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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Ciaran shook his head and turned away as a knock sounded upon the door Mr. Tollervy and Mr. Loerwairt stood without with basins of more hot water. Treasure lay trembling upon the narrow bunk, the raised lesions seemed like ripe welt marks from a lash rather than a Man O War. Knowing Treasure liked her privacy he bid the lads wait and pulled the door to then moved a sheet over her lightly and watched the muscles of her back tense as the sheet touched upon the welts. Hurrying back to the door he ushered the lads in with the heated water and asked if the Captain had come aboard yet to which both men shook their heads. As they left Ciaran went back to attend Treasure who seemed lost to the pain and unaware of anything else. However he was surprised as he heard her whisper “How is Argus?” “He fares better than ye. Richard and Loures are keeping an eye upon the dog.” He watched her shiver and as she turned her head restlessly towards him that her teeth were gritted. “Be ye cold lass?” “Aye..and yet it burns. I was stupid was I not?” Her voice tight with tears she refused to shed. “A wee bit.” He murmured as he lowered the sheet and once more treated the wounds to hot compresses.
  2. Oi William now that sounds divine..I'll take three please, and one hammock if I may...
  3. Self-conscious as Ciaran tended her but only thus for the pain felt as if she had been flayed and dipped in lye soap had her gritting her teeth. “He….need not….know.” She managed to choke out. She gripped the bedding, then loosed the right hand with a cry. Ciaran reached for her hand and studied the welts rising upon her palm, welts already upon her lower back, her hip and her legs. “Not as bad as it could have been but it still is not good. You were lucky.” He grunted “And there is no way you can keep this from the Captain, think ye he will not a notice lass?” “One…can only…hope.” She stiffened as he continued laying hot compresses to her skin and turned her face into the bedding hiding tears. Her voice when it next came was muffled and a hoarse croak more than hinting of the pain she suffered "Just help me get back to my post afore he comes." Ciaran studied the welts already noting the fiery lines snaking from the initial wounds he was also certain that already fever was setting in for her skin was rosily flushed.
  4. I offer myself as a willing kidnap victim... Have a WONDERFUL time Rumba and safe journey...
  5. LOL Hey Im in Texas! Are you coming into Austin??
  6. Lazily an upward glance confirmed her time ashore was short, already Argus had swam nearly to shore and was circling around his ears suddenly lifting to alertness. Thinking he had found a fish she continued to swim towards him. As Argus began half barking and swimming back towards shore she frowned thinking perhaps a small shark. The shallows now beneath her enough she could put her feet down she carefully surveyed the waters about her but could see no fin. And still Argus barked, uncertain as to what could be amiss she started forwards and nearing him noticed a small shape that suddenly puffed up and resembled a sail. “Argus!” She thrashed forwards just as Argus leapt towards it and somehow came to be in the middle. A startled hiss escaped as it seemed the very fires of hell erupted from her knee to her lower back as the tentacles seemed to dig into her skin. Her right hand stung as it sought to push the man o war from her skin and tears fell as she stumbled ashore in agony. Argus now whimpered and limped to lay curled at her side as she sought to regain her breath. He had been stung as well, the man o war had been one of the biggest she had seen, and now she was paying most cruelly. It took her some quarter of an hour to dress, the pain seemed excruciating robbing her of breath, her clothing adding to her agony. Teeth gritted and a supreme force of will kept her upon her feet and stumbling towards the dock, nausea already setting in. Argus whimpered yet kept pace and as soon as she met Ciaran who sat alone he rose with concern to his feet taking in her waxen face and tear blurred eyes. “Wot ‘appened to ye lass?” “Man O War” was all she could manage before she fell to her knees and heaved up her accounts.
  7. Her shoes and stockings off she enjoyed the heated sand as it cushioned her feet, Argus trotting contentedly ahead chewing upon a stick. A cove lay ahead and the few times she had been ashore it had seemed private. She had not a lot of time left and today she wished for nothing more than a swim, a wicked romp with Argus and perhaps a hasty lunch afore her return back to the Dog and her duties. It was quiet here, as if she were truly alone and she felt a moments disquiet, but Argus was here, he had filled out and his coat shone with health. He made her feel safe. Her long hair lay neatly plaited and looking for any signs of others and finding none she hastily stripped and moved into the sea’s embrace , the sea was warm, calm a balm to her soul. It never failed to move her, this bountiful sea, intoxicating and wild, and then dove deep only to surface farther out treading water as she called for Argus He had been good aboard ship with a few mishaps, but the true test was to come, he would be cooped aboard ship with no land in sight until they docked again, and he had a boundless energy that would be hard to keep him entertained. Thus this swim was for the pair of them, perhaps she could wear him out and he would not care when they actually stayed at sea. As he came to the waters edge she watched him tilt his head this way and that, he whined once then sat till the water raced over his paws then he leapt up and barked at the water trying to bite at it. Laughing at his antics she swam closer and called to him and again he paused and tilted his head. Then did he leap into the water and swim towards her. With another laugh she called to him and then dove surfacing sleekly at his side. “Good boy!” With sure strokes she swam and frolicked alongside Argus enjoying the day and her swim.
  8. I have good news to..sorta...But Ill wait to share...Hoists a tankard high in Silkies honor...Well done lass! Hugs
  9. LOL I cannot find it...That's a lot of pages to get through.. LOL I do not even see where I found your link of you now..
  10. Bo you have never been rude to me..in fact just the opposite. as everyone has already said what else are friends for other than to help each other thru the good times and the bad. If you have need we are here for you...including me. Big Hugs, Syren
  11. lOL I did not save it..I can google it again..
  12. actually was googling Pirate images and you came up..I found myself too..that was scary..lol
  13. In pain but Im here...If the pain would just go away Id be swell again, but the pain persists. It's been one week now
  14. Ill take some butter and bread please.
  15. Tonight...A pain pill..or a mallet, a noose could come in handy...A surgeon would not be amiss... On a more serious note if I am not around for the next day or so I may have gone back to the ER.
  16. Oh me..please..may I please have some???????
  17. It was empty and now it's mine...so no displacing..However you may share it with me...
  18. *Races over to and claims the hammock*
  19. Sweet!!!! I LOVE Tater sand Gravy..Did I mention lovelovelovelove taters and gravy!!!!!! BTW Captain RedWake..it seems Captain Sterling should read about Tawny if he wishes a truly scary story...*Grins and digs in to her taters and gravy*
  20. lol I thought so! That's cool..oops I found me as well...Wonder how many others from here can be googled..
  21. I was doing an image search and ran across this pic... Merrydeath??
  22. Aye MerryD you are in my prayers for a quick recovery and full health. Hugs
  23. Ravished by mercenaries. At least it wasn't child birth.
  24. Nice work Rumba! Do you take requests? For after Pyratecon of course.
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