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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. Ahoy Bunny long time no see, welcome back even for a visit as you have been missed. Hello William, May I have a small nibble of something if you do not mind overmuch?

  2. Siren was indeed thankful for the hot coffee and simple fare and even though ravenous ate slowly still looking out and pointing to Patrick the debris. She was sipping at the last of her coffee when she spotted another body and called down an alert..."Body off the starboard..Several barrels about him Sir!" She called down eyes warily scanning for more.

  3. I talked to a lass that creates and sews bodices and she refuses to use metal boning. She goes to home Depot and gets that thin heavy duty plastic they wrap your lumber with and uses that for boning. She swears by it. But the shelf Idea has merit. Need ot try that.

  4. The rain seemed endless but not as relentless as it had before easing some and calming somewhat seas that had been fercocious tossing the Watch Dog this way and that. Even the winds had screamed past her ears as she huddled ever alert, yet she had vastly enjoyed it. The rolling of the sea far below her, and at times held over for the ship had listed to and fro, had been both terrifying and filling her with an energy, effervescent and she nearly laughed aloud with delight. She loved a good storm but this had been her first time in the foremast during such an occurence and it had left her with a feeling that would not soon dissipate. But through it all she had kept a weather eye out for any and all things that could possibly be a threat. To keep from being tossed out she had sat keeping her legs through the openings and her hands on what passed for the rail, And she was vastly thankful it had not lightened much.

    Still she was drenched from head to toe and at times shivered from the bite of the winds and she watched with a keen eye the actions below her of her crewmates as they took in the wreck

  5. Awww Thanks Guys! *Huggles them all with joy and great fellowship* Indeed, I am improving. I recently have been re-evaluated and of course I started belly dancing again and my knee has actually gained more range f motion. Gained 18 degrees in two weeks time. My therapist was astounded. Just goes to show that with Prayer, good supportive friends and of course being a tiny bit stubborn can go a long way! Thank you all so very much from the bottom of my heart!!!!!!

  6. That is correct! I bought my bag today at work *Toys R Us* M&M Candies have now gone Pirate for PotC 2&3 .

    three bags

    White choclate known as Pirate Pearls

    Peanut- I forgot

    And Plain- Jack Sparrow something or other...

    Get your bag today..or tomorrow.

  7. :o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:P:P Arthur that is indeed funny. And yes I have tried all those things and the blighter recently sent me eight e-mails, but it says it's a dummy e-mail or somesuch. I just send all directly to junk mail and toss em! Have no room in me life for his sort of junk.
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