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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. *Grins* Well if it looked close enough i might try it. What other materials could be used to replicate the arm bands? And yes I am asking you because you are AWESOME at this kind of thing.
  2. It's spelled correctly Patrick and that is a good idea. Vinyl works very well and Those look easy enough to upholster by yourself. if you try it take the previous material that comes off and make a pattern for the next fabric you put on and you can always find those upholstery tacks.
  3. Umm no gold..nor silver...hmmm maybe I can borrow one from Ft. Knox....
  4. Im no artist. Unlike you.....Say Patrick....lol
  5. Bent, Broke, Manhandled, crushed....*runs out of the thread*
  6. I want to come..I suppose I shall be there in Spirit! It looks fantastic!
  7. **Sigh** Ye just can't keep yer hands off my backstaff... can ye? That just sounds....um....intresting...not that I want to know....
  8. Aww....Luigi's FINE company. :-) Don't worry, I'll save you as soon as I can :P

  9. HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!! Is that Big Foot? The mystery has been solved, BigFoot is really a rabbit!
  10. I have to agree with Mary on this one as well.
  11. Pats his head dry anyway and bids him eat his soup. Goes to hide in case Callenish decides to share his info further....
  12. Hmmm i wonder it they would note it's abscence??? Now to look about the web to see if I can find anything remotely similar....*That's what I get for Window shopping in a museum!*
  13. Have not seen you around in a LONG time so you best skedaddle back here so we can wish you a Happy Natal Day! I hope it was a blast and hoping ye may have received a wee cannon fer yer lovely sloop??
  14. Hey now I admitted freely to being jealous! If Im guilty of sedition and mutiny what is one more flaw to add to my growing list... It is a beautiful piece Dutch!
  15. Poor Robbie..brings him a hot toddy and a bowl of warm soup, comes back with another length of linen to have him dry his hair.
  16. Now I wonder if they would let me borrow said piece...
  18. Rats you are too far away you.....must....come....CLOSER!!!!
  19. Dutch that's one helluva beauty of a laptop! Nice and sleek...very compact...Im jealous and freely admit it! *Grins*
  20. hello oderlesseye...shhh im supposed to be sleeping, Im running on a pain pill that has kicked my butt and handed it to me..lol
  21. Yes I know..im a sucker for anything with Tridents or mermaids..but it fits Syren...anyhow I have been looking for unique jewelry and found this piece..If only I could make these myself... Gold armband with Triton holding a putto, Greek, BCE (Metropolitan Museum of Art) I would SO wear those everyday......
  22. Im here! Was stalking the Tavern as I think I may have a spammer...I hate spam, even tastes funny! Like trying to eat chicken with feathers attached, not that I have tried that of course. And hot choclate sounds just the thing and Ill share my Biscotti!
  23. What a grand age! A toast for many more trips around the sun, may your day be filled with family and friends and lots of Treasure! Happy Natal Day!!!!
  24. I would love to have you Rumba..The more the merrier I always say and it's so lonely being so far from everyone. But first you make sure you heal up really well.
  25. Treasure admired Luigi’s quick mind and often their debates were entertaining as both made points of intrest and both points were well argued. She took a sip of her tea and continued on then paused again as Luigi spoke of counting. She looked to his hand and tilted her head taking note of him holding his tea cup. “I am sure the strangeness will wear off and the bandages do not assist much in the grasping of things.” She began hesitantly. “And you still have a finger Luigi, though tis now shorter.” Again she broke off and cleared her throat then opened the book again to re-read the page as he had requested but her hand soothed the page and her breath was shakily inhaled.. Then she looked at him once more, her eyes large and thoughtful her voice low and husky when she continued “What you did Luigi, you saved her from a fate worse than death. Tis a badge of honor that you will always carry.” She wanted to say more but could not find the words and as he merely nodded at her words she returned to the written word and let her voice filter the stillness once again. This time there was no banter, no insight just her voice and soon the gentle snores of Luigi having drifted to sleep on the melody of the story she read. Glancing up from the book she studied his peaceful features and hoped that he had found some measure of peace with her words. For if he had not been there, had not stopped what could have been….She gave a shiver and slowly closed the book and setting it aside let her thoughts drift till she and her younger brother were racing through the gardens as fat drops of rain began to fall. She could smell the rain, the wet earth the flowers from her beloved mothers roses. Her face tilted up as the drops settled upon her face, the love she felt for her brother, the joy in that moment would stay with her forever. Both had been laughing so hard that neither were aware of the danger that would soon come..of the death she blamed herself for. Gritting her teeth she squeezed her eyes shut and battled the tears that she would not allow to fall. It was her fault, no matter what was said, she should have saved him…Rising angrily she fluidly paced yet again, restless energy prodding her to movement and to forget by pushing herself past the limits. She slowed taking in the peaceful Luigi and her gaze was drawn to his hand and realized that all had their own demons to face, it was how you faced them that made you who you were.
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