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Gentleman of Fortune

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Everything posted by Gentleman of Fortune

  1. Have you tried any using hemp rope? GoF
  2. I would say they were later as well. My guess, 1760s The heels start to get thinner around this time, and that is an awfully large latchet and buckle... but women shoes always seem to be different than mens. But If you are using these as an example to copy. Go for it. You can make the heel a little stockier and the latchets thinner. You can get some good ideas by googling 17th or 18th century womens shoes or checking out the V&A online or the Bath Museum of Costume. Good luck and keep us posted. GoF
  3. Really!?! Great! Please post pictures of the event we can see for ourselves. I didn't mean for this to be an "the event I went to this one time back in...., is better than that event...." kind of thread. (And events always seem better when we remember them, and much easier to pick apart other's events when viewing later....) But anyway, I give kudos to this group, as its entirely re-enactor planned and executed, and its not a "one-of" thing either.
  4. Hey Chris Looks great so far. I will agree with Pat Hand... definitely a neckerchief. You should never be able to see the "collar" on an GAoP shirt. It should be hidden under a neckerchief. At least, no period picture of sailors shows them without. From the looks, your next major expense is going to be shoes... strategically not in the photo? You are well on your way into the "authentic" camp. It is an addiction though.... its easier to give up crack. The next thing is you are going to want to have your entire outfit handmade by yourself. That feeling you got after completing the slops.... multiply it by 25 for the first event you go to and say to folks that ask... "yes, I made everything myself (except for shoes and socks), I hand made the jacket, shirt, and slop trousers myself. I bought this hat blank and cocked and lined it with my own two hands".... Other things are simple too. I can't get a good look at your belt & buckle, but belts are easy enough to do You want a narrow belt... no more than 1.5 inches and buckle to match #121-125, 1 1/4" inside width, Solid Brass $4.75 each http://www.woodedhamlet.com/buttons_clasps...ss_buckles.html And then get a belt blank in vegetable tanned leather and some linen thread (an awl will help too). And in about 1 hrs time, you have a period belt... that you made. On Pat Hand I give a lot of credit to PH. He is a great ambassador for the "authenticity" side of the hobby as he doesn't seem to beat folks over the head with it, and gushes with a "Hey, if I can do it, so can you." Attitude and is willing to help others. GoF
  5. Casket Congratulations! Nice job at taking the bull by the horns and making yourself a nice pair of slops. They look great, and I am betting that you are getting a lot of satisfaction out of completing this project. My GoF site gets a lot of questions from folks that ask "where can i get...." and I usually reply by saying that you can go a lot further in this hobby by learning some skills and making some items yourself. Its not really that "hard", it just takes patiences and time (with a healthy dose of follow through). Some projects are easier (like making a hat from a blank) but it builds confidence and a skill set that you can use later. GOF
  6. Saw this on a Russian Forum With just a little work.... GOF
  7. Ok.... lets change direction a bit and post some pictures of some nice bodices, stays, and or corsets. I'll start. This is from http://www.dazeoflaur.com/ next ?
  8. That reminds me of a quote from the movie Mad Max that has stuck with me to this day. The line is (When Max takes his family car to get some work done on it, the mechanic says) "Speed is just a question of money, how fast do you want to go?" I have bastardized it a little for re-enacting... and while not exactly a truism.... "Authenticity is just a question of money, how authentic do you want to be?" Also, I have painted myself into a corner with my musings and my web page. Everyone expects my shit to be squared away. Otherwise, I am just a hypocrite with access to a computer. GoF
  9. Morgan Way cool dude. Would it be possible to post rough estimates of time involved for the two projects above. That is probably a tricky way of saying, "wow, i would love something like that, I wonder how much it would cost?" If you would rather not post it online, send me a pm... GoF
  10. I struggled with the banner clickey thing... and I got stuck in a tar-baby. That will have to wait..... Got another one done (or started, as they are all works in progress!) http://www.gentlemenoffortune.com/groups.htm greg
  11. Little Neck Yes, I believe it could be done. I have been debating a similar project myself, albeit using a european fireman's axe. I got as far as buying the axe, and then decided just to commission a reproduction of the Spanish boarding Axe from 1715 ( http://www.imacdigest.com/axe.html ) My original concern was the shape of the entry point for the axe handle. On modern axes, its invariably oval and I think a lot of the original boarding axes were made for more of a round handle. The problem with the above statement is that there are very few original GAoP era boarding axes. Most extant axes are from the later 18th and 19th century when there were definite patterns to each countries axe (though all are similar) One of the oldest boarding axes is dated 1675 and in the Tojhusmeseet Collection in Copenhagen. It appears to have an oval entry point, but I am basing this off of a drawing of it that appears in Boarders Away Vol.1. I have to say that it could actually be more of a trapezoid shape, like those found on Swedish axes. By this point, I am sure a lot of you are saying, what an a$$hole, worrying about such triviality.... But hey, I am not on medication. Anywhoo I think you should proceed, with axe in one hand, and grinder in the other and report back to us. The only caution i would put forth is to not make it like the later British pattern Good luck GoF
  12. Thanks! Banner clicky thing... hmmm... good idea! Now to figure out the code GoF
  13. The second page is done... http://www.gentlemenoffortune.com/sailorskit.htm GoF
  14. Lets sticky this GoF
  15. I wasn't sure where exactly to post this... But i think that the people that would be interested are the ones that at least occasionally check out twill... so here you go. Here is a group of folks... I really don't think that they are a "group" per say, but more of a collection of international 18th c enthusiast who get together for certain events. This one was in Bayreuth recently. http://root.cologne-digital-online.de/isab...riginalgroesse/ Cool There is a guy with a light green outfit... he hand embroiders costumes. Check out the buttons! GoF
  16. Midnight The one shown was made from Rifle Shoppe parts. That is about the only game in town I believe for most things I have a feeling that most of the Indian Repros have been copied from Riffle Shoppe guns. Captain Stirling While not my favorite, the Escopeta has grown on me a little. I can't help but imagine how many of them were available, or at least "around" in the Caribbean during the GAoP. And, its something that we just don't see in the re-enacting community. For me though, I think I will get a Boucannier Musket. GoF
  17. Thanks for the comments, keep em' coming! I know what you mean about the "corporate" look. It kind of bothered me at first, but the more I worked with it, it really grew on me. The blue had a soothing effect and, the shot of the top/crow's nest gives it a more dignified look. My concern is that most folks might not even realize that they are at a pirate re-enacting living history site... as most (but not all) pirate sites have kind of the same theme... black with lots of skulls or the vintage paper look. So we will see.... Thanks again. Greg aka GoF
  18. I really need to update my pirate site as its grown unwieldy. I am trying to make the transition from a cobbled together HTML nightmare, to a smooth flowing easy to update site done in CSS. The end result is that the appearance and potentially flavor of the site is changing at the same time... I am not sure if its for good or ill, and would like some opinions. Here is the old http://www.gentlemenoffortune.com/gofindex.htm and here is the NEW http://www.gentlemenoffortune.com/ I would like to think that I have a tough enough skin to handle all comments, so please, if you have some time, take a look. (so far, the changes only affect the front page) Thanks, in advance gof
  19. Quick... check it out before they take the pictures down http://tinyurl.com/2799q9 GoF
  20. I agree with Hurricane A lot of the repro onion bottles just don't look... quite... right. Considering that the onion bottle has a pretty long history and covers a large date range itself, they do change in appearance over time. A lot of time the color is off too... the repros seem to be lighter in color and not the dark, rich black/green of the originals. I like your calabash Midnight. Good work once again! GOF
  21. Well hold on a minute.... Shoes have been used for thousands of years, but that doesn't mean that Nikes' Air Jordan's would be good for the Victorian era, or the Vietnam era for that matter. That style of stone wear jug is at best, 2nd half of the 18th century. I see them at flea markets in germany all the time, and no kidding, yesterday, a friend of mine bought 3 of them for $12. Stone wear jugs that are definitely good for GAoP are the bellamine jugs also called Bartman Jugs. Here is a BartmanKrug or Bellarmine Jug from 1699 More info can be found on them at this good Bellarmine Jug Site And remember, they too are "Stone wear Jugs" The GAoP is a sticky wicket as it covers the end of the 17th Century and just the first quarter of the 18th century. Not only does it cover parts of two centuries, but it covers to distint style periods as well (Baroque and Rococo). For the early part of the GAoP we are in the last throes of the Rococo, then a mixing of styles, and finally it all gives way to the Rococo. The wicket gets stickier when doing research as something that says its "18th century" could very easily be 1789 as it could be 1709, and I think that these bottles fall in that category. I would love to be wrong... if anyone can come up with a mineral water stone jug that is of the style you posted that is prior to 1725, I would love to see it. Until then, I think known styles of liquid container are our best bet onion bottles, casks, cask bottles and possibly calabashes. Just some thoughts. GOF Calabash
  22. Last one $35 and $5 shipping its a natural brown XL
  23. I have put together a package deal, for anyone interested, as I am trying to drum up some cash for another "piratey" project... So, I am putting together a one-of set for anyone interested. A set of Buckles + Monmouth Cap + Pirate T-shirt all for $80 shipped. See details below. A pair of GAoP shoe buckles (your choice silver or brass) A Monmouth Cap (*see note at bottom) And lastly a Pirate Brethren T-Shirt (New unworn, size Large) I had these made up a while back, and this is the last one. All for $80 SHIPPED! ** (see note) AS with all my other deals, this is first come, first served so send me an e-mail or a pm. If you have been thinking about getting buckles or caps, now maybe the best time! *Monmouth Caps- I only have a few left, so you are limited to color and size. I have Blue (2-XLs and 1 Large) In Red I have 1 md/lg... that is it between medium and large ) **If you live outside of the contenental US, I will find out what the exact shipping charges are and we can split them. So, if you are in Austrailia, it will be about another $5 or so. Thanks again GoF
  24. Well I am on the list too.... But I have to say, its not that i necessarily want to wear the thing... i just want to own a nice replica/copy of the Wydah box. I understand the feelings of making it appear as if it was a standard pirate issue item though... GoF
  25. I am a short jacket fan... you could make one out of heavier linen if wool aint' your bag. But I am curious about the phrase "buttons on the shirt"... Whattaya mean??? GoF
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