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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. lol it did not come to a screeching halt..we were just waiting for the delicious bride to come in so we could all toast her and celebrate! As for salty..hmmm A margarita please with light..very light alcohol...
  2. Happy happy natal day to ye lass! Hope it's a grand one!
  3. Happy Natal Day! And I KNOW it had to be a grand one!
  4. Petty annoyance: People who "claim" to be ultra-aware of spirits/ghosts and "vibes" from the beyond, when you know it's all a sham. (This doesn't mean you, Siren. We all know you are legit!) Hey..I resemble that remark...sorta...maybe it's animal instinct???
  5. tehehehe....giggle...snort!!!! Note to self to bring plastic snakes for M.A.d'Dogge's hammock/blankets.....*laughs with mischief*
  6. I could not help reading this thread..Are those not windows in that little shower??????????
  7. Aww..congrats William! Now post piccies of the new Mom and babes. BTW is she not the one ya'll found?
  8. Indeed welcome back and enjoy!
  9. July 3rd through 5th, 2009: 33rd Annual Norfolk HarborFest Town Point Park, Norfolk, VIRGINIA. This event moves from early June to the 4th of July weekend just for 2009. Entertainment (including pirates), merchants, and much more in downtown Norfolk. Norfolk Festevents Ltd., 120 West Main Street, Norfolk, VA 23510. Ph: (757) 441-2345, E-mail: festevents@festevents.org
  10. July 1st through 4th, 2010: Privateer Days Liverpool, NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA "Step Back to 1780". Privateer Days, held the first weekend of July, is an annual celebration of the privateering era of the late 18th century in Queen’s County, centering on the Town of Liverpool. The event highlights the history and culture of the area through music, theatre, guided tours and historical re-enactments. The goal of Privateer Days is to celebrate our maritime history, acknowledge Liverpool’s cultural and commercial history, and build an enduring sense of community. Privateer Days brings our history alive, inviting residents and visitors from near and far to step back in time to 1780 to the height of privateering. Through battle re-enactments, costumed tours of the town and Old Burial Ground, dory races and entertainment featuring local performers, participants learn about the town’s commerce, architecture, and maritime past, including the successful privateers that grew to wealth and fame defending the Crown. For more info: The Privateer Days Commission P.O. Box 1780 Liverpool, Nova Scotia B0T 1K0 Canada (902) 354-4500 , email: info@privateerdays.ca
  11. When you lock yourself out of your bedroom for nearly two hours because hubby hid the key to the room in the room itself and having to McGuyver one's way back into said room.
  12. Political canvassers and religious zealots that do not understand pitching me their platform or their god is solicitation! Actually I found the way around that one..*Grins wickedly* I had dressed as a Pirate for one of hubby's co workers child's B-day and we had just come home and I was removing my sword when the door bell rang. I throw my sword over my shoulder and head for the door and open it thinking it's a neighbor. Nope it's a few Jehovah Witnesses *nothing aginst them or any other religion it just happened to be who was at my door at the time* Anyhow they see me, take a good long look before going to my sword and they ask me if they caught me at a bad time, I told them nope and they said apparently we did, bid me good day said they would return at another time and fled. Have not seen hide nor hair of them for two years...till yesterday.
  13. indeed..Why even think..we may make day time talk shows as well..Who's popular now...Oprah? Montel? Jerry Springer????
  14. People that tailgate you...Warning if you tailgate me I slow down to a crawl especially on two lane roads Door to Door sales reps even when theres a No Solicitation sign posted.
  15. Oh me too! I thought I was some weird magnet that attracted that sort of stuff...So nice to know there is another.. My hubby his best friend and his wife and myself all went to this flea market in San Antonio. Our first trip there and Claudia and I managed to get the guys to stop *wonder of wonders* Anyway we are walking around and having fun looking at the booths and this guy comes over and keeps telling us hello. At first we were shocked but said hello back then I dragged Claudia off to another booth as I felt cornored. A few booths later he approaches again trying to talk to us, the guys of course stopped at some booth further back and Claudia keeps trying to hide behind me. I try to ignore him then Claudia and I start talking about our hubbies and the next thing I know Claudia has abandoned me and fled the scene leaving me alone with this guy that just wants to talk. I did try to be polite but eventually manage to vanish in a crowd, made my way back to hubby and the guy never approached us after that. Of course Claudia claimed I was a magnet for people like that cause Im too nice.
  16. You're looking over titles at the video store, standing far enough out of the way so that people can go by you, and someone comes along and stops right in front of you, so you end up looking at their back. As if you're invisible, and it never occurred to them that you might actually be looking at the video selection in front of you. Sheesh. This is when you Began holding a conversation with yourself about the movies about you and trying to debate with yourself about which movie to get and watch and of course do not forget to argue with yourself. You'll be amazed how quickly people flee...
  17. Bess that's wonderful and sounds like a lot of fun! I hope you are taking pics or at least someone is going to video it for you.
  18. Oh Good my first Green Beer and I cannot even taste it....
  19. Im wearing green and trying to convice hubby to take me for my first green beer...No leprechauns as of yet and trust me...IM LOOKING!
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