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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Link is here- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics...in-US-lake.html How cool is that? They say they are very rare and he has to stay below the surface more than the others in the pod but it looks like he was dyed for Easter.
  2. I would love to be there..Sounds like it will be a blast!
  3. The armbands. I found a better picture of it and they are a pair, the male and female. sterling was laughing and teasing me cause I found the set and he said just like a woman to want a pair. actually I would be content with one or a pair but not the female mermaid. The male has so much more detail to him and the female looks..weird. I was also curious as to why they had loops behind the heads and the article on page 2 tells that they weigh 6 and a half ounces and they tied these to their clothes so they did not slip down the arm. I found a copper pot yesterday..I think I could melt it down lol
  4. Well if ye lose yer leg chances are Stynky has it..
  5. The sound of many feet and anxious voices had her leaping from the door and just in time for it swung open and men poured into the small room followed by Maeve, who looked very tired but also very competent as she directed men about. Luigi also managed to sit up and she frowned at him before catching a glimpse of Joshua and felt her eyes widen at his condition. Trying to stay out of the way she watched as another was brought in and could make a glimpse of Ajayi. A hand pressed to her mouth in shock and she felt Luigi take her hand and squeeze. “Who would do such a thing and why?” She whispered. Ajayi had always been nice to her, he had shown her how to use hand commands to begin training Argus, he had also managed to save her from a slip as she had climbed up to the nest. Both men looked bad and near death to her but one look at Maeve’s determined face had her doubting they would go without a fight. This suregeon had pluck to her and Treasure liked that. Once most of the room cleared she knew Maeve had forgotten their prescence and squeezing Luigi’s hand moved forwards “How can I assist you?”
  6. Startled by the shouts upon deck she woke dropping the book from her chest to her lap and scrambled to keep it from falling to the floor, the cabin having grown dim as the candle was nearly gutted out. A pain in her neck reminded her she had been reading and fell asleep in the chair. A quick glance to Luigi showed him unmoved by the shouts. Rising she placed the book upon the small table and hurried to the door. It sounded as if the captain were back and she almost stepped free of the cabin to see for herself but halted for she had been told to stay here till released. As Luigi began to wake she moved back to his side and touched his shoulder as he tried to rise. “Shhh! I think tis the Captain.” She whispered seeking to soothe him back to sleep, but he would have none of it and again tried to swing his legs weakly over the side of the bed and she arched a brow and said she would sit upon him if she had to. “Why must ye be so stubborn!” That got his attention and he chortled weakly “The pot calling the kettle black I think” She rolled her eyes and shook her head at him “You will be still or I shall have the captain tie ye down!” She assured him as she moved back to the door and pressed her ear against it to see if she could hear what passed.
  7. That's awesome..Congratulations! Something else to celebrate in your new pirate hideaway???
  8. It's a good thing you are the surgeon then..I have a feeling you will need it with all those bruises. I hope someone takes lots of pictures of this..
  9. Aye. Running around with two patches might lead to...well...two eye patches. And lots of bruises!
  10. Well then No worries, Ill leave Kermit home as well..*Grins*
  11. Well Im truly trying to get to PC..however I prolly won't be if I get to attend this year..Big If..still trying to charm hubby into allowing me to go and our wee one would have to stay with him as she has school. So it won't be a problem if I come not PC??? I would hate to offend anyone...
  12. My dad too has been laid off for a couple of months now and is having trouble finding a job. It's crazy scary out there *says a prayer for everyone*
  13. Wow..that sort of leaves me out of the loop for PiP as my stuff is still not PC..*pouts*
  14. Umm..more please...I like Ronan *Grins*
  15. Yay we have rain! We hit the high 80's again yesterday then a cold front came through last night and it's now in the 40's..But we do have rain!!!
  16. Your Pub family wishes you a great natal day! Hope you enjoyed it and you saved some cake and ice cream for us.
  17. Bess you arew a Tease! lol..I want to see the WHOLE THING completed..this is going to be a lovely addition...Beautiful already!
  18. actually I would take one and I would choose ther merman simply because he has more detail, the mermaid does not look that great.
  19. they are turly lovely..The worth gown is gorgeous..all of them are...
  20. Cheeky those are absolutely gorgeous! I cannot believe you are getting rid of them..if they were mine Id horde them..lol..Stunning stuff..
  21. WhOOt! Merry members Mast-er and Command-er..why it was one of our favorite games to play! cept it's grown a lot more tame than it used to be..lol
  22. Yes Animal has lots of hair to be made pretty..perhaps give him pink ribbons? *Snickers* Scratches Animal under the chin... All the ladies look lovely of course...
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