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Everything posted by kass

  1. Yeah! The wire work was just amazing! Can't figure out what you were hanging from with no trees near the field...
  2. So you guys have me thinking... My first reaction was "I likes 'em pretty! Pretty and young!" But the more I thought about it, the more that just wasn't entirely true. I think the best way to put it is that I like men who look good in clothes. It doesn't matter if they're slim or stout, tall or short. If they wear clothes well, I find them attractive. I think not a small part of that comes from body confidence. If he can wear a T-shirt and make it look like a tuxedo, that's a turn-on. Conversely, if he makes Armani look like K-mart... see ya! But he has to be at least 5'10" tall! I too, Chole, was forever scarred by being 12 years old and 5'8" tall. And judging from my last few lovers, apparently they have to wear a size 44 coat. But I think that's a coincidence.
  3. Welcome back, Filch darling. And happy birthday! Have one on me, sweets!
  4. Filch, you're naughty! You may need a spanking!
  5. We're centered in the DC area, Michael. But we have members in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia. I have the AC shell and ring guard hanger and my husband has the AC mortuary hilt (or rather Foxe has it at the moment... ). I, of course, am a proper woman and don't swordfight. I find using my hands so much more effective!
  6. Well, we (the Pirate Brethren in PA/MD/VA) do it. We have guys in our group who've done sword fighting in other periods, so when we started doing GAoP, we just changed swords. Bob and Jim Fighting 162sm.jpg Bob and Jim Fighting 132sm.jpg Bob and Jim Fighting 008sm.jpg BobJim.jpg Jimjustcan.jpg Neo.jpg Bob (the one in the grey short jacket) is fighting with my Armour Class shell and ring-guard hanger that I just purchased. It broke Jim's mortuary hilt sword shortly after the last pictures were taken. I'm recommending Jim get an Armour Class mortuary hilt next time. :)
  7. Sorry it isn't your size, Coastie. We are planning some mid-18th century patterns next Spring (around March). I'll likely announce them here in Plunder when they roll off the presses.
  8. I live with two greyhounds and Bob. Drool is special flavouring!
  9. Have fun, Zephaniah, and a safe journey.
  10. Hey hey hey! Put that in the box too!
  11. Lindt Intense Orange, please.
  12. Darling, I'm negotiating for quantity. I want you to get the most out of your visit to the US!
  13. Jack, I can be silenced with an appropriate bribe... Jigme, we will be here when your ship comes in! Visit often, mate!
  14. Measure around the widest part of your chest with a tape measure, Coastie. 38" is the chest measurement that this coat will fit. Actually, it's sized large so it might fit up to 40".
  15. Now you're thinking, Chole! You learn quick!
  16. What a question, Cheeks! Do you want him not to come to RF2 at all? First you offer him partially attached women and then you offer him women with baggage?!?!? Good Lord, woman, what kind of selling point is that?! We may have to renegotiate his entire contract now... :)
  17. Oh, think you're pretty smart, doncha there Foxe? You know I'm grooming 18-year-old-blonde to take over my Empire when I'm gone. So it doesn't really matter if she finishes high school, does it? And by all means, let the bidding continue! There will be no exclusivity arrangements here. Foxe is a free agent, available to all comers... I mean takers... I mean... Oh boy...
  18. I had a blonde streak about... Nah. That would be telling! Chole, you just have to know your market.
  19. 18 is a woman by any legal definition I can find. Besides, he said his age range was 18-30.
  20. I just don't think you can pay him enough, Cheeks. My cheese comes served by an 18-year old blonde...
  21. kass

    My word

    Hee! Or did it only with all the lamps out...
  22. kass

    My word

    I dunno. I only read the racy bits of history. Not the parts that don't involve people getting naked. Perhaps he just never looked down?
  23. Darn it, guys! It's not my husband's size either. By the way, if you want one in your size, the new website goes up this week!
  24. kass

    My word

    Yeah but darling, most people aren't that flexible! {EDIT} Don't worry, Jim. I'm the moderator!
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