
  24. ::looks at unregestered post she just made:: maybe I drink a wee bit too much?
  25. Juryrig, aye?? Sounds like me kind o' crew. be ye needin' another hand?
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