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Everything posted by maudelynn

  1. Which patterns do you suggest? I have gotten most of the advice from a fellow sewer and GBACG.org great pattern review. I am always excited for new ideas and advice Much Obliged
  2. Hello again , I do have some pictures I just have to get them developed and up. I will point you in their direction when I do :)
  3. Ohhhh and you have a riding habit page. I am just about to start on mine. I am using the Mill Farm pattern that looks just like the one in Janet Arnolds book. I know I could save myself alot of money if I just knew how to draft them fromt the books... ahhh well something to learn I suppose. What are your favorite fabric suppliers? Thank you
  4. Wow Kass, would that I had found your tutorial before I began my Striped gown. My stripes match alright. I finally figured out last night why the front was not laying flat on my body to fit the stomacher. Hello breasts, so until I get myself a proper 1770's corset I am going to hold off on finishing it. I have a 1790-1800 is corset and they are not as conical and havea bit more of a natural shape so it just wasnt working. Have you been to PeriodCorsets.com? I don't mind Wingeo patterns so much. Although I prefer Period Impressions Polannaise to all others and that is what I am using for my Sleepy gown. Thank you for the insight and I will refer back to your tutorial when I begin my Miss Swann peach dress 2.0
  5. I was lucky and got a medallion and the Will Turner Jacket. I really wanted a dress but was outbid at the last second. I cannot imagine what the dresses, or even the 2 things I have, are worth now. I have my COA's from Disney in a safe place My treasure chests are overflowing, well ok not overflowing but a good start has been made
  6. I shall post, if I can figure out how! I can be very inCOMPetant at times. The stripes are horrid to try to line up and I paid so much for the fabric because it is the same silk/satin gros grain type fabric used in the film. I ended up using Period Impressions Polainnaise Gown. I thought about Wingeo's robe Le Angelaise (sp?) but I didn't see any pleats in the back of the movie gown bodice. Have you decided on a pattern yet? I am actually off in a moment to buy the ribbon trim for the dress. I have found matches here in Seattle for 2 of the 3... now for the ruched white. I may just have to make that myself out of white gros grain... my fingers ache just thinking of it !!! Good luck on yours and let me know how it is going along
  7. Hi all seems to me Jack Sparrow himself would do a better job of running Disney than the current Eisner. PoTC is still popular, I run a PoTC costuming list ( well it really runs itself) and there are nearly 500 members and we get on average about 150 posts a month. Who was it that decided to auction off the props on Ebay? The REAL ones I mean. Nothing sadder than a stupid stubborn pirate
  8. I have a story about a costume event I went to. Early this month in England I went to what was advertised as a Georgian festival. 1794 was the year. I spent months on my outfits. I copied them directly from Heidleoffs fashion plates for that year. Everything, down to my underclothes, which of course no one could see, and all my jewelry was actually from that year or earlier give or take at most 5 years. So there I am sitting in my little yellow silk over robe (ala kate winslet's pink one in S&S) and my linen embroidered round gown watching the actors do their thing on the pantilles / boardwalk. One of the actors asks if he can have a word with me. We step away from the ladies I was sitting with and he informs me that I cannot wear my costumes when they are doing the festival. I was shocked. I went back to my hotel and changed and went to the tourist board and asked them why. They said because someone may mistake me for one of the actors etc. And that the actors had put so much time into their craft etc. I asked what would have happened if I had been a tourist who just happened to dress that way. (some of my 'modern' dresses are made with regency /georgian patterns) She said I would be asked to leave the area if the actors were there. I was so sad. I had spent so much time and money to get there, on my outfits and hotels etc. I ended up leaving the next day and going to London. A very sweet guy friend of mine dressed up in a gents outfit circ 1794, rented a horse and carriage and took me to see Wagners ring cycle at a lovely georgian manor called Kenwood house in Hampstead London the night after I got to London. The next day I went to Chiswick house in another one of my dresses and was welcomed with open arms by everyone in the place. So in the end I probably had a better time anyway. But I am still stumped as to the reasonings. Plus, if I do say so myself, my costumes were very very up to fashion for 1794 and theirs were about 3 years behind Ok end of complaint
  9. I would think a nice linen pirate shirt and some slops with stockings and shoes would be nice! I never feel comfortable in pants so I know what you mean about not being comfy in skirts. Plus it seems that if you were going to be physically active those would be the most practical options. Can you see me climbing the rigging in my panniers, pockets and brocade????
  10. Oh my, a steel erection? You should be careful friend, someone could get umm hurt!
  11. That is a stunning colour! I have only done a tiny bit of dying and really need to have an industrial sink put in somewhere lest I make a mess of my house. ( my cat and 2 dogs already make enough of a mess) I tried to get one of my Fancy Ball dresses I made up as a personal picture but to no avail. At the moment I am redoing the black and white striped late 1700s Sleepy Hollow dress. Then I am starting my Gold Elizabeth Swann dress! I am so glad to run across your pictures! They inspire me to keep stitching away ! Warmest Respects and a sterling thimble to you
  12. salut, too bad ghost story time is over, I have quiet a few! Is there anymore pepe lopez?
  13. I must agree that POTC and Capt Blood would be my favorite. Gee Flynn has nice teeth I have a toothbrush and I know how to use it Lady M
  14. Hello all, I purchased a couple of things from the Disney ebay auctions and just like having them. If you browse any Christies or Sotheby's prop auction catalog you will see some props are indeed a good investment. I think some if the Ebay auctions were very well priced as no one at the time had any idea how popular POTC would be. Lady Maudelynn
  15. Hello all, at first I was willing to give this meanie a chance and believe perhaps he had been duped by his "prop distributor" that he refers to in all his auctions. I thought perhaps he had unknowingly bought these things under false information. Now, as I see from the information I have gleaned here this is not the case. This makes me really sad. There are people who scrimp and save to buy these things and he is just taking their money hand over fist. Such a rascal could break people's hearts, especially younger fans of the movie who have scrimped and saved to get a prop that anyone in the film has used. What a hard and ruthless way to become aware of how greedy and false some humans can be. With respect to to all, especially those who are helping to stop this shame to the name of pirate , Lady M
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