Thanks and you have given me great information to go by. Callenish thanks for your offer and your info and I will start keeping his info and stuff and compile it. But I won't go to a potective order just yet cause it's more annoying at this point than terrifying.
I will admit I take turns between being freaked and then just being pissed at his antics. I just wonder how many other young ladies he is doing this too.
Hitman- Thanks and I will look into doing that right now..I had no idea msn offered such a thing. That will be wonderful to use.
PHil and Matt- Thanks for your words as well, I have no need to poke the Tiger as of yet and I do not think he is stupid enough to physically track me down. And he is not regular with his attempts, He can send me two im's a day and maybe twelve e-mails and then i do not hear from him for weeks, then he starts up again. Right now im just venting and gathering ideas and information which you guys have really helped with. However if he steps it up Then I will do some of those other things as well.
Sincerely Siren