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Everything posted by kass

  1. Good news, kids! The long-awaited Common Man's Jacket (aka "Sailor's Jacket") now has cover art. Which means we're drafting it as we speak and it is available for preorder. Check it out (third pattern down): http://www.reconstructinghistory.com/patte...s/preorder.html The pattern will ship next week.
  2. Oh my God! It's Rembrandt in 1640 in 1530s German dress!!! What he's wearing is unmistakably 1530s German, so if your lad is copying this picture specifically, that would make perfect sense, Josh! Me, I prefer Vermeer to Rembrandt, but I'm not an artist. I just love how many costume and furniture and table-settings details Vermeer gives. Bruggel is another one of my faves, as is Durer. Man, that lad could draw/engrave! But I wouldn't be anywhere without Hals.
  3. I don't think that's the way it works with Osprey books, or at least it didn't. My friend wrote the Samurai books, and when he did, he provided the artist with photographs of armour and clothing. But he didn't have any say over the artwork. They work pretty independently. And I wouldn't be surprised if Osprey chose the period illustrations based on how much they had to pay for permissions to use certain things, not what was period appropriate. Well, number one, the artist made all the people look like they were Hawaiians, not Japanese (too dark-skinned, to polynesian). Number two, he got some of the stuff seriously wrong even though it was right in the photos. One major faux pas was putting the armour on a figure backwards (yes, the breastplate was on his back -- his back was facing the viewer). The artist obviously knew nothing about Japanese armour...
  4. If you think the GAoP Osprey books are bad, try the Irish Wars one... Arrrrrrgh!!!!! My brain! My braaaaaaain! Hitman, I'm having one of those aneurysms of yours...
  5. Hi all! Just wanted to let you all know that the two men's patterns that were offered for preorder -- the 1680s Justacorps and the 1700s Frock Coat -- are printing now and will ship to those who preordered on Monday! Also we have a third men's pattern printing and ready to ship on Monday. The 1670s-1710s Brandenburg or Great Coat. You can preorder it here: Page down to the bottom of this page. The women's preordered patterns will print next week. If you've ordered men's and women's patterns, they will ship together when the women's print. Then we will have a whole new set of covers to tempt you with the rest of the GAoP lineup!
  6. Hee hee hee! I was trying to figure out it the cannons were part of the remodelling or the means by which you do the remodelling! Bob and I have a plan too. We want to build a 17th century manor house -- post and beam construction and cruck built. God bless the Amish! I want the inside to be white with oak beams so that we can have very modern furniture usually and then take it out and bring in the 17th century oak tressle tables for parties.
  7. Boy, I must be a total snore because that sounds like fun to me! Consider the sources...
  8. Hmmm... That's an interesting idea, Jack, and certainly just as likely as anything else we've come up with.
  9. True enough... Perplexing though. I wish *I* had an OED... and, you know, time to look up every variant of "tennis" I could think of... But the printers grind away and they don't like when I ignore them...
  10. Interesting... Because he's dressed 100 years earlier than Rembrandt (he was 1630s; this looks 1530s). However, Rembrandt was one of those famous Dutch painters who painted his patrons as pseudo-historical and mythological characters. Rembrandt always annoys me because I do 1630s and his paintings tell me nothing about what people really wore then... I wanna see what his wife is wearing. Got a link? Ed, darling, I'm in everyone's head...
  11. Hi all! Just wanted to let you all know that the two men's patterns that were offered for preorder -- the 1680s Justacorps and the 1700s Frock Coat -- are printing now and will ship to those who preordered on Monday! Also we have a third men's pattern printing and ready to ship on Monday. The 1670s-1710s Brandenburg or Great Coat. You can preorder it here: Page down to the bottom of this page. The women's preordered patterns will print next week. If you've ordered men's and women's patterns, they will ship together when the women's print. Then we will have a whole new set of covers to tempt you with the rest of the GAoP lineup!
  12. Hey, like I'm gonna complain if you base all your kit except hat and boots on my patterns? What am I, nuts? I will pretend you just dismounted when I see you in your boots, Jack. And as a lady, what would I know about men's hats...
  13. Wow. Okay. I'm flabbergasted... Tennis was well known in England since Elizabeth's time (at least -- I don't know about before then). It's even mentioned in Shakespeare. But why would one need a cape to play tennis? Could we be assuming that this spelling is for the sport of tennis but perhaps there is something called "tenis" or "tunnes" or similar that we are misinterpretting because of the spelling? Foxe, got an OED? He also doesn't seem to be a wealthy man (two pairs of stockings and one pair of shoes...) so I doubt he would have the money to have such a specialized garment. But who plays tennis in a cape?!?!
  14. Hey Josh, is this the entire portrait? Because if there is more of his clothing to see, I'd love to see it. Tell ya why I ask: He looks like he may not be dressed as himself. Now I don't know about the 1670s, but in the 18th century, it was common to be painted as someone else (like a historical figure or a mythological character) or dressed in a costume from another period of history. Now regardless of the fact that the 18th century is a lot closer to the 17th century than we are, boy do they get the clothing WRONG!!! It wasn't so important to them to get the details historically accurate. They just liked the "vibe" of those earlier eras (kinda like some of us, eh?) Anyways, the shirt he's wearing looks so early 16th century German that I'm having Landsknecht flashbacks. And I can't make out the details of his outer garment, but it looks very much like something you might see on a Burgermeister... or even Henry VIII! Neato! Thanks bro! Okay. Enough of a break. Gotta go check the pattern paper...
  15. Oh, you're THAT Jack! I don't complain about you, mate. I complain about people saying things are historical when they're not, which is definitely something you don't do. At least not that I've ever seen. And your hats ROCK! I love the bit with giving the kids metal coins for their plastic ones. May I ask where you get your coins? By the way, the men's preordered patterns will ship on Monday. That's set in stone. I can smell the printing fluids now...
  16. Oh my God, Greg! Now who's being naive? Have you ever been to a Trek convention, darling? Those people will quote the "word of Rodenberry" to you, chapter and verse. And God forbid if you wear elf ears and pretend to be Vulcan because they're a totally different shape and not appropriate blah blah blah... You wanna meet authenticists? Them's is some authenticists, mate. Ain't no competiting with them! W're frickin' amateurs...
  17. Hey Josh (or anyone who knows), Do you know the significance of the boot in that cartoon? That would be interesting to know... Kass
  18. Like Petee said, I don't see the big deal. We all dig pirates. I like to think I get along with both sides. I mean, just because I want to stitch count on my stuff doesn't mean I'd EVER do it with anyone else's kit. You know? It's just a game with different pieces. We all have this game that we play -- the pieces we have to buy or make or find that will make our kit "perfect". To the historical people, it's based on stuff found in a shipwreck or in a period painting. To the fantasy or Hollywood people, it's based on stuff in a movie or a book or a character they created themselves. We both dress up to pretend we're someone else on the weekends -- pro or not. Same game. Different pieces. That's really the only difference. Neither is better or worse in the grand scheme of things. I won't stand for being called uptight or judgemental or a nazi though. I think it's all bloody brilliant! Rock on, friends! And if any of you think I'm judging you, you couldn't be further from the truth.
  19. Green Eyes, you're a dork! And I mean that in the nicest possible way! I don't like you either. Have a beer!
  20. Yes, it's just like snarffing but with a cute, wee nosey... [sticks face back in beer-filled bucket boot]
  21. You mean all these years, I've been missing the ulterior purpose of these things?!?!? Cool!
  22. [Pulls off her bucket boot ( ) and fills it with wine for Dorian.]
  23. A straw?!?!? This is a class establishment, this is! And thus does the forum moderator help the thread degerate into madness...
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