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Everything posted by AllByMeOnesies

  1. I think it's interesting in Defoe's History of the Pyrates how the pirates who volunteered to go aboard a prize first often were guaranteed a new shift (change) of clothes from the prize as reward for volunteering. Shows how much a change of clothes was prized among them.
  2. Back in the 17th and 18th centuries were there really such things on sailing vessels? In Defoe's History of the Pyrates, he talks about prisoners being held in the gunroom of one vessel. I've never seen a "brig" (as in jail or holding cell) being mentioned in any of my reading. So is it a modern day naval term that Hollywood hi-jacked for period movies?
  3. A friend of mine in New Jersey bought some. In fact, she's sending me a box!
  4. I am an book 20 in the series and loved reading all of them. I'm hoping to get the audio books next. Anyone have them? I loved the movie as well. Saw that before I read the books.
  5. But there were multiple pistols secured upon the ribbon, is my understanding, not just a pistol at each end of the ribbon. None of this is easy to convey via a message board....
  6. When it comes to the pistols on ribbons around one's neck, I'm wondering how they were attached to the ribbon so they could quickly be removed and fired. Any documentation?
  7. QAR has a website. I've been to the restaurant. Awesome decor!
  8. I've read 2-3 books in Dudley Pope's buccaneer series (Ned Yorke). No great literary prose but good stories just the same.
  9. That would be awesome, mate! We'll be in Nassau on 1-18-06. Let me know what you can do!
  10. Norwegian, mate. Thanks to both of you for your info. Paisley: thankee but I prefer to stay on TOP of the ocean.
  11. I'm taking a 4-days, 3-nights cruise in January. One of the stops is Nassau, and I understand there is a pirate museum there. Have any of you gone to the museum? What is your opinion? Any other piratical/historical points of interest to be seen in Nassau? Thankee.
  12. Thank you, gentlemen. Looks awesome! I've printed off the directions. Charleston Walks has an interesting looking pirate-related walking tour with a rather scholarly-sounding fellow. That's also on my list.
  13. I will be heading down to Charleston (or Charles Town for you hysterically historical folks) next week. I have much planned to see/do, but can anyone who's been there or who lives in the area recommend some good pirate-related tours, stops, etc.? Thankee.
  14. Angus is awesome! I hope this ends up being something worthwhile (although just seeing Angus as a pirate is pretty worth MY while :) ).
  15. Hmm. Patrick O'Bryan talks of flags, latterns and guns. And since he's been so damned thorough in other historical aspects, I'd tend towards trusting him in this as well. The Duchess Yes, I read O'Brian but I'm looking for the specifics. I mean, some of the stuff he talks about them spelling out is pretty elaborate. Thanks, Royaliste, for the book title...I'll definitely check that out, especially since I'm looking at the colonial era. (Praise God for Amazon.com )
  16. Does anyone have a good resource for information on how ships in the late 17th/early 18th century signaled each other? Much obliged, mates.
  17. Perhaps this link will be helpful. http://www.kipar.org/piratical-resources/p...sea_travel.html
  18. This is for Colonial America, around 1690, Carolina...what types of fabrics would have been used for a woman's average day dress...I don't mean a rich woman going to a ball, but I don't mean the lower class either. I know linen was worn next to the skin, but what about the dress itself? Thankee.
  19. The video is hilarious, and the guy does a great job with Jack's mannerisms. He was played by the director. I wonder if he kept his costume for home use with the missus.
  20. You soooo need me there wiff you, mate. I would have taken care of those saucy wenches with one swing of me cutlass!
  21. Oh my! You dressed him? I do hope we get pictures. :)
  22. It cracks me up in that picture how his left hand is....so Jack! LOL.
  23. Charity: nice decoratin'. Can't go wrong with Barbs! He is the man. When I was on me way up to Traverse City this past weekend, I passed a roadside stand selling flags, etc. and they had a cool pirate flag, and I figured I would stop there on me way back home, but--alas--they weren't there when next I passed by. I wanted to hang it on me computer room wall.
  24. Not looking to buy one (though it WOULD be useful on pesky neighborhood punks). :) I would like to know for historical research purposes.
  25. Does anyone know of a good source that will give info regarding swivel guns in the late 1600's? Caliber, range, etc. etc.? Thankee!
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