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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Im just seeing this...Wow thanks God you are still with us! And Bo don't be doin that again tis an order!!!! Just turly glad to see you alive and well and telling us what truly happened! Best Wishes Bo and a very speedy recovery!
  2. I HATE rats! Shall I go undercover and ferret more details?
  3. Just for the sake of curiosity..is this the bad guy??? http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...endID=435158198
  4. Indeed welcome aboard and we do hope you enjoy the Pub and all it offers.
  5. welcome aboard Kian! Ireland ye say..verra magical place Ireland. Enjoy the Pub!
  6. *Gasps Indingnantly!* It so is not my fault! I was not even there when you shot poor Mary!
  7. Oi..then we need grass skirts and coconut bras!!!
  8. Mary it's really Stynky's fault..now if he would just admint he was wrong and you are right then all would be well again. *Grins*
  9. Goggles and Gas Mask... http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?ref=s...ing_id=19792460
  10. Captain William of the WatchDog and proprieter of the Tsunami Kate's! He makes the most exquisite food and the Kate is not only known for her food, but ambiance, music and grand fellowship! God Bless the Captain!
  11. This thread just keeps getting better and better! Now for fine wine and food...
  12. *hugs* You will be greatly missed Bo..hurry back soon....
  13. Welcome and yes I think King's Pirate is in your area and has a crew. As for a drink Ill have a Plunder Me Cherry and a seat at this table so you can spin a yarn or two.
  14. This gent is here in Texas..San Marcos area I think. I will try and get info for him.
  15. Ye know yer loved Patrick, why we could not resist teasing you just a wee bit now and then.
  16. Men only? I'm not sure if I like this club Pat. Cabin boys only go so far . I went there. Oi did someone say cabin boys??? Seats herself at a small table and sets out the Cabin boy applications...
  17. Ya know..I found these whiskey barrel chairs the other day and showed them to William Red Wake and all I could think of would be these would be awesome in a pyrate's secret cove! Some of them needed to be recovered..but it was a good buy..ill have to see if I can find the pics. Edit....hmm looks like he still has them for sale too. Wants 200.00
  18. I feel teased. I'm going to go cry in some rum. Does this mean my work here is done? That's all it took? A mention of PJ's or not? maybe I should not mention the paddle then either... You did just there.-----> Oh nay the QM mentioned PJ's...Why we could be wearing leather....
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