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Red-Handed Jill

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Everything posted by Red-Handed Jill

  1. ^ During the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, I was stuck in the dark for days. Thank goodness for the garden and my hibachi! I also rigged up a warmer for cognac and read by candlelight. < I always keep lots of candles and such, just in case. V What would you do if stuck in the dark (i.e. power outage)?
  2. As a woman, I'd probably have to disguise myself to do what I wanted, since I've always tended to take the road not taken. I'd probably be a carpenter or other kind of craftsperson or more likely, someone who fixes things. Would probably be the one in back doing the fixing while my business partner handled the front office.
  3. How do you get your kitties to sit/lie still for photos? Morgan is REALLY difficult to photograph. Unless I catch him unaware or too sleepy, he always runs away when I pull out my camera - as if he truly believed the Magic Box would steal his soul.
  4. ^ This is going to sound really girly, but "Terms of Endearment." < Here in the San Francisco area, winter means rain and lots of wind. And oftentimes, good sailing! v Pass the question.
  5. The best part of that movie for me was the costumes!
  6. Aye - much better to let karma do its job... Woke up yesterday with both my upper and lower back in extreme pain (mid back was fine...) Iron Jack, bless his heart, immediately got out the heating pad and gave me a massage. The lower back is much better today and I'm looking forward to being able to turn my head.
  7. The washing machine and Jack ironing (he's not called Iron Jack for nothing...)
  8. Palak paneer with basmati rice and naan. Maybe some samosas.
  9. Apparently, if you go by the actual record of births, the end of the baby boom really is 1964. I've seen other years used - don't know where they came from, but they've never had any numbers or records or such to back them up. 1964 is a good demarcation for other reasons as well. At any rate, I have friends at the early end, but I don't think they are collecting Social Security yet...
  10. Actually, the Baby Boom generation was from 1946 to 1964. The fact that you just reverse the numbers is the way I remember it.
  11. Yeah - the linen trousers I wear to Rendezvous are very comfortable. Same with the linen/cotton blend (yeah, I know) shirts. Eventually I'll pick up some hemp to make trousers and will make some linen shirts. My waistcoat is cotton ticking and lined in linen - I'll eventually make one out of wool, but the short jacket comes first.
  12. ^ Sun, rain - doesn't matter. I love beachcombing. < Haven't figured out what to do this holiday season. Jack and I have been creating our own traditions but we don't want to get into a rut. V Anything in particular you look for on the beach?
  13. Well done! Subtle, but gets the point across.
  14. I had posted this in another thread. It's pretty representative of Morgan. How he spends his time when I'm on the computer:
  15. Okay - I'll place an order for one pair woman's shoes, size eight and one pair men's shoes, size M (10-11.)
  16. Here's the head on the Rose: I'd miss sanitary conditions and modern medicine as well. Well, and being able to go to sea without having to disguise myself.
  17. Heh. Hmmm... good question. I may be missing one or two but: 1. Ghoul 2. Grim Reaper 3. Metal breastplates and loincloth (try wearing that to a biker bar. Let's just say it's a good thing I had a sword...) 4. Alien 5. Geek (pencil protector and all...)
  18. It's going to be gorgeous! And I may be swimming upstream here, but I like the look of the plain wood.
  19. Yep! Cold is when it's below freezing and you're sleeping outside! (Jack's and my tent currently qualifies as outside...) Next time, I'll clear a space and put one of those braziers at your feet, Patt. Probably would have helped.
  20. How Morgan spends his time when I'm at the computer:
  21. I'm so sorry to hear of this - cancer is a bastard of a disease. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.
  22. Ah, lad. Life is too short to be drinking weak beer... Ya might want to try North Coast brewery microbeers if you can get them down thataway.
  23. Oooh - I LOVE the chili lime almonds. Went to Fresh Choice today. I was good - salad with lots of veggies and balsamic vinegar (wee bit of olive oil) and a small bowl of lentil soup.
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