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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. *Gasps huffily* So not a heretic, I think I may have to cross blades with ye Will! *grins then laughs*

    As for A bony juicy salty popsickle---If my teeth touch a bone Im outta there, no cannabilism for me! *Wait that so did not sound right*

    And yes I know tis intestine but I like boudain too! Just don't tell me what it is afore I eat it. As for Bacon I just do not like the taste of it, and it's alwas limp. I like it crunchy just like my frenchfries, If it's limp I won't eat it.

  2. *Glares at William* And here I thought my confidences were secret. :lol:

    You should have rounded it off though by insisting this "Friend" Also does not eat any meat on a bone or with fat or gristle.

    This "friend' may sound weird but is a true "friend" And will most certainly back up her friends with all she has till her dying breath. Wethere this "friend' partakes of bacon or not. I did hear she likes Sausage though. *grins*

  3. *Grins at William then slowly approaches* Then consider your goodies Plundered! *Laughs* Ok well a piece or two anyways. For when Im over this cold.

  4. Ok Pardon my pun...How will getting into your chaps affect your ankle? I have two pairs of chaps One pair have ties and the second pair has a zipper and both are loose enough to get into.

    Second try liniment. If it works on the horses it will work on you too! :lol::lol:

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