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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Froghearts School So anyone intrested in registering? *Grins*
  2. Bored beyond her measure she was just about to try and sneak upon deck for some air when a stirring in the bed behind her had her turning to watch as Luigi woke. For a moment pain crossed his grizzled face and he struggled to sit up and reach for a small tin cup of water. Hurrying over she admonished him “No! Lascilo aiutarlo.” She aided him in propping up pillows behind his back so that he could sit up and sat beside him upon the bed as she handed him the small cup. “Grazie.” He replied hoarsely then sipped thirstily causing Treasure to take away his cup “Luigi lento, dovete rallentamento d'attività altrimenti che vi trasformerete in in Illinois.” Then she handed him back the cup and watched as he sipped more slowly. Handing her the cup to refill he watched as she stood and moved towards the pitcher, her gestures, her movements fluid and graceful. “Ho pensato che foste un angelo del beautiul, ma siete un diavolo!” he grumbled eyeing her warily and causing her to turn to him with shock and then laughter. “If you can call me a beautiful angel and then accuse me of being a devil because I make sure you will not fall ill then you must be feeling better.” She made her way back to his side just as he asked why she was in the ward room again. Bristling indignantly she realized he was teasing as he gave a pain filled grin once her face turned stormy. “Pace! La pace I elemosina di voi. Sono un uomo indisposto.” She arched a brow at him and grinned “Peace and unwell my arse!” she snorted. “How do you feel?” her tones more concerned as he once more seemed to droop with exhaustion. “Tired lass, And me ‘and ‘urts. Can you ‘elp me in layin’ down?” She rushed to assist “Naturalmente! “ And once he was flat upon his back went to the small door to seek out one of the two ladies to assist Luigi with his pain. Knocking softly she waited and was soon rewarded for Maeve swept within and looking upon Treasure who made a gesture glanced in that direction to take in Luigi and quickly walked over touching his forehead and checking for fever causing him to grumble yet again “Un altro bello angelo in fronte e forma ma un diavolo per incitarlo così” he complained causing Treasure to laugh and Maeve to look to her in question. ‘He says you are a beautiful angel but a devil to poke at him while he is ill.”
  3. "You are not trying to get me drunk now are you???"

    Yes !

  4. Thanks Merry..did not know if I should say she had been forced out or not. I have another check to send to her as well so Ill need to get her new address to forward it on.
  5. Ill make him a wall hanging...A Treasure Map!
  6. Salvage Experts indeed!!! Good Find!
  7. I would indeed..you will spoil me captain...Thank You...
  8. Woo Hoo..You go William! As for Steak..can I have some mashed potatoes with it please good sir...and so glad to have you back Captain!
  9. Hoppy Natal Day to one of the Original Plunder Bunnies of the pub..
  10. Im brunette and Im hijacking this thread!
  11. 1/2 a tankard of Tanduay Rhum for you love ., 1/4 cup sweetended condensed milk 1/3 cup of water ., a sache of nescafe instant coffee and a 1/2 teaspoon of Vanilla ! Tasty as that is ., it'll be warmin yer heart and adding to you a new addiction. *Big-Gold-Toothed-Grin*

  12. I will never touch or be anywhere close to a OUIJA BOARD if I can help it. Even when working at Toys R Us I swear every time we sold one it went through my line. I would call my manager toscan and bag it and if we were fronting and facing after the store was closed and I was nominated for the game wall I would never touch the OUIJA BOARD or anything that touched it.
  13. "*Grins* Offers him a tankard of rum"

    After being knocked on my arse ., I am willing to share my regulator *S*

  14. ahoy RedJessi, tis nice to have you on the Pub.
  15. My Grandy taught me..and I had some just now...but only three as Nora hid them from me..
  16. Oi..You eat them like that..one color at a time???? I thought I was the ONLY one to eat them like that! Ok Ill share..we can have a contest...Who can get as close to the next color in a single bite without going over...ready....set....GO!
  17. When my wee one was a bit wee-er than she is now we were asleep in my bed and something grabbed my ankle..I woke up and I had a hand mark that later bruised. Intresting is it not.. And last night my wee one could not sleep..said she felt like someone was watching her and we could hear noise of some sort. Never did figure out what the noise was and I tore up the house.
  18. Lady Cassandra..Trust me I would believe you. I too have had for lack of a better term unusual experiences and the more I read this thread and the one at the Tavern I am reminded of things that I had forgotten. I too have an open mind and had to have my home blessed cause I pick things up and bring em home with me..Yep gotta love the strays. I would go just to see what would happen..but sometimes these guys just seem...fake. Though I must admit there was another paranormal investigation team on right before halloween..something Hauntings or whatever..there was a medium, a psychic, and one other and they really seemed fake..still it does make one wonder what they would find, could find and bring to the table. But during PiP would be really neat as everyone would be dressed up so surely those "left behind" would think they were being invaded and come forth.
  19. I have seen TAPS watched about four of their shows...Im kinda on the fence with this group and would have to see them in action..but hey it would be fun anyway.
  20. This is Great! Now if only I could write such..
  21. I bid ye a re-welcome Jony Winter and do hope you stay this time. Now since ye have returned ye still needs buy the first round and if yer buyin' tis a Plunder Me Cherry! Again Welcome aboard...
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