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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Has to hold her sides from laughin so much as she enters wiping at her eyes.."The Sheep have sunk! Better go dry their fleece Eh boyos? And please could you count just one more time, I promise to interupt a lot!" Winks and goes to get a drink from Ray. Sits atop the bar and plucks at a cherry and glances about mirth still in her eyes. Acknowledges Mad Jack, Merry, Rumba, Silkie, Lady B, Tempest, Capt. Sterling and anyone else I may have missed
  2. My derby winner would have spewed oil so all the other little wooden cars would crash levaing me...THE WINNER!!!! *laughs diabolically* Oh wait..I cant be a cub scout or boy scout..Goes back to the bluebirds and girl scouts....
  3. Hey Will great pic of you and the wee one with Ol Capn Jack! Your daughter is adorable..how old is she?
  4. Thank Ye kindly William, So how have you been in my two week disappearance.
  5. Hello William tis good to be home finally. I have discovered I do not like flying much. I think I left my nail marks in the arm of the chair. So I would be honored if you could prepare something soothing for my rattled nerves.
  6. Plunder Me Cherry, Margarita and Mudslides.
  7. These sound great Will, Would you mind over much if I posted them on another site?
  8. Aye Capn William that Flag is great..never seen one with crossed cannons afore. William you are really awesome with design, My hats off to ye as well. But I love the last one you posted...Indeed I think that may be my Fave of all...
  9. Going to Mad Jacks house for Rum and the movie. Drat no monkey icon here..*Insert dancing monkey* We are going again when I return from california..My mother in law is driving five hours just to raid the theater with us and take pics and see peoples faces.. And of course i can see the movie yet again and look for things i missed. Love this movie..
  10. I think Tia Dalma is Davy Jones love, she wears a locket the same as the chest...Elizabeth and Will still get married, Norrington finds himself a lady and his position is returned..or maybe he just takes his lass and sails the sea, although he did still seem perturbed by Will and Liz...more so than the first movie let on. Jack..He needs to find hisself a girl and not Liz! Poor fellow only has a jar of dirt. But Im assuming the jar of dirt was to help Jack's Black Spot since DJ can not go on land except every 12 years. So the dirt and him being near to land somehomw holds the Black Spot at bay...or am I wrong?
  11. I Say that's a mighty Big Dance floor..Where will the band set up? It just gets better and better! Wonderful!
  12. I saw it last night, Sold out here as well. I did not think it was like the first at all, it was very diffrent to me. In fact I laughed more in this one and was on the edge of my seat in the really good parts. I would love to go see it at least two more times. The movie was GREAT!!!!!! *Norrington was very intresting in this film...*
  13. I too chose Pyrate but ye could always use Captain or avast..
  14. Just based on the previews I think this will be a hit and will be better than the first. I will not see it tonight however Friends that I work with, my "crew" as it were will attend Friday night at nine in full garb and pass out gold coins to the kiddies. I am on pins and needles to see this one and it will only whet my apetite to view the third one as well. To Pirates of the Caribbean 1, 2 and Three!
  15. William you and Tempest are making me hungry..Both sound so very good shall have to make each of those...
  16. Tilts herself back in her chair and eats her apple..."Thanks Doc, That be my fancy gear...*grins*"
  17. We did have a 20 foot fish and ski that was sold a while ago. I would love to have another. A yacht would be wonderful!
  18. They are very cool, However Lady B and I are wondering why they do not make a Sparrow and Barbossa body pillow..Those would sell like hotcakes, I would by one of each..*grins*
  19. Yep your local Toys R Us Has the latest accessories for your youngest Pyrate...Back Packs, lunch boxes and a whole set from a notebook to pencil sharpener and notepad with a ruler...The backpack comes with a sword and eye patch. Hurry afore they are all gone!
  20. Hello Blackthorn, And welcome to the Kate, Yer drink sounds intresting and as ye know I have a fondness for Cherries. So William tis your turn to post a good recipe.
  21. Very Nice and looks like fun, Does she have a Name Will?
  22. Hmm..This was sent to me by a good friend of mine... Pumpkin Cake 2 cu sugar 2 tsp baking powder 2 cu flour 2 tsp soda 1 cu oil 1 tsp. cinnamon 4 eggs 1 can pumpkin (16 oz) 1/2 tsp salt Icing 2(3oz) pkg. cream cheese 3/4 box of powdered sugar 1 stick margarine Mix all ingredients except pumpkin, together. Add pumpkin last. Pour into a 13 x 9 oblong pan that has been greased and floured or sprayed with cooking spray. Bake at 350 degrees for about 34 minutes. Test for doneness. Allow cake to cool completely before icing. Mix softened cream cheese and margarine with powdered sugar and vanilla. Beat until smooth. Iced cake may be refrigerated and served cool. I like to bake the cake ahead and freeze it. When ever I need a dessert quickly, I just make the icing and ice. It's so good I can't stop eating it until it's all gone. I hope you will enjoy making it as well as eating.
  23. To Tempest's Mother...Well said M'Lady, Well said.
  24. indeed..Thank ye Rumba..Hey Merry Im a fellow Plunder Bunny too, Even have a cottontail..
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