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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Does not know where to start first!
  2. Drat..Ill see if I can find it again for you Patrick. There were sacrafices, cannabiism, depending upon how you died in your life decreed what God you went with in the afterlife and there were diffrent burial rights for each God. These included cremation, mummification and sometimes they were sent with their slain dogs. EDIT:::::: Aztec Religion Try that Patrick...
  3. Wait Im beginning to see Jerry Springer in this....
  4. writer and creator of alternate pirate universes and all around fun gerl ye be!


  5. *Wolf Whistles* Bess he's a beauty! And Psssttt...Im not talking about goatwhackers anymore with you! That be a DANGEROUS subject...
  6. *Whacks him with her fan for good measure*
  7. Whirls about with narrowed eyes and pokes her finger in Sterling's chest as she advances "Well he is a sweet and innocent lad and you should love him! He adores you tis quite plain and if you hurt his feelings I shall......I shall....I shall Kick you in the shin!"
  8. Oh wow I love the bold vibrant colors of the third egg, suits my personality to a tee! EDIT::: Those are incredible! The detail is amazing.
  9. You can be sure oderlesseye that I will do my utmost best to show him the error of his ways. Who better than a lass to show him just how wrong he's been?? Especially claiming I have been citing mutiny and sedition! Can you even imagine me guilty of so foul a crime???
  10. *looks aghast at Dutch* Poor cousin Robbie..Sterling you must come and give cousin Robbie a big hug and let him know all is well and that you were not hiding from him. And knowing you sterling you probably stole all the covers when you shared a bed!
  11. LOL Hurricane hwere is this to take place I seem to have mispalced my invitation!
  12. How old is the wee lad? All he wants is a little love and affection and it sounds as if he admires his cousin Sterling greatly..why just look what all the lad has gone through just to be near his cousin, and his offers to hold the phone..tis all so touching *sniffles*
  13. Window licking cousin???? And he sounds so sweet, surely all of you jest? Poor lad just needs some attention.
  14. No, you're guilty of sedition and murder. No one guilty of that (whatever it is) can flog other people. Only the pure-hearted are allowed to inflict embarrassing pain on others. (We're going to have to spend a long time looking for someone for that...) But Mission, ye must understand tis STYNKY that says such dark things about me, and if he be on tryal surely you will not take his word over mine..afterall Im very pure-hearted. Now may I flog him Please????
  15. Soon as my tumors are gone on Tuesday and I am healed enough I can do so I would love to do this with you Nell. BlackJohn, Im so sorry to hear of your pain, especially when it controls some aspects of your life. Just know we are here for you if you need us.
  16. Oh, come now, Syren! Wench auction? As long as Sparrow keeps his grubby paws off th' girls... they fetch a good price. Especially them Persians an' th' sort. They always be needin' Harem slaves. Or someone fo' a Gentleman's Plantation. Yes but I do not like slvers and would do my best to see it gone, can ye imagine wot those poor wee lasses must have felt?
  17. WAIT...did he say drunken kilting????? Welcome to the Pub an hope you enjoy your stay.
  18. *Groans at that mental image* Now that image is stuck! *shakes head*
  19. Aww he called me Miss...Buys him a drink of his choice for being so gallant.
  20. Ummm I think they used it to hang you....Now can I flog him??? Pwease? I have to get him back for the mutiny thing....
  21. *snickers* I already seen them wee luvvies....Beautiful! My wee one is ten today..amazing how fast they grow up. I told her she should slow down and not grow up so fast.
  22. Welcome WILLIAMBONES to the Pub, the finest gathering of Pirates to be found anywhere and I dare ye ta look! As yer buying make mine a Plunder Me Cherry and extra cherries to go with it. If'n ye have any questions ye just holler.....
  23. I say Stynky be guilty! Can I flog him now???
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