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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Eyes the bottle warily..Ill breathe for it maybe it's mouth to mouth and much better this way Aye?
  2. Why should I when tis easier to sip from the bottle?
  3. Im looking for Equestrian Events as well...no such luck. One of the guys I work with is in a wheelchair and plays for the USA Wheelchair rugby. He just came back from the opening and leaves again soon to compete.
  4. Aye so it is...*pulls up a chair* and sips from her bottle of wine and eyes pieces of melon upon the tray.
  5. Grins impishly as as Jenny leaves and Sterling goes to fetch wood studies the platter of fruits and cheeses....
  6. Im not touching that comment with a ten foot pole... As for sleeping? I did a wee bit here and there
  7. Tsk Tsk..A pirate Hunter that is too tired to catch a Pirate? I better fetch you some stronger libations....
  8. *snickers* and moves off with her booty to safety and snatches a bottle of red wine as well.
  9. No...I clearly posted and am awating you as usual..Leans over and steals the cheese from his pocket as he runs for the door.
  10. Nothing as of yet..Im starving though… The computer My daughter Haunting Lily *Hugs*
  11. Ouch that looks painful...offers some liniment for a rub.
  12. For a moment there I thought we were singing Twelve things a Pirate needs to the tune of the 12 days of Christmas...Err or something along those lines. Tired, Frustrated and ready to run someone through...I hope they hurry my medicine along else I just might actually tear into someone...
  13. Thanks Dorian. It took me a wee bit to go through all those bottles but they are all empty now. Was admitted briefly overnight to the hospital shortly after that last post and since the guy returned whose place I took at work....well I am demoted to part time again. Guess that's a good thing...sorta.
  14. A slender finger traced the spine of the tome she held whilst she hummed quietly, the fingers of the other hand kept the beat of her song against a slender thigh. The sound of the rain without silenced by a loud crash of thunder seemed to deafen her for a moment. Her song paused as her hearing returned and she stilled as a brilliant flash of blue light leapt through the porthole to illuminate the cabin before fading and leaving the room lit by a small lantern nailed down and burning low. The storm gave her a sense of restlessness and she rose and quietly padded to the porthole and looked out though she could see nothing but darkness though the violent pounding of the rain upon the small window gave claim to the storm without. Resting her head upon the walls of the cabin she said a small prayer that all would remain safe while Poseidon raged. A noise within the antechamber had her glancing up to see Briar unsteadily weaving towards her. Hastily pulling out a chair she ushered Briar to settle herself. “Hopefully the storm will pass soon.” She uttered hoping to restore the camaderie, then winced as they pitched to starboard “Or not.” She muttered as she braced herself against the sudden movement.
  15. Congrats to you Lady B! How wonderful!
  16. Thanks Captain for the pie. I greatly appreciate it for it has made my day. And my day has been truly horrid, all the projects I was working on for my job...well needless to say that the guy who I replaced returned and took credit for all my work. And then nearly passed out in the janitors closet and scraped my arm catching myself on the wall. Is my paycheck truly worth it.?! I'd love to say NO but it has helped with the bills, and Im not one to quit or say no so Im going to end up giving myself a heartattack all because I cannot say no. I think I need a drink....
  17. I'll take a breakfast on the run. William I promise Im working on a post, it's really crazy on my end. Going to see Nora this weekend and Im finished with my training and my schedule changes yet again next week. Capt. Sterling nice to see you as well. Hugs to Silkie and Red Cat Jenny!
  18. Drags herself in and finds a quiet corner slips into the chair and falls asleep. Im still alive and kicking.....i think......
  19. Though tired it seemed more mental than physical and rest would not come for her. Her thoughts turned to things she needed to be attending, things that needed doing in the coming days. Truly she felt fine but for the occasional sting upon her hand and thigh and she could not help but wonder over Argus. Surely he was well and fine for she had seen hide nor hair of him since she was brought to the surgery. She sat up upon the narrow bunk as as Briar had not heard her she rose nimbly to her feet and made for the small porthole so that she might take note of the sea. The sea never failed to amaze her, the colors always changed and now no longer was it the azures and sapphires but of cobalts and deep greys. Perhaps a storm was approaching but as of yet she could not make out any clouds that would attest to this and while the sea was slightly choppy it was nothing untoward. She turned and slightly paced the confines of the room, her thoughts too many to rest. What was happening above deck? Who was taking her place? When would they meet up with the Lucy? **EDITED taken out the Navarra**
  20. Frustrated. The person whose spot I took is possibly coming back. He's been in the position I now hold for three years and he's great at what we do. I on the other hand had no training but what I taught myself and have held the position for nearly two months. There is not room for two of us to hold the same position in our store so im on pins and needles...
  21. So I went in to Wally World the other day seeking something to watch and found the movie Elizabeth with Cate Blanchett and Geoffrey Rush. Had not seen it before, it looked intresting and it was five dollars. So I take it up to the counter to check out and the Lady cards me. The movie is rated R. I told her I was old enough to buy the movie that I was 34 and she glared at me and said she HAD to see my ID, otherwise I was not taking it home. So I showed her my ID to which she studies it and glances up at me and finally hands it back and rings it up. But she still acted like I had given her a false ID. Im not sure if I should have been flattered or insulted .
  22. Congrats to ye both..Im an August baby too...
  23. Cinnamon toast or bagels would be lovely too...
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