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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Eye..if I met you I would run and hide for sure..lol Mooseworth..very grand... *Goes to find hiding spot*
  2. Indeed welcome to you and beware the lasses abouts..some of them be partial to kilts I hear.
  3. Thanks to everyone and then some for helping me with my request....and guess what..I found my old book just now! But again thanks to ALL of you for replying so quickly. Hugs to each...
  4. Welcome Aboard! And do enjoy the pub and all that it offers..as for me..A Plunder Me Cherry Sir...extra cherries o' course...
  5. 46 trips about the sun..Ye MUST be dizzy! *Grins* Hope you have a grand Natal Day!!!
  6. Welcome back Petee as the others have stated you have been greatly missed and tis nice to see you found your way back after so long an adventure. Congratulations on the house and most especially the baby.
  7. Well tis nice to have a former sea Warrior with me again...Thanks James! *huggles*
  8. Have a lovely Natal Day! *Offers him a Plunder Me Cherry* Hope it's the bestest B-Day ever!
  9. I think I need to buy a shirt and have her autograph it..If they still sell them by the time I get back to california..lol
  10. Oh this sounds fun! there are too many good Captains out there to nominate...
  11. My wee one has misplaced my phone/address book so everyone that I did have I no longer have until I can find the old book..till then I have a new book and to not have to contact you all individually will you please PM me with your Phone numbers including cell if I had it to begin with and your address????? Huggles to each!
  12. *Grins* I need more members in my crew..Im getting my socks stolen ever time I turn around..
  13. Ill add ye as well! And anyone can add me as well. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/profile...amp;ref=profile Or I go by Black Syren
  14. *Winks to Jenny before smiling warmly and finishes the glasses then wipes down the counter*
  15. Replaces the broom and shakes out her skirts and hums softly as she lights more candles to dipel the gloom before moving behind the bar to wipe down the glasses.
  16. No worries at all, just absolutely glad I could assist.
  17. psssttt..Lady B over here...*Whispers in her ear..I did not say it William did, I just repeated what he said and made a big deal over it..*grins and huggles*
  18. http://lh4.ggpht.com/_TpgMbCAE1d4/SgeOXbyr...3I/89027164.jpg or
  19. To all the women out there who raise new pirates everyday I hope that your day is blessed. I hope that you take a day to do what YOU want to do and not what you need to do.
  20. Welcome aboard Galen! Tis nice to have another O'Keefe about *Grins*. Now as for the drink a Plunder Me Cherry with extra cherries please sir.
  21. Happiest of Natal Days to a fellow sister of the sea, I hope your day is wonderfully fun and filled with lots of pillagin! Have a great one Darlin!
  22. At the sound of gunfire Treasure leapt from where she reclined and towards the rail to better take in the Navarra. Nothing appeared to be amiss and yet something must be, but what. She gripped the rail watching as they closed distance on the Navarra and she could hear the Captain calling over. She could not see what transpired but felt the Dog slowly drift back to it's original state. Eager to see what had transpired she went to turn from the rail only to run into Moira who beckoned her back to work. Groaning she followed and was soon put back to work for the evening meal and that soon had her attension firmly affixed and the gunfire and what may or may not have happened far from her mind. At one point she flexed her spine hands to her lower back kneading and glanced up catching the cool regards of Antonio, tossing her head she glared at him then shifted around and went back to work self consciously feeling his eyes upon her.
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