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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. More on Aztec burial beliefs... http://www.deathreference.com/A-Bi/Aztec-Religion.html
  2. Just what every lass needs to keep the men at bay..Though I still do not like frippery on me head...And Lady B making coinage on a poor wee lass? Im shocked at ye I am!
  3. Congrats to both the grandparrents, to the lovely parents and wow two wee ones to love and cherish!
  4. That be rather wise of ye Sarah to hang onto yer own purse, ye must watch the gents about for all have silver tongues..but we loves them we do!
  5. Welcome Mae and Brig..come and join us as we indulge ourselves. Sides Twins and a Syren are sure fire trouble..did I mention I like trouble? Red Cat Jenny even brought us goody bags!!!!
  6. Yum A Peach or Watermellon Margarita for me..and definitely one of those pedicures! Im sorry to hear that Lady B but not all men are like that. Just like not all women are bad. Well besides us being wicked and naughty I mean..lol *Enjoys the sun on her face and that relaxingly divine pedicure*
  7. But I don't have a teddy bear....*pouts* Never did....*sticks tongue out at QuarterMaster*
  8. Ahh...the Hammerhead. The name of my first ship. Truly?!?! If I could have but one ship I'm not certain what I would call her, though a working replica of the Watch Dog would be too nice to pass up. Hopefully one day you shall have her..and the Island to go with her...
  9. My virtual ship is the Poseidon However if I get my crew in Texas together it will be the Crew of the Hammerhead My Reasons: In the West, the shark is viewed as the world’s greatest predator, and the shark tattoo a symbol of power and fearlessness. It’s been a long tradition among sailors to have a shark tattoo as proof you are not afraid of death at sea – and for protection. Western sailors, always a superstitious lot, regarded the shark as a kind of sea vulture, sniffing out imminent death and hanging around boats, waiting for a meal. If you spotted a shark following your ship, it was ominous, indeed. It could only mean one thing -- someone was about to die. what our colors might look like.. The skull and crossbones would be in the open area of the tail.
  10. Ahoy Sarah and welcome to the Pub, let us know if we can help you in any way though mind the lads....they have silver tongues! Charmed devils they be!
  11. Happy Natal day Mickey! Wishing you the best on this day and many more to come.
  12. Of course Jenny! What do you have?? *Eyes the bags with glee*
  13. Laughs and winks *pssst ye buy the first round* And Ill have a Plunder Me Cherry..extra cherries o course..welcome aboard Ann, welcome aboard!
  14. Happy Natal Day Quartermaster James...hope it's wonderful and filled with swag.
  15. Happiest of Natal Days and here's to many more to come.
  16. Ello Ann! Seems Im in grand company, I won the pirate contest on myspace and my pic is up with yours and Sams...Again glad to have the pair of you here!
  17. Ahoy Sam! Gives him a big hug while Anne is not looking *Grins* So nice to have ye and yer lovely wife with us, I hope you enjoy the pub and all it offers...
  18. Mayhaps it's time to give them a trea and get the festival back to us pyrates?
  19. err poor choice of words..perhaps I can have mine to go???
  20. Thank you it looks divine, Just wish I did not have to run off to work..perhaps a doggie bag???
  21. Was not a monocle also known as a type of fob? Or am I mistaken?
  22. Welcome back Captain! Nice to have ye home again...
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