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Everything posted by kass

  1. A muslin sack with a drawstring and a strap is very period, Tish. If I'm correctly understanding what you mean, that's what we call a "snapsack" and it's been in use by soldiers since the English Civil War at least! And yeah, it beats pink and black fur on authenticity, but not on funky style.
  2. Where are the pictures? I can't find the pictures! I wanna see!!!! :angry: Seriously...
  3. For linen, an inexpensive yet wonderful source is Fabrics-store.com They sell the perfect stuff for about $6 a yard. And if that's still too rich for your blood, click on the link that says "Fabric Doggie Bag". Here you can get pre-cut leftovers at a discounted price. Same quality. Just smaller pieces of goods. Greg, since you're not starting until November 1st (and God willing, I will be completely moved into the new house by then), would you like me to do my "Handsewing 101" song and dance? Basically I teach you the most common period hand stitches while teaching you to make a period pin cushion out of scrap fabric. Very utilitarian. Takes about an hour even if you can't thread a needle.
  4. Raff told me a few months ago that she's been working weekends at her other job and that's why she hasn't been making events. :angry:
  5. I say wasabi and sake. Hell, it'll be fresh!
  6. Thank you, Mary. It's a lot of bleedin' clothing, that's for sure. Sweated all damned day and it wasn't that hot! To answer someone's earlier question about the hunting outfit in The Brotherhood of the Wolf, I have to admit that I saw the movie before I started studying this picture so I don't remember if the clothing was right or not. From the photo posted, it looks spot on. But I can't see much of her outfit. It's a later hunting costume than what I was wearing (c 1750s? Mine is 1693) but the actress looks absolutely lovely in it!
  7. Ah yes! I remember the story now. And Woman was not allowed the use of the pocket for she tempted Man into the Fall. So she was cursed to wander the world with a bag tied to her waist! Then one day, some decadent hussy from Edward's time sewed her pouch to her petticotes...
  8. Just remember, Josh, we were talking about wooden trunks until you piped up. So it's all YOUR fault. Greg, I didn't make their stays. They made them all by themselves. Of course I taught them how. Aren't they cute? <proud mama face>
  9. I have to admit that I've never made a study of military uniforms. But the common and upper class breeches and coats and waistcoats I've examined (and read about) all have pockets. Now, some of them might be very low-profile that you couldn't keep more than a watch in. But there are definitely pockets in those breeches. It's hard to make a pair of fall-front breeches without pockets. Of course you also must ask yourself how well-supplied the AWI soldier was. You know as well as I do, Blackjohn, that Rev War reenactors have far more complete uniforms than the Continental Line every did. :)
  10. Is philosophy allowed in Rabble Rousing? I think we're going to have to check with the moderator...
  11. As promised, here they are: Scylla and Charybdis Girls flanking Jay (I'm not responsible for the guy in the middle.) Where shall we start the bidding?
  12. Thanks, Jim. Now I have to clean coffee off my screen. Can you have an Off Topic observation in Rabble Rousing? Can anything actually be off topic in here? I doubt it... He's got a point, Backjohn. And here I thought it was opposable thumbs and self-awareness!
  13. Isn't that why we hang out together? Because we all "know the words"! Sometimes I get this strange idea that my interests are really far-reaching an unrelated, and then I run into you guys who have the same far-reaching, unrelated interests as me! I think we all got dipped out of the same vat or something. Now all we need is one of those small scale charts and a boat...
  14. Silly Blackjohn! Did you really think we needed a translation?
  15. But Revolutionary War era breeches do have pockets in them. So if they were making breeches without pockets, they were ignoring the many extant items that clearly had pockets in them. The breeches may fit snuggly in the leg, but the pockets are hidden by the fall front. Lots of room in there!
  16. Well, Mike, I've never been mistaken for someone with patience. But I think one of the reasons I got into this period is that I love doing hand buttonholes. I'd better! There are about 100 on Bob's 1680s jacket!
  17. Mmmm... Think of all the ika negirisushi that would make...
  18. I've been talking about bringing the girls down to St. Mary's all year. They're all kitted out for it and everything. But now that it's here, we're moving house and five million other things are going on. We'll miss seeing you, Rod. Hopefully we'll make it next year. Give our love to everyone!
  19. Hmmm... That's funny. The last pair of 1680s breeches I examined had pockets in them. Do you mean to tell me that they were making them wrong in the 17th century?!?! Essentially pockets, pouches, and purses are all the same thing. They are all a bag suspended from your belt under your clothing. Men's breeches started to have pockets sew into them as far back as Elizabeth's time and there are many ECW documents referring to leather pockets sewn into breeches. But there were also breeches with pocket access slits with which one wore pockets on a belt underneath the garment. Women didn't have pockets sewn into their garments until much later in history.
  20. <sigh> Boys... Speaking of chests, I'll have pictures of the girls to post tomorrow. Grab your drool collection devices!
  21. Nope. The few chests I've seen from this period are flat topped and rectangular.
  22. My friend Ady took some pictures, but she hasn't downloaded them off her camera yet. When she does, I will send them to you, Blackjohn. There was also that picture of Wee Jim leaping over a sword slash and the taker promised to email me a copy. So hopefully that'll show up too. The girls will be at the Pirate Feast for sure, so if you don't get to see them again before then, they will be there. They really enojyed the company on Saturday and want to do this again soon. They love to really get into character. They are rather... [ahem] ... outgoing.
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