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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. You should try the ones that once in your mouth the color fades and they turn to gold..*grins*
  2. Thanks and you have given me great information to go by. Callenish thanks for your offer and your info and I will start keeping his info and stuff and compile it. But I won't go to a potective order just yet cause it's more annoying at this point than terrifying. I will admit I take turns between being freaked and then just being pissed at his antics. I just wonder how many other young ladies he is doing this too. Hitman- Thanks and I will look into doing that right now..I had no idea msn offered such a thing. That will be wonderful to use. PHil and Matt- Thanks for your words as well, I have no need to poke the Tiger as of yet and I do not think he is stupid enough to physically track me down. And he is not regular with his attempts, He can send me two im's a day and maybe twelve e-mails and then i do not hear from him for weeks, then he starts up again. Right now im just venting and gathering ideas and information which you guys have really helped with. However if he steps it up Then I will do some of those other things as well. Sincerely Siren
  3. Your local Toys R Us has a few games. We have the Pirates of the Spainish Main and the new Davy Jones ones.. PotC Life, Battleship, Liars Dice, Chess and a new Treasure hunt game with DVD that is Potc related. This one runs $29.99 and comes with a free movie pass. *My eyes be on this one* We also have Potc books one of which has a spyglass like the old spymasters with a little cartride to insert showing screencaps..
  4. Well he can keep it. And he can quit contacting me.
  5. I don't know..I have it blocked and I won't open it. I have already turned these e-mails over to msn but he keeps returning... Bloody bilge rat!
  6. Here is one of his E-Mails..But it's to some site he keeps trying to get me to join. faisal Almuqnali <FaisalAlmuqnali@invitation.sms.ac> lord_maxes@hotmail.com The last says it's a dummy e-mail...and I cannot find the rest.
  7. Thanks Guys. And I know the colonel seems familiar..I just cannot place him. I could be wrong as he does not seem to know me..But still... And yes Im getting quite fed up with his antics, and his so called BIG surprises. he probably needs a magnifying glass to see it which is why tis so BIG!
  8. Christine that would be great..But I do not wish to bring anyone else into this quagmire other than by giving me options.
  9. As far as I know..No. Only yahoo offers the stealth..And I think the knew Aim Triton. But he is only tampering with my msn. And He is really beginning to annoy me.
  10. Well I do have to get on msn as my mother only has that one and is not computer savvy enough to get aim or yahoo. I have turned him in repeatedly so im hoping they will do something soon.
  11. Im trying to get that now. Just got Corel Painter IX trial version and im loving that..not the same thing I know..But still having fun.
  12. Phil you nut. That is funny! Still would like to shove his monitor up his ..well you know where and never have to worry about his childishness again. im too old to play these kinds of games.
  13. Nay I have not kept anything and do not know who he is. It was random, said he got my info off the net. i hardly log into msn anymore as that is where he hounds me..but he does love to send me junk mail.
  14. I wrote about this a while back...the guy sending me junk mail and so forth..Now he is contacting me over my im's. I block all of them and still he keeps coming. I swear if he calls me Cutie or Hot stuff one more time And tell me to get on web cam to see his BIG surprise Im going to Show him my BIG surprise. Think he would be scared if he saw me polishing my cutlass? Seriously im at my wits end.. Siren
  15. Heading there..Hopefully I can get on
  16. Laundry, My daughter has a playmate over...hubby just walked in and thinking about dinner..*sighs* Phil..I know very little about websites but I could try and help...
  17. Very Very nice! Too bad they could not get the hat as well...Now that would be quite an ensamble..Not that it isn't with just the coat. Still all i can say is..I want one!
  18. Good one Mad Jack.! I love the Pyrate Pooh. Very funny.. As for tv i do not watch much of it either. When I had cable i watched TLC and cmt and the old showtunes channel. Regular tv was Millenium, X-Files those were my faves. As for Vampyres..I like Anne Rice but I love Christine Feehan.
  19. *Scratches head* Say ye look somewhat familiar..Have I threatned ye before...Smee?
  20. Im sorry you do not feel so good darlin..im too far away to help you other than offer you a cyber hug
  21. awww...Huggles Christine and gets her a warm blanket...
  22. Thank You Lady Snow.... Hey for all our Paramedics, EMT's and other health professionals I found this forum...Mad Matt thought it might help you. EMTCity Let me know if it is of help...
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